Current Event # 16
Due: Friday, February 10, 2012

The topic for this week's current event blog assignment is your choice. The topic must revolve around a topic in history which focuses on something currently happening the world of politics, education, government, etc. Please refrain from using sports or entertainment articles. Make sure to use a current and reputable source (not Wikepedia) and find an article that interests you. Your post should adhere to the following format:
Heading/ Be sure to include the following in your blog post:
-Your name/class period
-Title of article/author
-Source/date of article
-URL (copy and paste your article link in your response for me to review your article)
Paragraph #1:
-Summary of your selected article (minimum of 5-7 sentences that provide detail about who/what, when, where, and why your current event is significant)
Paragraph #2:
-Reflection/Opinion of article (minimum of 5-7 sentences)
-Give supporting facts and include any personal experiences associated with the article
-Relate the current event to what we've been studying in class (if applicable)
-pose questions/concerns about the event
Heading/ Be sure to include the following in your blog post:
-Your name/class period
-Title of article/author
-Source/date of article
-URL (copy and paste your article link in your response for me to review your article)
Paragraph #1:
-Summary of your selected article (minimum of 5-7 sentences that provide detail about who/what, when, where, and why your current event is significant)
Paragraph #2:
-Reflection/Opinion of article (minimum of 5-7 sentences)
-Give supporting facts and include any personal experiences associated with the article
-Relate the current event to what we've been studying in class (if applicable)
-pose questions/concerns about the event
Heather Fowler
ReplyDelete2nd period
Man, 2 sons dead; mystery of mom's disappearance lingers
Josh Powell, a suspect in the disappearance of Susan Cox-Powell killed himself and his two sons in a house fire on Sunday. Police believe it was an intentionally set fire, due to a bitter custody dispute with his wife’s parents. Before dying, Powell sent out emails to his attorney, relatives, and friends saying: “I’m sorry. Goodbye.” Josh Powell was the only suspect for the 2009 disappearance case. Now we may never know what actually happened to Susan Cox-Powell.
I think it’s terrible what Josh Powell did. To be able to kill his wife and then his own kids three years later; he must have been a very narcissistic person. He took the easy way out by killing himself and killing both of his kids that could have given authorities information. Instead of facing the consequences, he conducted a murder-suicide and killed two perfectly innocent boys. Now all evidence is lost in the case, and authorities will never know for certain who killed Susan.
Huibo Qi/2
ReplyDeletePETA’s killer whale ‘enslavement’ lawsuit goes to court/CNN Wire Staff
This article is about PETA’s lawsuit against SeaWorld for enslavement of marine mammals. Mostly directed toward the whales, PETA stated that the 13th amendment abolished slavery; according to them, the amendment did not state whether it was meant for humans alone, and whales performing tricks are “enslaved” by mankind. The lawsuit seeks an order to release the whales “from bondage” and to have a legal guardian find the animals a suitable habitat. SeaWorld calls the lawsuit a “baseless, offensive publicity stunt”, adding that SeaWorld parks "are fully accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums" with legal permission to display marine mammals. SeaWorld statement concludes that PETA prefer publicity stunts to the hard work of caring, rescuing, and helping animals.
Upon reading this article, I have to agree with SeaWorld; it appears that PETA is overreacting because SeaWorld had legal permission to display their animals. I do not consider it slavery because the animals are not held against their will. I myself have been to SeaWorld before, and the caretakers seem very loving, and in turn, the whales seem to be content. From these caretakers, I also learned that they always ask the whale if they would like to perform the rigorous tricks; this is not considered slavery in the slightest, since the whales are not being forced into service, or involuntary servitude; I think this makes the 13th amendment invalid for the lawsuit
Abu S
ReplyDelete1st Period
One dead, dozens injured in fifth day of Egypt clashes
Violent clashes have still been going on near the ministry of Egypt. The clash today left one person dead from a gunshot wound, and 72 people injured from shrapnel, explosions and shockwaves. Ministers are saying that they would prefer the police to use real bullets instead of rubber bullets because that would have a bigger impact on the protestors. Last Wednesday over 80 people were killed at riots at a soccer game. Mainly from suffocation while trying to leave the stadium.
I think that the ministers are provoking something that they cannot handle. Do they really think complaining about NOT using real bullets is the smartest thing to do? It is the stupidest thing to do. Using real bullets would not only kill more people and cause several more injuries, it would provoke the healthy people to riot more. If my brother was shot by a real bullet in a clash by the police, i would most certainly feel more anger as to if he were to be shot by a rubber bullet.
Elijah Moore
A few days ago Harry "Mike" Ainsworth became a local hero of New Orleans giving up his life for a neighbor. Mike was standing with his kids at the bus stop when he heard his neighbor scream for help. The neighbor was in her car and was being carjacked while held at gunpoint. Mike ran and shielded the endangered neighbor but was shot in the chest. The carjacker was able to flee from the scene while Mike staggered and died with his sons next to him.
While reading this article the author brings up very important topics and questions. Saying that it takes courage to risk your life for someone other than a close family member and that he would not be able to do such a thing. I for one is very inspired by Mike but I also am not sure I could got so far to save another's life. But I did ask myself one thing, "If I could save one person from death and take their place, who would it be?"
Caroline Liu 5th period
ReplyDeleteCourage of Man Does Not Surprise His Friends
Danny Monteverde
Wednesday January 25, 2012, started like any other school day for Harry "Mike" Ainsworth. He dropped his two boys, aged 9 and 11, at their bus stop around 7 a.m., gave them a warm goodbye and began to walk back home. But the morning turned tragic when Ainsworth was shot to death after he jumped on the hood of car to try to stop a carjacking. Police said the incident began when the shooter walked up to a woman who was sitting in a gray Saturn preparing to leave for work. The man knocked on the window and asked for the time. When she turned, the man pulled out a black handgun and demanded she get out of the vehicle. She did, and the gunman got in and closed the door. When Ainsworth saw what was happening, he jumped on the car's hood. The gunman then shot Ainsworth and abandoned the vehicle. The two children, seeing all of this happen, rushed to their father's side, only to watch him take his final breath.
After reading this story, I was nearly in tears. No children, no matter what age, should have to watch a loved one painfully die in front of them. This article, out of many others, shows just how crime can happen anywhere and should be prevented. The main way, I believe, is tightening gun control. Yes, I understand that it is part of the Constitution, but that was made hundreds of years ago when society was different from today. Tightening gun control could prevent heartless crimes like these.
The notion that criminals get their guns legally is ridiculous. In most American cities, handguns can only be legally acquired if you work in a high-risk profession, someone who deals with criminals regularly. Tightening gun control, while it would certainly help in cases like that of Richard Poplawski (,2933,512560,00.html) would not affect the vast majority of violent criminals who acquire their weapons illegally. I do believe that gun control should be tightened on assault weapons, but if a man wants to own a weapon, then he has a constitutional right to do so.
DeleteThe problem is not with access to weapons - if I put a gun in front of you, can I make you pick it up, cock it, and kill someone else? The problem lies in people, not in rules.
