Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Current Event #8: Government Invades 
American Citizens Right to Privacy

Due: Friday, November 2nd, 2012

A recent issue surrounding the rights of American citizens privacy has come into play at the federal government level as it concerns to wiretapping. Known as the FISA Amendments Act, the arguing plaintiffs state that this particular act allows the government to target people without any suspicion of wrongdoing. This in turn, brings up the question of whether or not an invasive program as such will be subject to any meaningful judicial review. This makes many fearful that if no regulations or checks and balances are placed on government officials, from monitoring phone/email records, the privacy of many non-threatening citizens will be violated and subjected. 

What You Will Do:

Read the CNN article found at the following address link to respond to the following questions: http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/29/opinion/jaffer-abdo-wiretapping/index.html?hpt=op_t1.

1) How do you feel about the government having the ability to access the phone and email records of citizens found guilty of wrongdoing as well as non-threatening individuals in attempts to obtaining personal information? 

2) Should there be judicial review conducted on government officials to protect the privacy of American citizens from being taken advantage of? If so why, and to what degree do you suggest conducting an audit and who should be apart of this judicial review committee?

3) Do you foresee a major shift or change in the way people will utilize their communication devices, if the government wins this case, which will truly end the privacy of all citizens' phone/email records from being wiretapped? By chance, does this debate issue cause you to rethink your communication correspondences with the individuals you call, text, or send emails to?

***Remember to answer all of your questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***

Monday, October 22, 2012

Current Event #7: Individual Topic of Your Choice

Current Event #7: 

Due: Friday, October 26, 2012

The topic for this week's current event blog assignment is one of your choice. Please refrain from using any sports or entertainment articles for your current event. Be sure to use a current and reputable information source to find an article that interests you. Your post should adhere to the following format:

What You Will Do:

1) Heading/ Be sure to include the following in your blog post:
-Your name/class period
-Title of article/author
-Source/date of article
-URL (copy and paste your article link in your response for me to review your article)

2) Paragraph #1:
-Your summary of your selected article (minimum of 5-7 sentences that provide details about who/what, when, where, and why your current event is significant to the study of World History) 

3) Paragraph #2:
-Your reflection/opinion of article (minimum of 5-7 sentences)
-Give supporting facts and include any personal experiences associated with the article
-Relate the current event to what we've been studying in class (if applicable)
-Pose questions/concerns about the event of your choice for others to consider

4) Lastly, select one other current event from another student, to read and provide appropriate feedback by replying to their post. This will begin an interactive component to our on-line blog for future assignments.     

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Current Event #6: Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid

Current Event #6: Pakistan's Malala: Global symbol, but still just a kid

Due: Friday, October 19th, 2012

Fourteen year-old, Malala Yousufzai has been highlighted in the news across the world recently because of a recent outbreak of violence against her by a member of the Taliban. Malala's father, an educator, taught her to stand up for her rights. In 2009, the Taliban issued an edict that all girls in her region be banned from schools. Malala spoke out, blogged and appeared in a documentary, refusing to follow their orders, which resulted in her recent tragedy.

On Tuesday, October 9, while coming home from school in a van with other schoolchildren, Taliban assassins stopped the vehicle, climbed aboard and demanded that the children identify Malala. Terrified, the children identified her and the men fired, shooting Malala in the head and neck and also wounding two other girls. As of Monday night, she was in Great Britain receiving top medical care from an international team of doctors.

Unfortunately, spokespersons have stated that the Taliban would come for her again if she manages to survive. 

What You Will Do

1) Students should read the article posted by, Ashley Fantz, at the CNN's website and view any of their videos in order to respond appropriately to the following questions in complete, detailed sentences in paragraph form.

2) Share your personal thoughts regarding this unfortunate situation involving a student within your peer/age group that has succumbed to such a violent tragedy?

3) Reflect on your personal stance of standing up for what you believe in. Does this story change the way you now or will take a stand as a leader on certain topics/issues in society or within your local community?

4) If you could write a short personal note to Malala, what message of hope and/or encouragement would you give during this time in her life? 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Current Event #5: A New School of Thought in China

Current Event #5: A New School of Thought in China
Due: Friday, October 12th 

This week we are taking a look at the current state of schools and learning in China. Education is constantly changing as we speak to benefit students of today toward being productive 21st Century citizens. The United States continues to raise its concerns to better prepare our students to achieve academic success in order to compete globally with other countries around the world. As you read the Time Magazine article by Austin Ramzy, be sure to make any comparisons or differences between yourself as a current American student to the Chinese students mentioned.   

What You Will Do:
Read the Time Magazine article discussing the first class of students at Xing Wei, a liberal-arts college in Shanghai, China. http://www.xingwei.edu.cn/En/SubNews/6a200559db8b7bdd.shtml

Answer the following questions in complete details to express your opinions based on the information presented in the article.

1.  Students in China have to undergo the gaokao, which is an all-important multi-day examination that determines where all Chinese students go to college and even what subjects they can study. Should there be such an enormous emphasis placed on students to pass high stakes tests in order to decide their future learning and training?

      2.  How does the educational system in China differ from education reform in the United States? (Ex.: PSAT/SAT/ACT testing, new common core standards, teaching critical thinking skills, etc.)
L    3.  Lu Fang, Vice President of Fudan University in Shanghai stated that, "Highly specialized education often ignores ethical, cultural and moral values.....Along with a lack of humanity, some students are missing a sense of social responsibility."  Explain how each of these components (ethical, cultural, and moral values) have been or are evident in your current/past school curriculum to ensure that you will have a sense of social responsibility.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Current Event #4: Indus Valley/Deja Vu?

Current Event #4: Indus Valley
Deja Vu?
People flee flooded areas in Shahdadkot, Sindh province, Pakistan, on September 28.
People flee flooded areas in Shahdadkot, Sindh province, Pakistan, on September 28.

Due: Friday, October 5th 

In class, we have learned about the ancient Indus Valley civilizations and how archaeologists speculate that the disappearance of the Harappan twin capitals may have been the result of natural disasters such as flooding or a shifting of the plate tectonics  Thousands of years later, recent reports show how the country's notable monsoons have tragically threatened the lives and land of its people. This week our current event centers around the devastation which the wet monsoons in Pakistan has caused.

What you will do:

and watch the following video to see a first hand account of the tragedy to begin forming your thoughts. 

Secondly, respond to the questions below in complete, detailed sentence, paragraphs to express your thoughts and opinions.

1. In comparison to the notable hurricanes of New Orleans, what similarities (i.e. displacement of villagers, structural damages, loss of life/crops/resources, injuries, etc.) can be drawn to compare with the recent monsoons which have occurred in Pakistan?

2. Geographically speaking, what might be possible measures or solutions the residents of Pakistan can take to perhaps secure a better structurally sound defense against the continuum of yearly floods? Provide examples of methods used by other places past and present.

3.The video features footage of the catastrophic disaster and reports that the residents have not received any aid/help or the solicitation from any government officials. How would you respond to such a calamity if you were placed in a leadership role at this time?