Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Current Event #12: Individual Topic of Your Choice

Current Event #12
Due: Friday, November 30, 2012

The topic for this week's current event blog assignment is one of your choice. Please refrain from using any sports or entertainment articles for your current event. Be sure to use a current and reputable information source to find an article that interests you. Your post should adhere to the following format:

What You Will Do:

1) Heading/ Be sure to include the following in your blog post:
-Your name/class period
-Title of article/author
-Source/date of article
-URL (copy and paste your article link in your response for me to review your article)

2) Paragraph #1:
-Your summary of your selected article (minimum of 5-7 sentences that provide details about who/what, when, where, and why your current event is significant to the study of World History) 

3) Paragraph #2:
-Your reflection/opinion of article (minimum of 5-7 sentences)
-Give supporting facts and include any personal experiences associated with the article
-Relate the current event to what we've been studying in class (if applicable)
-Pose questions/concerns about the event of your choice for others to consider

4) Lastly, select one other current event from another student, to read and provide appropriate feedback by replying to their post. This will begin an interactive component to our on-line blog for future assignments.  

Monday, November 19, 2012

Current Event #11:The Pros and Cons of Thanksgiving

This 18th century illustration of the first Thanksgiving didn't depict reality, many Native Americans say.

Current Event #11: The Pros and Cons of Thanksgiving
Due: Friday, November 23rd, 2012
Thanksgiving: A time of reflecting on all of the events and times one has encountered during the course of the year(s). It is a time when most of the world finds the time to gather with their loved ones and enjoy the company of one another. Thanksgiving day marks a period where the traditional holiday meal consists of a full course meal, including a carved turkey, a host of baked sweets, etc. We often find other activities coinciding as a result of this holiday, such as the BLACK FRIDAY (Day after Thanksgiving) retail sales and putting up Christmas decorations, to name a few. However, what does this day mean for some who don't quite have this same perspective, namely Native Americans. From a historical point of you, let's take a look back in hindsight, to read and define the origin of this revered national holiday.

What you will do:

You will visit the following link: http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/24/thanksgiving-is-some-native-americans-day-of-mourning/?hpt=us_bn1 , this will take you to the CNN article entitled: Thanksgiving is some Native Americans' "Day of Mourning". You are assigned to read this article to gather varying opinions surrounding the celebration of Thanksgiving. Upon reading the selection, I want you to begin formulating your own personal pros and cons about this celebrated day and discuss each in specific detail as you write your first paragraph(s). Provide examples of how you and your family celebrated Thanksgiving, and also a few family traditions performed.

Within the next 2-3 paragraphs, discuss how this article may or may not have changed the way you look at the way we celebrate this holiday. Express your thoughts/opinions based on the individuals mentioned in the article as to whether you feel Native Americans were wronged. Also provide a position in regards to the European settlers exploring new lands in America to create colonies. Let's examine the origin of the day set aside to give thanks to the yearly harvests of our hard labor!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Current Event #10:Opinion/Every day should be Veterans Day?

Current Event #10: Opinion: Every day should be Veterans Day
Due: Friday, November 16th, 2012

Veterans Day was celebrated on Sunday, November 11th this year, with America recognizing it as a major federal holiday Monday. We salute the men and women who willingly sacrifice their lives on behalf of all fellow Americans worldwide. As you will find most veterans don't always ask for help because of them having a lot of pride. However, we still have to find ways of showing our appreciation to the many lives that have supported our military efforts and defended our country’s safety.

What You Will Do:

1) Students will read the CNN article discussing the importance of Veteran’s Day and how one can help a respected war veteran. http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/09/us/iyw-veterans-day/index.html?iref=allsearch

2) Do you know someone who is currently serving in the military or who has actively served our country in the armed forces? If so, be sure to give supporting facts and include any personal experiences by identifying the soldier, your relation or connection to the soldier, any war stories shared, the name of war the soldier fought in, etc., so we can properly acknowledge the heroism of the soldier during this time of celebrations and memorials.

3) List and explain a variety of  ways that you/we can honor our war veterans every day of the year.  If you or someone you know are supporting or have supported a soldier in the past, explain in detail how you or someone you know has helped in supporting military soldiers over throughout the past or within the present years.


***Remember to answer all of your questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Current Event #9: Legal Age To Vote

Current Event #9: Legal Age To Vote

Due: Friday, November 9th, 2012

The right to vote is one of the most important liberties that can be accorded to the individual in a democratic country. In the history of the world there have been many stories about the sacrifices made by our ancestors in order for them to give us the liberty of speaking our minds through a vote.

After many years of struggle voting has become a right that can be exerted by every man and woman that has reached the right age. There is such a thing as a right age for voting because it must be done by an individual that holds the intellectual capability of understanding the consequences of the vote he or she casts. An individual must be able to make a decision that is right on which the future of a country could depend on.

The legal age for voting differs in some countries, but the majority agrees with young men and women who reach the age of 18 to be allowed to vote. In the past the right to vote was granted at the age of 21 but the limit was lowered to 18 and some countries are even debating lowering it even more.

In the United States of America the legal age is 18. But there is an exception to this rule that allows persons who have 17 years old to vote if they are to turn 18 on or before the general election day. This however is only applicable in some states.

Most countries around the world maintain the 18 year old rule. Cuba, Brazil, Nicaragua and Austria allow voting at 16. In the Seychelles and Sudan 17 is the legal age. South Korea has a legal voting age of 19 and Japan of 20. Bolivia, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Dominica, Djibouti, Fiji, Kuwait and Lebanon allow their citizen to vote at the age of 21.


What You Will Do:

1) Read the CNN article entitled Argentina drops its voter age to 16 found at the following link: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/10/31/world/americas/argentina-youth-vote/index.html?hpt=ila_c2 .

2) Based on your reading of the information regarding the official voting ages around the world and the content found in the CNN article, you will formulate your thoughts and opinions on the age parameters set for voting in the United States.

3) Do you agree or disagree with the current voting age set for citizens in the United States? Should the age criteria remain the same or should they change based upon the intellectual attributes that you and your peer group could bring to the table? Explain in detail.

4) The Argentina voting article made mention of the fact that, "the worst social problem in Argentina is the youth. Education is worse. The consumption of drugs is worse. Employment is worse. Things like teen pregnancy, they are much worse than they were at the beginning of this government, and now the government has discovered them and they say, we are going to vote". If you were granted the opportunity today to vote based on political campaign debate speeches and other media driven plows to capture voter's action at the ballots, would you vote to solve issues such as the ones listed in this quote? Why or why not?

***Remember to answer all of your questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***