Ian McKeown
ReplyDelete5th period
CNN wire staff
This article is talking about the controversial ruling on proposition 8 in California and the ruling on it being biased due to the judges situation and effects from passing the bill. The bill is about the legalization of gay marriage in California. The bill was originally passed which banned gay marriage, but the bill was overturned in court and gay marriage became legal. The court order was very quickly protested because the judge was publicly known as a homosexual. Many believed that this was a conflict of interests. However another court case later the bill remained overturned. millions are outraged.
This is the perfect example of what is wrong with America these days. People all around the world are being denied their constitutional rights because a bunch of bible bangers and non-tolerant people are saying that they don’t deserve to have those rights because it is wrong in their opinion. People will always be afraid of the unknown. I am not saying everyone should be a homosexual before being against gay marriage, i am saying that we need to be more accepting in our society of those with different lifestyles. I think that gay marriage should be 100% legal and that anyone who is against it is simply robbing people of their rights. Gay marriage should be embraced and legal throughout this country if not the world. If gay marriage isn’t legal, why are anti-gay religions tolerable? We don’t need to worry about the judge being biased, we need to worry about our own opinions being biased by religion or personal history
Jeanie Stouffer
Florence green died on Feb. 4th, 2011 in Britian at the age of 110. She was born on Feb. 19th, 1901. Florence green was the last WWI veteran to ever be alive. She served in the woman’s royal air force as a waitress in eastern England for two months. A researcher found her service record in Britain’s national archives. She was recognized as a veteran in 2010.
I am glad she was recognized because she lived for 110 years. Not many people can say that! Also, she was a typical girl in the war. We do not hear about all of the people who served in WWI. Everyone deserves a little attention from the media. It is sad that she died, but she did live for a long time, and that is what counts.
Bryan Zhang- 5th period
Teen dies climbing Durham electrical tower
This article is talking about a teenage boy that died two weeks ago climbing an electrical tower in Durham. The incident happened near Jordan High School, where this teenager’s body was found. It was reportedly that there were a couple of friends involved in the incident, daring him to climb it, when he shouldn’t have. I’ve known this kid for 5 years, for he was my doubles partner. There was a sign that said, “Danger, Keep away, High Voltage.” When I read this news, I was heartbroken. I couldn’t imagine someone feeling this. Being high up on a tower, then getting shocked by a voltage of 10,000 watts, is truly indescribable.
This news was very tragic. His name was Blake Hubbard, and he will be dearly missed. I cannot imagine what his parents were thinking as they heard this news. Police investigated the scene and said it was accidental. He will be stuck in my head forever. This moment can also be a time of learning, because whatever things you shouldn’t be doing will have consequences. If I were a person that got dared to do something dangerous, I would think of the choices that I would make and how my life is more precious than the pleasure of others. Blake will be missed, but never forgotten to all his friends, family, and classmates.
Roy Huang - 2nd period
This article is about a father, Josh Powell, killing himself and his two sons in a house explosion. He had recently divorced his wife, and was not able to keep either of his children. In a supervised visit from his wife and sons, Powell grabbed his two children inside and slammed the door. His wife frantically called the police with the house smelling of gasoline. He had recently emailed his sister stating "I can't live without my sons". Powell sent a goodbye message to his boss, before creating the explosion to kill himself and his 5 and 7 year old sons.
I think this event is very grotesque and horrific. Because he could not keep either of his sons after a divorce, he decided that life was not worth living anymore. But not only did he choose to kill himself, he wanted to murder his two boys as well. I think that his sister should have done something when she began to get disturbing messages from him. She could have warned his ex-wife from visiting Powell with her kids. What I wish for is a way to somehow prevent these types of events from happening before they do.
Vatsal Parikh
ReplyDelete2nd period
Title-Is Obama Peaking Too Early?
Author-David Chalian
Date-February 8th, 2012
I read this article called 'Is Obama Peaking Too Early?' and after reading it, now I know that it is about how people are wondering if it is good for President Obama's reelection chances because he is doing so good this month. This month, President Obama is doing very good because analysts say that hypothetically he leads Mitt Romney 51% to 45%. At a first look glance, this might seem as if it is good for the President but some analysts believe otherwise. These people believe that President Obama is showing all his good ideas too early because the election is 9 months away. In this period of time, his supporters can still change their minds because they might forget because it is a long time and he still has some issues that people are not supporting him the most on. These include his job creations and handling the economy that he has done in his first term. I do not know who I want to win the presidential election yet but I think that the analysts might be right about him peaking too early.
Kefu Zhu
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
Israel’s president recently gave a message of peace to the people of Iran. An elder statesman named Shimon Peres says that “We were not born enemies and there is no need to live as enemies”. A spokesman for Peres said that Israel and Iran used to have good relations, and that Peres had fond memories of Iran. However, he said that the Iranian nuclear program “Is not only a threat for Israel, it constitutes a real danger to humanity as a whole.” All this was during the recent US and UN sanctions on Iran, attempting to stop them from creating nuclear weapons. The US was also concerned that Israel was going to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.
I think this is good news. Tensions have been high in the region, and Iran’s nuclear program didn’t help matters, and neither did their assertions that they were not creating weapons. Tensions have only grown higher with the sanctions, and Iran stood through it all. I think that this message of peace is a good thing for the region, especially since both sides are on the brink of war. We don’t need the Holy Land to be destroyed and become the “Holey Land”.
"The Big Bellweather Swings for Florida"
ReplyDeleteThe Economist, February 4th
I read an article in The Economist about Mitt Romney's recent successes in the quest for Republican nomination as presidential candidate. As you probably know, Mr. Romney lost narrowly to Santorum in Iowa (after a recount), won in New Hampshire, and lost heavily to Newt Gingrich in South Carolina. His landslide Florida victory has taken him from a three-way tie to first by a large margin. Romney has heavily outspent all of his opponents so far; a pro-Romney super-PAC, Restore our Future, has raised more than twice the funds of Gingrich's PAC, Winning our Future.
In my opinion, Mr. Romney is the only candidate capable of beating the incumbent, President Obama. Despite the allegations by other candidates and by far-right media figures that he is insufficiently conservative for his stances on gay marriage and other hot-topic issues, Romney's appeal is far more widespread than any other Republican candidate.
Parker Larson
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
My article was based on the group anonymous, and more specifically them attacking the Boston police website (not really an attack but a pathetic pestering). They were frustrated with the Boston law enforcement for there “crackdown” on protestors. The group anonymous is famous for its hacks of big websites too like the government’s or Sony’s and even master cards. They recently have been more active to try and veto the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). This will regulate not just the illegal pirating, but mere online small copyright infringements.
I do not think much on the actual attack on the website, but as a whole, anonymous could be a problem. They give “average Joes” the tools to hack websites. I used to have respect for them, but now that they have defended occupy, I do not. And I am definitely angered with the fact they shut down the playstation network for a few months. Rumor has it, because of Sony’s approval of SOPA, they will do it again.
