Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Current Event #22 The Iraq War 10 Years Later: Was it Really Worth Fighting?

Current Event #22
The Iraq War 10 Years Later: Was it Really Worth Fighting?
PHOTO: U.S. Marines pull down a statue of Saddam Hussein in the centre of Baghdad on April 9, 2013. 
Sean Smith/Getty Images  U.S. Marines pull down a statue of Saddam Hussein in the center of Baghdad April 9, 2003.  
Due: Friday, March 22nd 2013

The week of March 17 marks the 10-year anniversary of the war in Iraq, when a U.S.-led coalition invaded the country to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.The war succeeded in removing a despotic regime, but sparked years of sectarian strife in the Middle Eastern nation and regional upheaval, while the U.S. and its allies also felt the repercussions of a battle thousands of miles away.

A decade on from the conflict, America is keen to hear from those who were involved, from Iraqis themselves and people in neighboring countries, to the military who served in battle (and those they left behind), to charity workers and contractors who worked in Iraq at this time.

What You Will Do

Students should visit the following link:
to view footage highlighting the 10 year anniversary of the Iraq War. Students should read the articles and watch the videos, to learn about a war which divided a country over its existence. Students should also answer the following questions in full details to express their point of views.

1)      Ten years later, what do you think the Iraq war has changed in you, your family, and in our country?

2)     Was the Iraq War worth fighting and was it a victory for the United States?

***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***

Monday, March 4, 2013

Current Event #21: "The Bully Effect"

Current Event #21: "The Bully Effect"

A bully may back off when his target fights back, but will he learn a lesson?
Due: Friday, March 8th, 2013

In recent news coverage, “Bullying” has been a major topic being addressed across the country, in many schools and other public venues. CNN’s correspondent, Anderson Cooper of AC360, has been instrumental in highlighting a new documentary called, “The Bully Effect”, by Lee Hirsch. This documentary provides snapshots of children and their parents dealing with trying to overcome the violence and cruelty of bullying. Within our current society, bullying has taken on some severe measures, including cyber-bullying which extends beyond the initial physical and verbal aspect as we once knew. Within this documentary, one will find various eye-opening situations and experiences which provide a back drop for a need to further the elimination of such actions. I strongly encourage you to watch this documentary to become enlightened and aware of this nationwide epidemic.

What You Will Do:

Students will read the article and select any of the clips found at the link provided to obtain information regarding the topic of bullying being addressed:

1)      As a student of CHHS, have you encountered or witnessed any forms of bullying (verbal, physical, cyber-bullying, etc.) or know of anyone being bullied? If so, which kind have you seen as the most prevalent and what strategies or suggestions can you provide to further the campaign of eliminating this type of bullying in schools?

2)      How might someone being bullied seek help or assistance, instead of contemplating about drastic measures, to end the harm and humiliation being done to them?

3)      If you knew of someone being bullied or knew someone who bullies individuals, would you inform the proper authorities; or continue to allow injustices take place? Explain your position in specific detail.

***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***