Kat Westover
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
CNN Monday February 6 2012
My article was about Josh Powell killing his two sons. In 2009, Powell was a suspect in the disappearance of his wife, Susan Cox-Powell. On Monday a fire broke out at Powell’s house in Washington, and after discovering the bodies it was reported that both kinds, one 7 and the other 5, suffered hatchet wounds before dying of carbon monoxide. Powell was in a custody fight with Susan’s parents over the kids. It is significant because we may never know what happened to Susan and two innocent children died. The grandparent reported that the children were starting to say things like “Mommy’s in the mine” before they were killed. It is thought that the kids were reaching the age where they could tell what had happened to their mother. Before the fire, Powell donated all of his sons’ toys to charity and sent goodbye emails to multiple peoples.
I believe that this is a terrible thing to happen. Powell killed his entire family when they did nothing to him. We may never know what happened to Susan, and I feel terrible for her parents and sister, who lost not only her but her two sons as well. It is terrifying that something like this could happen in the United States. Powell must have been very unstable to do something like this, and no one ever did anything. The kids should have been better protected if Powell was suspected of murdering his wife. The kids had said strange things about their mother and started distancing themselves from their father, and no authority said that the kids needed to be in a safer environment. This makes me feel less safe, knowing that something this horrible could happen again in the United States.
Carolyn Deutsch
ReplyDelete2nd period
A Father Gave His Life For a Neighbor
February 3, 2012 CNN
As Harry Ainsworth waited with his two sons ages 9 and 11 for their bus, he heard a woman scream. Harry looked to see a woman being carjacked. Harry ran over and jumped on the hood of the car to help his neighbor, but the carjacker had a gun and shot Harry in the chest. The man ran away and left Harry behind dying. A short time later before help could come, Harry died there with his two sons.
This article was incredibly sad, I think that it Harry Ainsworth deserves a lot of respect for what he did. I think that things like this could be prevented if it was harder for people to own guns, so many people use them for horrible things I think that lives could be saved if it was more difficult to get them.
Sophie Kahn
ReplyDelete“New Nuclear Reactors Set To Be OK’d For Georgia” By Steve Hargreaves
CNN February 8, 2012
For the first time in 30 years, the NRC approved of two new nuclear reactors to be made in Georgia, which are to be a safer version of the ones previously made. Nuclear reactors throughout the US supply 20 percent of our nation’s power, but half of them are over 30 years old. The new reactors are supposed to cost about 14 billion dollars and provide 2200 megawatts of power, which will power about one million homes. However, even though these reactors are said to save money, they are still deemed dangerous. The AP 1000, the newest design, has a different kind of way to cool the fuel rods, but it isn’t strong enough to protect against any terrorist attacks. Many environmental companies are protesting against building the new reactors, and they are encouraging the NRC to postpone their decision.
This article interested me because it told me both sides of the story. Building these reactors would be quite dangerous, but it also could provide suitable energy to our homes. Personally, I don’t think that they should be built, because I don’t believe that nuclear power is a reliable source in our country. It’s far too dangerous to put our lives in danger and risk nuclear energy. I think that if they decide to go through with the decision, they should create a way to make sure the reactors are protected in a way so that they won’t be in danger of a terrorist attack. Of course, there is no way to find a 100 percent accurate method, but there are ways to make the possible attack chance lower, and I think this is what should happen if there is to be new reactors.
Peter Williams
Period 5
The article I read is about Russian scientists finally getting to a huge freshwater lake underneath antarctica. It took them 20 years of drilling but I think it will be worth it in the future. Lake Vostov has been isolated for over 20 million years and can help us learn many important things.
It can give us clues to what life forms lived there during and before the ice age. Also, studying the organisms found in Lake Vostov could give us clues about life on other planets with similar conditions. Such as underneath the polar icecaps of Mars of on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
Lake Vostov is about two and a half miles beneath the surface of Antarctica, it is 160 miles long an 30 miles wide at its longest.
Nate Bolon
ReplyDelete5th Period
I read an article about how a woman from New York is suing the city of west brighton for 900 trillion dollars. yes, $900,000,000,000,000. That would be enough to repay the national debt dozens of times over. in fact, it is over fifty times the gross national income of the United States. Why would anyone be suing for that much? Apparently, it is because her children were put in foster care because she is deemed mentally unstable.
I think that while her idea may seem crazy, it actually is a very good way to call attention to her case so that the media knows about it. also, she probably is very mad because she is a mother and probably loves her kids very much so she would be mad if they were taken from her.
She's clearly mad if she is suing for that amount of money
DeleteSadie Frank, 1st Period
ReplyDeleteArticle: Atlanta anti-obesity ads 'risk child stigma'
Source: BBC World News
My article was about how a children's health hospital is running a series of ads about ending childhood obesity that some people fear may increase a stigma around obesity. The portray children with obesity in a very negative light. Various organizations are trying to get the hospital to take them down. So far, the hospital hasn't wanted to.
I agree mostly with the activists about the ads. Anti-obesity ads are important, but these ads are taking it a little too far. One ad reads 'It's hard to be a little girl if you're not.' I don't agree with that. I understand how obesity can impact a childhood, but I think that everyone can be a child, despite their size. I think the hospital should take down these ads and make new ones that are a little gentler.
Julia Haines
ReplyDelete1st pd.
“Home-Schoolers Are Hoping to Don Varsity Jackets in Virginia” by Jere Longman
New York Times, February 8th 2012
This article was about how in Virginia, they are trying to pass a bill that would let homeschoolers play on highschool sports teams. It focuses on a kid named Patrick Foss, who is a homeschooled 17 year old boy who wants to play on the local highschool’s fottball team. He claims that since his parents pay the same taxes as the kids next door, he should be allowed to. Last Wednesday the House of Delegates in the Virginia General Assembly ruled to pass a bill that would make Patrick Foss happy. The article also talked about the negative affects passing such a bill could have. There are rules of elegibility that schools have to play sports. They wouldn’t be able to enforce those rules to a homeschooled player. It could also be argued that, when one decideds to drop the public school system, they drop extracurricular things along with that.
I think that it is a bad idea to let homeschooled kids join in on public school sports. They can always join a recreation league or something else. Letting them play on highschool teams would arouse many complications. The school couldn’t make sure the athlete’s grades were up to par, or if the kid didn’t show up there would be no one to verify if the kid was sick or something that day. In addition to this, I don’t like the idea that someone could just come up and take advantage of the good parts of highschool and skip out on the bad. If you want to represent a school through sports, you should support whatever your representing. If you don’t like the way public schools work, then you shouldn’t want to represent them on sports teams. I just think that it is a bad idea.
Lianna Malawksi
ReplyDelete1st period
this article is about a small family, and how the mother was brought to the U.S illegaly when she was 7 years old. she still does not have her U.S citezenship but her husband and son do. the only way for her to gain american citezenship was to move to mexico for 10 years. her husband did not want to be seperated that klong, so he and his son packed up and moved to mexico with her. they lived in a very horrible neighborhood where there were killings each night around the corner.
I think that the immigration office should not have ignored his letter of getting a waiver for his wife to work in the states. if they had read it then he would not be dead. he lost his life to a few shooters in mexico, shot 80 times and so was the mom's uncle. i think that it shouldnt take so long for the citizen process to take place either. if they hadn't gone through all of that trouble her husband would still be alive today.
Juliann C.
ReplyDelete1st period
In January, China’s inflation rate rose. Consumer prices rose 4.5% about a year ago, and according to China’s National bureau of Statistics, China rose to 4.1% last month. Some people are thinking that the reason for the sudden rise of inflation was because of Lunar New Year. Prices often rise because of the demand for services, food, etc. For a holiday like this, they often have big feats, travel a lot, and of course the red envelopes full of money from family and friends. Last year, one of the government’s highest priorities was to bring down the rate of inflation. The rise of inflation in China lead to weaker economic growth. Reports show the drop in housing prices and weaker European demands for Chinese trades. Economists are predicting and also hoping that the People’s Bank of China will take the leadership role to support the weakened economic growth in China.
I think that it is great that China’s government is stepping up to help China’s weakened economy. I think our country is also going through difficult economy struggles. After watching Obama’s State of Union speech, I have hope that one day our country can get out of financial struggles and whatever struggles we are in.
Jonathan Jang
ReplyDelete2-9-12 / 1st Period
Cars to the future: They’re going to be tiny and weird
In this article the Chinese car factories have made an attempt to make an egg-shaped vehicle or car. It is a General Motors En-V electric car, from Chevy. Even though it is not for sale, people can test drive these fabulous cute cars around if you are lucky. GM thinks that this new idea will pique peoples interests and the way that modern people drive today. This tiny car drives on 2 wheels and parks on 4. The way that this car balances while driving is by using balacing technology from the Segway to remain upright. Another outstanding feature for this fabulous car is that it can drive it self! So you don’t have to go to your car after you have parked it!
I think that this new car and its idea is excellent! But with this major improvement the car could also have many problems. For instance the car could make people of the future really fat, also the 2 wheel balancing technology could also fail and cause the death of many people. In the future this car can make people fat by the fact that people can call cars to come pick them up after shopping or from work. Furthermore the balancing technology could fail and if this balancing technology does succeed than I am pretty sure people and reporters will have many questions. Other than that I truly think that this new idea is superb!
William Bukowski
ReplyDelete5th period
In this article it talked about how the Chinese have finally been able to be able to put their first aircraft carrier afloat. A commercial satellite had snapped a picture of it in December. It was a restored Russian aircraft carrier. The Chinese said it was for research and that it was not finished yet. They said it may take couple more years to complete, but one done they will have their first aircraft carrier.
This article was a little surprising to me, but not too much. I think it was a little ironic that China is stereotyped for making everything, when they haven’t been able to make their own aircraft carrier. This article did not bother me because the Chinese don’t want to have an aircraft to attack the U.S. they want one so they can say they have one and seem more like a world power. One aircraft carrier can’t do much against the 11 that the U.S. has in commision.
ReplyDeleteJacob Guskiewicz
Period 2
In Los Angeles California officials have banned any balls being thrown on the beach this year. Some beaches have decided to ban it for when it is crowded, or in other cases they have banned balls being thrown completely. Officials have made this law for safety on the beach and not to cause hazards. They have also but a fine into the law if someone breaks the law. Lots of California citizens will be upset around the LA area. This definitely impacts beach houses being bought or used over the summer of 2012. There has also been another law set on some beaches which does not allowed anyone to dig holes deeper than 18 inches.
Elisa Frazier
5th period
After the Superbowl on Sunday there were many reports about people getting very sick and even getting infectious diseases after attending the Superbowl. Most of the People had reported that they had Measles. There have been a lot of arguments about how the Superbowl stadium was being unsanitary. But luckily all people that reported being ill have now have been heard to be recovered.
They now have to send out warning messages to all people that attend the Superbowl that they are not responsible for any illness's that they are to receive while attending the Superbowl.
Tim Li
ReplyDelete2nd Period
Falkland Islands: Penguins, tea and tensions
The Falkland Islands are an object of tension between Argentina and the United Kingdom. Both sides feel that they should have sovereignty over the small group of islands. What do the 3,000 locals say? They are "Falkland Islanders first, British second." Most of them won't accept the idea of being Argentine, and feel that their opinions have been ignored in the conflict between the UK and Argentina.
Personally I believe that Argentina is just being stupid and greedy. It has a population of 3,000 and provides nothing besides penguins, which are certainly something worth fighting for (note sarcasm). There really wouldn't be much to gain from it. Argentina is also being rather selfish in that they are ignoring the locals' opinions.Having an island full of hostile inhabitants and penguins isn't worth going through all the trouble that Argentina is doing to get the islands.
Louisa Fine/ 1st period
ReplyDeleteLos Angles school reopens amid sex abuse scandal
FOX News
In Los Angeles at Miramonte Elementary School on February 5, 2011 a teacher was found guilty for sexually harassing many of his students and within a four day period there was a completely different case where another teacher was arrested at the same school. The school district is taking drastic measures to prevent this from happening again, some say to drastic. The whole entire faculty is being fired from teacher to janitor all of them are being replaced.
It is a horrible thing that these teachers have been working at this school and molesting the children they are supposed to be teaching. I understand why they are taking such careful measures as to fire all of the staff but is that really fair? Most likely none of the other teachers have had anything to do with this event. I think that the teachers should have their backgrounds thouroughly checked and there should be counceling for all of the kids to see if there were any other offenses. I understand that they are trying to do the right thing but I think that the innocent teachers should not be fired for just coincidently being in the same school as the sex offenders.
Alex Haggis
1st period
Recently an old cold war satellite relay base went up for sale, the government having no more use for it. The "Jamesburg Earth Station" is south of San Fansisco and is going on sale for three million dollars. Inside the station it's like a time capsule of cold war history. They have information on the hydrogen bomb test at bikini atoll and even stuff about the Intelsat II. The station was bought by someone who worked there during the sixties. He hopes to make it his weekend home.
It is nice that this piece of history goes to someone who was part of it, as opposed to being a frivolous buy of some rich man in the bay area. He remembers when they could sit there and listen to the astronauts as they went on their missions to the moon.
Emilee Taxman, 2nd Period
ReplyDeleteAfter an Online Firestorm, Congress Shelves Antipiracy Bills by Jonathan Weisman, January 20th, 2012
Two bills called Protect I P Act or PIPA and Stop Online Piracy Act were just debated in the senate. Unlike most bills, the internet was strongly involved in these. Many major websites (Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, etc) believed that hidden in these seemingly innocent piracy bills is more. They thought that it would not only get rid of piracy, it would allow the government access to all our information and what we do and it would basically shut down the internet. This became a war between the web and Hollywood, the recording industry, the book publishing word, and the US Chamber of Commerce. After noticing that it wasn’t popular, Republicans tried to blame it on the Democrats and say that they weren’t involved in creating them (which they were.) Eventually, this strong movement against it was too much so the bills died.
I agree that SOPA and PIPA are bad. I actually looked at a part of SOPA and looking at the actual bill, I could see how the limitations would go far beyond just getting rid of pirates. Many websites I use every day would have been completely shut down, just for small things. Nothing I do is pirating, yet all the websites I go to would be gone. If this bill had less bad side effects, it could be good, but this is too far. I hope that if or when this comes up again, we are able to fight back and stop it once again.
Daniel Ferreira 2/9/12 5th Period
I just read an article on a skin cancer drug tested on mice that reversed the effects of Alzheimer's. Researchers gave the mice a drug that can help cure a type of skin cancer and accidently reversed the effects of Alzheimer's on the brain. Mice and humans have a high level of amyloid beta with Alzheimer's. The medicine seemed to diminish amyloid beta in the brain along with plaques that block nerve cells.
Although this could be a medical breakthrough, this was done on accident and this type of event has occured often in the past. However, there is hope as this could lead to the cure of Alzheimer's or a possible treatment. I really hope that this accidental experiment will end up being one of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time.
Ria Das
ReplyDelete2nd Period
10 states freed from some 'No Child Left Behind' requirements
Today President Obama granted waivers to free ten states from the 'No Child Left Behind' policy. The ten states are Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. The White House explained that along with the new freedom, the states have agreed to raise standards, improve accountability and improve teacher effectiveness. The President said that his administration was trying to raise standards of the nation's public schools by taking a different aproach, than before. He explained that he has given the same option to all the states if in return they set higher standards.
I think that the Obama administration has done a lot to improve the standard of education in this country, and they should try to whatever it takes to keep moving forward. Although this is leaving a lot of the responsibility to the states, so hopefully they will raise their standards and help our education system.
Juliana Dunn, 5th
For my current event I choose to write an article about Al-Shabaab’s decision to join and follow al Qaeda. Al-Shabaab is a rebel group positioned in Somalia that has been causing multiple problems for local peace efforts and Somalia’s United Nation style government. On Thursday over the internet the group’s leader, Muktar Abu Al-Zubair pledged his group’s allegiance to al Qaeda’s new leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, stating that they would serve as loyal soldiers. This event is very significant because it has helped pick al Qaeda back up after the death of its late leader, Osama bin Laden. I am personally very worried about what this means for the United States, which has been a target for terrorists before. This could also endanger the citizens of Somalia and countries that have previously felt the wrath of al Qaeda.
Ariella Hirsch
The article I read was debating whether or not women should be allowed to serve in combat. The article mentioned that small steps have been made to let women have more dangerous jobs, closer to combat, as they have in the past, but for some women it is still not the same. Some of these jobs include radio operators, tank mechanics, and medics. One point the article brings up to argue why many women would not be capable of serving in combat is strength. Many infantry soldiers have to carry 100 pounds at all times and be able to carry a wounded soldier to safety. Some people believe that this is too much for women. Women, however feel that they should be able to have the same jobs as men in the military. Women have made the same sacrifices as men in Iraq and Afghanistan, leaving their friends, family, and home; sometimes sacrificing their lives.
Personally, I believe that women should be able to serve in combat. If there are women who are up to that challenge then there should be nothing stopping them from trying. I think that there might be some conflicts and a bumpy start to letting women serve alongside of men in combat, but all of those can be solved.
Morgan Mann
ReplyDelete5th Period
Thursday, Obama granted waivers stating that states that choose not to use the “No child left behind” program don’t have to. In his words, it will “combine greater freedom with greater accountability.” A few states that have opted out of meeting the 2014 requirements by law are Florida, Kentucky, Colorado and Georgia. In order for these states to have this option, they had to promise increased standards, accountability and higher levels of teacher effectiveness. When the grant was issued, each state that was in for the deal made goals for their school system. A comment from Secretary Duncan suggests that the country law was inhibiting the standards needed, was a cause in lessening the curriculum and overall weakening the system. According to statistics, the percentage of schools not meeting the “adequate yearly progress” jumped from 39% in 2010 to 48% in 2011.
I think this system is a good idea considering it will allow states to base their curriculum more on how they think it will benefit the students in their area. Hopefully it will decrease the amount of failures accounted from schools who don’t reach the necessary requirements each year. Obama permitting this gave me a sense that he trusts our country. I’m wondering if these schools will actually stick to their agreements though.
Jeremy Werden
ReplyDelete1st period
The article I read was about two new nuclear reactors that are going to be put up in Georgia. These reactors are the first that have been allowed to be made since 1978. That is almost 35 years. Nuclear energy is an extremely energy efficient way to make energy, but has been scrutinized, for to the public, it is dangerous. People remember Chernobyl, and the three mile island meltdown, and assume it is dangerous. Honestly, I believe the BP oil spill was way worse than what occurred, or rather almost occurred at Three Mile Island.
America needs a new safer generation of nuclear power plants. For they produce tons of electricity, while putting some steam into the atmosphere. The only problem with Nuclear energy is the radiated waste, but with government regulations, and a good waste plan, this problem can and will be solved. Nuclear energy is the energy of the past, and I believe the future. As long as there are no alternative energies, that are green and non-expensive, I believe we shut put up with the radiated waste. Hopefully more nuclear reactors plans will be allowed.
Andrew Simms
The article and video that I watched was about a city in Syria. This city named Homs just today was bombarded and seiged by Syrian liberators. A doctor named Ali who lives in the city has not enough supplies to help all the injured people. He claimed that over 100 civilians have died already and many more are dying by the day. All Ali has for equipment is some gauze and stitches but no surgical equipment to opperate on the injured people. Yesterday a Syrian red crescent tried to send aid into his neighborhood but before the transport reached him it was attack and blown up by the Liberators.
Ali said that he wanted the United Nations to join this fight. I believe they UN should come to Syria's aid just for the civilians not for the leaders themselves.Homs was the third largest city in Syria known for its parks and wonderful coffee, but not anymore. Now the whole city is a total wasteland with tanks moving around just blowing everything up. I think we should send money to the government to help save there people or send money or food to the UN so that we can help this crisis in one way or another.
Moohko Paw
ReplyDelete2ed period
Men can inherit a form of heart disease from father via Y chromosome
I read this article about how man can inherit a form of heart disease from the father. Scientist have tracked the y chromosome. Scientist have studied and compared over 3,000 DNA from men that have a particular version of the sex chromosome. This version of the sex chromosome increase the risk of coronary artery disease by 50%. Scientists say that one in five men carry this version of the Y chromosome. These new studies and discovery can help with new ways to treat and prevent heart disease. And genetic tests can also help prevent greater problems.
I found that this article was very interesting because recently I have just learned about the sex chromosomes in biology. I thought this that this article was interesting because it talked about how they have been tracking the y chromosomes in males. I thought it was interesting because i never knew that chromosomes could be tracked. Also i thought this new discovery and study is very good because it will help fathers and sons in the future who can inherit the the coronary heart disease get treatments and prevent it.
Olivia Donahue
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
I read an article about new infrastructure development in South Africa. When most Americans think of the recession, they think of how it has negatively affected us in America, and then in Europe. What is rarely addressed by the media is how this recent economic stall has affected Africa, specifically South Africa. Many African countries (Egypt, Sudan, Libya) have been in the news lately regarding the uprising for democracy. Unlike these countries, South Africa is relatively stable, but similar to these countries it has been making huge changes to positively change the future.
The article I read mainly discussed how President Zuma has recently set out very ambitious goals for South Africa's economic future. He is centered on job creation, and eradicating the very prevalent homelessness in many of the slums of South Africa. His ultimate goal is to create five million new jobs by 2020. Although he has been granted praise by the ANC for his high standards, many wonder if its too much to shoot for at once.
1st period
My article was about yesterdays government building bombings in Syria. The blasts destroyed two security force buildings killing many. These blasts just so happened to take place on the same day anti-government protesters filled the streets. The protesters were angry at Russia for vetoing the U.N. security council resolution condemning the violence. The protest was boldly called "Russia is killing our children."
I don't believe the government building was bombed by terrorists, I think the Syrian government did it to themselves. They've been trying to blame the recent violence on terrorist groups and these bombings would prove that. The thing is I wouldn't put it past the Syrian government to bomb their own buildings. I also can't believe how inhumane Russia is being. They're obviously still allies with Syria
Hugh Kelley, 5th period
ReplyDeleteVideo shows Georgia girl, 7, fighting off alleged kidnapper at Walmart --CNN Wire Staff
Febuary 9th 2012
#1. A daughter and her child were peacfully walking through wallmart. The mother was shopping for food while her seven year old daughter was mingling in the toy section looking at toys. The man who tried to kindnapp the daughter was seen on the survailince camera staring a conversation with the young girl. Soon there after he picked the girl up and started walking away with her. The girl had be taught by here mother and her older brother who was in the US army, to kick punch and scream as loud as possible. That’s just what she did. A seven year old girl fought off a man in his mid twentys.
#2. I think that it is great that the seven year old new what to do if someone was trying to take her. I think that it is something everybody should know. Especially people under the age of 12. It is also good that the man got caught. The popo reviewed the tapes from the security and found the man who tried to kidnapp her. Years before this he was put in jail for 7 years for accused man-slaughter. I also think that is quite funny that a seven year old girl faught off a older man.
Brandon Ta
ReplyDelete1st Period
A man named Josh Powell recently set his house on fore, killing himself and his 2 sons. Before setting the house on fire, he sent out emails to his friends and family saying "i'm sorry, goodbye." Josh Powell was the only suspect of his wife's murder, Susan Cox Powell. They had been fighting over who would get custody over their 2 children. It is assumed he intentionally set his house on fire. We will never know who murdered his wofe and why he set his house on fire.
To me, this man is just straight up crazy. I'm curious why he would do something so utterly stupid. He murdered his wife over an argument and now he kills himself and his kids. This man was just pure stupid and i feel bad for his kids and wofe for getting caught in his act. I hope something like this won't happen ever again.
Melissa Turner
ReplyDelete2nd period
Obama to change birth control rule
President Obama is basically saying in this article that he is pro-abortion. He is making a statement that he is all for giving birth control to women free of charge. President Obama has not yet made the final decision. Religious leaders and Republicans are not for this right to be passed. Officials are trying to say that this is being passed because birth control is used for other medical related things.
I think that he should pass it. Birth control isn't just for safe sex but also other medial procedures. I think that Republicans and Religious officials should realize that fact. I think that they are not looking further into the subject. I think that if Obama passed this bill it would do good for the medical feild.
this story is about a bus driver in charlotte who, on wednesday saved six children from a fire on her bus. the woman said she was just on her normal route, when she noticed an odd burning odor. she pulled over to investigate, when smoke began to rise from behind the dash. so she gathered the remaining six students, and they calmly exited throught the back of the bus, then walking a safe distance up the street. from there, they watched the entire bus become engulfed in flame. black smoke billowed out of the windows and flames soon rose out of the bus. the video is on youtube.
i chose this article because it is fairly local. it is great this woman was able to save the kids, and she should for sure be honored! apparently, she will be recieving some sort of recogniton by the charlottle FD soon, which is okay, but i think she deserves more.
David Archer
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
The article I read was about Rick Santorum and how he won three states right in a row. This really surprised me and a lot of people all around the country. People thought that Mitt Romney was a sure win but now after this no one knows who the front runner is. This Presidential race is getting more exciting by the minute. This sweep has put Santorum as the front runner again and has made other candidates very nervous. I myself don’t really care about this but this event might change our country greatly.
Everett Dang
ReplyDelete2nd period
This article was about the hundred of ships from all kinds of different countries that are trapped in frozen icy waters. Thousands of people have already died in the cold. Europe is facing record breaking cold temperatures this year. Twenty-two countries face dangerous temperatures this years. The waterways of Europe have frozen over and trapped people to their deaths. Over one hundred ships are trapped in the frozen waterway. Canals in Venice are freezing over, heavy snowfall has crippled transportation, and more bad stuff that is rather cold and is related to cold temperatures and stuff like sick and stuff occured the the continent of Europe. I wonder if Mr. Waters actually reads these. If you actually read this Mr. Waters hello.
I think that this is really cool. Get it like cold? I think it is really bad what is happening in Europe while we are in t-shirt and shorts temperature. They stole our cool. Global warming need to go faster so we can warm these people up. Just kidding that would be bad. I think that this is really weird considering how warm this year has been. I think the weather is broken and should be fixed by government officials immediately. Just kidding. Though Europe should take a break with all this trading/transportation cause tha homies keep dying over there in the frozen enviroment. It would suck to freeze to death. If I could choose a way to die I would go in my sleep or in a 300mph car crash cause I would not feel a thing. Poor guys, I hope they survive.
Keith Swartz
ReplyDelete1st Period
I read an article on a skin cancer that reversed the effects of Alzheimer's. The researchers gave the mice drugs that could help cure them of a type of cancer. The mice and us humans have a high level of amyloid beta with Alzheimers. The medicine seemed to diminish amyloid beta in the brain along with plaques that block nerve cells.
This could be a lucky accident, and this event has occured in the past.But there is hope as this could lead to the cure of Alzheimer's or a possible treatment. I really hope that this accidental experiment will end up being one of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time.
David Batson P: 2
ReplyDelete2/10/12 NC Governor wants higher sales tax for education
CBS January 18th, 2012
To kick off her 2012 election campaign, Beverly Perdue wants to raise the sales tax in North Carolina to increase money for schools. She wants to raise it from 6.75% to 7.5%. That would be three quarters of a penny higher per dollar. This would be a fairly substantial raise resulting in an extra $864 billion for the state government. 80% of our states budget, about $20 billion, is set and where most of the cuts have been made. She believes that the cost to the average household will be around fifteen extra dollars per month. The voting on this is scheduled for July 1st.
I think that this will help our state more than hurt it because more money will be provided for education and many people in this state are linked to the education system in some way. Some people have grandchildren in the public schools, some people have children in the public schools and the children are in the public schools. The schools will get more funding and in turn will have a better quality of education. Since I am in the public school system I know that the schools have less funding than they used to. Our school system hasn’t been able to upgrade connect to school in years because our funding will not allow it. UNC has been forced to raise tuition by almost nine percent because they do not receive enough money otherwise. UNC has also had to cut over 3000 employees. In summary this will be a good thing because in the grand scheme of things we will have more educated children in the future and fifteen extra dollars isnt all that much.
Blaire Sobolewski/1st period
ReplyDeleteDriver whisks 6 students off N.C. bus before it bursts into flames/cnn wire staff 10,2012
A bus driver noticed some smoke seeping inside and immediately rushed the students of the bus. There were six elementary kids on, and the driver got the off only moments before the bus burst out into flames. This happened Wednesday after school; as Lindora Richardson, the bus driver, was driving kids home from Chantilly Montessori Elementary School. Richardson said she smelt something burning and quickly investigated the smell. "As that was going on, smoke started to come from under the dash of the bus," she recalled, and then she calmly had the children exit off the back of the bus. Luckily no one was hurt and everyone got off safely.
I personally think that the bus driver did a very smart and courage thing. She acted quickly, which ended up saving not only her life but also six elementary kids lives. I have no personal experience to this, and don't know anyone who does. This article also does not relate to what we are talking about in class. The only question I have about this article is 'what caused the bus to burst into flames?'
1st Period Honors World History
I chose to do a article on a father that accidentally found deceitful Facebook post's that his daughter had posted about him. Enraged and confused the teens father made a video that eventually went viral on his daughters Facebook page saying that parent's were basically dumb-founded when it came to how their child felt about them and what was and wasn't posted/said on social networks. The father put 9 bullets holes through his daughter's laptop as a form of discipline. The North Carolinian later got applauded and praised via Facebook by others saying that what he had done was reasonable. Personally, I understand why he did it but on the other hand he wasted his money buying the laptop just to shoot it. I think that eventually he will get his daughter a new laptop and what he did was clearly out of anger and the heat of the moment.
Kevin Chen
ReplyDelete1st period
This article is about a bus driver in Charlotte who saved 6 elementary school kids from a bus fire. She was driving the kids home, when she smelled something burning. She pulled over to investigate, and then saw smoke coming out of the dash. She then instructed the kids to get off the bus, before the bus burst into flames.
I think what the bus driver did was courageous and smart. She pulled over as soon as she thought something was wrong, and orderly got the kids off the bus. A lot of people think being a bus driver is a lowly job, but she loves her job, and children. She was also very modest, saying that she was just doing her job. By being cautious and not taking risks with kids on the bus, she saved their lives, then was modest enough to not take much credit for her courage.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSandeep Gill
1st period
The two sons of a Washington man killed along with their father in a weekend fire suffered hatchet wounds before dying of carbon monoxide poisoning, authorities said Monday. An autopsy showed his sons, 5-year-old Braden and 7-year-old Charlie, suffered chop injuries to their necks, but medical examiners concluded both boys and their father died from inhaling carbon monoxide, the county medical examiner's office reported. Powell was in a custody fight with Susan’s parents over the kids. It is significant because we may never know what happened to Susan and two innocent children died. The grandparent reported that the children were starting to say things like “Mommy’s in the mine” before they were killed.
I believe that this is a terrible thing to happen. Powell killed his entire family when they did nothing to him. We may never know what happened to Susan, and I feel terrible for her parents and sister, who lost not only her but her two sons as well. It is terrifying that something like this could happen in the United States. Powell must have been very unstable to do something like this, and no one ever did anything.
Waad Husein /2nd period
ReplyDeleteStudy finds that economy Is toughest on young adults/ Staff
This article is about how young adults, ranging from ages 18-34 suffer more during the recession. Although the economy is gradually improving, it needs much more recovery. The recession provides obstacles to people making decisions about career choices, education, marriage, etc. Many young adults have admitted to taking jobs against their will in order to pay for the bills, some went back to school due to the lack of jobs, and people have postponed plans to have children. Many young Americans are forced to make choices that can set them back than what they originally planned all due to the recession.
I believed this article was informative and interesting. It’s already known that the economy affects everyone, but it’s interesting to know that some struggle more than others, especially those of a certain age group. It’s also upsetting to know that many people’s dreams have to be put on hold in order for the economy to catch up and they can fulfill their desires. This really shows how prevalent money is in today’s society. The wellness of society depends on a fully functioning effective economy!
Kristin Thompson
ReplyDelete1st period
Josh Powell, a suspect in the disappearance of Susan Cox-Powell killed himself and his two sons in a house fire on Sunday. The police are saying it was internally done because of the custody battle between Josh Powell and Susan Cox-Powell parents. An autopsy showed his sons, 5-year-old Braden and 7-year-old Charlie, suffered chop injuries to their necks, but medical examiners concluded both boys and their father died from inhaling carbon monoxide. While Josh Powell death is called a suicide his 2 sons are called homicides. Before josh killed his self and kids he sent numerous goodbye emails to his attorneys, friends, family, pastors and many other loved ones.
I think that this case is a very horrible case; Susan’s parents now have to live with the death of their own daughter but both grandchildren. I believe the reason why Josh did this was because his children where getting older and they could possibly say what happened the day there mother went missing. Now not d only are 4 people died, but now they won’t really now who killed Susan Cox-Powell.
Arturo Tornero 1st
I found a very interesting article basically talking about a possible very effective brain treatment aimed towards Alzheimer’s disease. Doctors say that patients have improved memory through elecrtotheraphy using miniature electrodes implanted in the brain, but unfortunately, the memory recovery did not last as long as expected to. Currently, it is merely a study and test, not a treatment or medicine. Thus, because we barely know about the complex forms of Alzheimer’s disease, and through testing it will still be hard to discover a true anti-Alzheimer's medicine that could eternally (or close to) fix the brain. This may seem a little odd, but the recent movie ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ (2011) shows a special cure to an Alzheimer’s virus, which is also used to enhance the apes’ understanding, memory, and learning abilities, which then lead to the “taking over” of the apes. Many people have reviewed the Alzheimer’s disease on ‘Planet of the Apes,’ and brought up ideas about how it might increase the understanding of Alzheimer's for us, which then could lead to several temporary treatments, and if these treatments could be tested on animals like mice for examining their brain activity and reactions. Hopefully, scientists don't give up on the complexity of these viruses and this disease, and are able to come up with a treatment that may even only work for a couple months, but that will still show how caring they are for the people affected with memory loss.
Matt Dayton
ReplyDeleteperiod 1
I read an articlle about Josh Powell. He is suspected to be responsible for his wifes disaperance. Also, this week he burned his house down with himself and his kids in the house. All three of them died. Josh Powell also was said to have been mentally unstable. This makes it even more sad because if some one would have given him mental help then none of this would have happened. In my mind this could have been avoided and two children wouldn't have had their lives taken away.
This makes me kind of mad. These helpless kids had their lives taken away by someone who needed help. Nobody gave him help and it turned into a disaster. I also can't believe that they let his kids live with him. He was already suspected of killing his wife, why would you let kids grow up in that environment. The socail services should have fixed the problem and taken these kids to a safer home. Then these helpleess kids could still have their lives.
Jack Jansen
ReplyDelete2nd pd
This story is about a bus driver in Charlotte who saved six children from a fire on the bus she was driving. According to her she was driving her normal path when she smelled something burning. She pulled over to see what was wrong when smoke began to rise from behind the dashboard. Because of this she grabbed the remaining kids and made them exit the bus and walk up the road. From there safe distance they saw the bus go up in flames
I decided to pick this article because it is close to home, and it is really a good thing that she was able to save all of the kids. This makes me feel good because they are all safe and no one got hurt as a result of this.
Ye Htet
ReplyDelete2nd period
Police: Tourists blocked from Jerusalem holy sites after leaflets call for disturbances, CNN Guy Azriel
The article is mainly about the police in Jerusalem preventing people from entering the holy sites. The had to kick everyone out because someone passed out leaflets telling people to make a scene at a plaza known as Temple Mount to Jews and the Noble Sanctuary to Muslims. The leaflets left clues of culprits who might have handed these leaflets out.
The whole thing sounds like someone was trying to frame some other people or political party of suspiscious actions. I feel like this is stupid because people are trying to bring down each other even by using religion. It's kind of like dirty to use religion to frame one another. I guess that is politics though use whatever you can to brin down a competitor.
Raziyah Farrington
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Two young innocent boys and a guilty father were found dead on Sunday afternoon due to a house fire. The police believe that this had something to do with the custody battle between Josh Powell and Susan Cox-Powell. Josh Powell is the only suspect in his wife’s murder. 5-year-old Braden and 7-year-old Charlie, agonized injuries to their necks, but medical examiners established both boys and their father died from inhaling carbon monoxide. Josh sent out many hints such as goodbye’s and letters to many friends and family. Which shows that he has been plotting this for a while.
What I am wondering is why he didn’t just kill himself and leave the two kids alive? I mean obviously he didn’t care about the kids that much if he would kill them just so the mom couldn’t have them. If he really cared he would have tried his hardest to keep the ids in an safe environment and kept fighting to get custody of his kids. What man in there right mind would kill there kids just because he could not have them. I believe he had other serious issues going on, more than just that custody battle.
Melissa Galvan
ReplyDelete2nd Period
this article talks about the death of pop music's queen Whitney Houston. she dies on Saturday and she was only 48 years old. she was at a hotel when she died. at the moment doctors are not sure what caused her death but many people say that it was drug related. The article also talks about peoples reactions to her death and what they had to say about it. It also mentions a little bit of her music career.
I think its sad that she died because she was admired by many people and she was recognized by her amazing voice. I really dont know much about her other than the fact that she had such incredible voice. I hope that her family is doing fine, after what just happened.
Sunny Osment
ReplyDeleteperiod 1
This Saturday was the HKonJ march, also known as the “Historic Thousands on Jones Street”. A progressive, people’s movement that was conceived by the North Carolina state NAACP along with more than 50 other partners. I believe it truly motivated the 12,000-15,000 attendees as I was there and heard many different speakers whom represented numerous causes that effect everyone in this nation. We heard many different speeches by a countless amount of people on a countless number of issues including diversity in education/public schools, the growing epidemic of poverty throughout the state, the homophobic anti-marriage constitutional amendment in North Carolina, Women’s Rights, addressing xenophobia/immigration, racial profiling etc. It was such an inspiring environment, I hope everyone looks at what will come of HKonJ.
Becca White
ReplyDeleteperiod 2nd
This article is about a father, Josh Powell, killing himself and his sons in a house explosion. He had two sons, an 5 year old and an 7 year old. He had recently divorced his wife, and was not able to keep either of his children. In a supervised visit from his wife and sons.Jack Powell grabbed his two sons and pulled them inside and locked the door. His wife did not know what to do so she called the police because the house started smelling like gasoline. He sent many emails out to people we was close with. One to his sister which he had said "I can't live without my sons". Josh had also sent an email to his boss, before creating the explosion to kill himself and his 5 and 7 year old sons.
It is a terrible thing that happened and someone should have stopped it. I feel like the sister should have done something if she knew what had been going on with her brother been in this sort of state.
Brian Thornton
ReplyDeletePeriod 2 Kosovo/517269147/?icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl7|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D135251
In the article I just read rescuers dug 33 feet underground to found out that a village was buried under 33 feet of snow after being hit by an avalanche. Rescuers found 9 dead and found a live girl under all of the snow. One person is still missing and 15 homes were buried under the snow after the fierce avalanche. The village is called Kosovo and it’s located on the border near Macedonia and Albania. This area has been hit by multiple snow storms and 68 people have been killed due to the heavy winds and snow.
I think it’s amazing that the little girl survived under 33 feet of snow and I think that it is amazing that the rescuers were digging a long time just to find people. It has been the harshest winter in Europe and lots of people have died since these harsh snow storms and heavy winds.
Jamil Walker
One of the problems with youth today is having a phone. Now in days you have phones and they can do probably any and everything with phones. 30 percent of youths today send a picture of their body’s which is called sexting. Now day’s males and females love the word sex. They think it’s cool to have sex all the time which it isn’t. People send nude pictures because they want to see stuff that they can’t see in public. The state has a policy now have sending nude pictures. To this day I still remember when one of my bros got caught with his friend sending pictures. A police was waiting for him in the office and they got in a lot of trouble. They contacted their parents and got into even more trouble. I’m glad they got caught because it’s a life lesson to them.
I personally ting that they shouldn’t have made a law because children make a lot mistakes while growing up. And getting in trouble over stuff like that will be very hard to get over. I just saw watch how you send things because technology can get all the information you need. They can go back as far as they can just to find that message they are looking for. So watch out how you send things people!
Daniel Fernandez
In this article Obama talks about giving women birth control free of charge. But people are against this like religious speakers. So right now we do not know of obamas decision on what he is going to do. But i think that he should ignore what other people say because kids these age dont know what safe sex is and are not old enough to make a decision of having babies so i think this is good not only for the people using them but for everyone, because we do not want to over populate
Taylor Headen
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
This article was about a training accident that killed seven marines. Six the came from a base in the west coast, and one that come from a base in Yuma. Two airplanes crashed in mid-air, which was one of the most deadly crashes in a while. This happened near the Chocolate Mountains. Nobody really knows what happen, or what caused these planes to crash, but they are still researching.
In response to this article I think that this is really bad. I think that the marines need to be more careful about flying objects, because it is too easy to get in an accident and possibly kill someone. To help this problem I think that the marines need to train a little more before getting behind the wheel, because there is a lot of pressure knowing that you could possibly take a life from another person.
Alexa Parvey
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
Defendant in Rutgers spying case guilty Of Hate Crimes by Kate Zernike
New York Times published March 16, 2012
Dharun Ravi a 20 year old college student watched online ,through a webcam he set up, his room mate Tyler Clementi kissing another man. My article is significant because cyberbullying is a big deal in the United States and teens are killing themselves because of what people say online. Tyler Clementi killed himself 3 days after his room mate watched him. This happened in New Brunswick, NJ. This event occured earlier this week. Dharun was not charged with killing his room mate, but he was charged with 15 counts of invasion of privacy, bias intimidation, tampering with evidence and a witness, and hindering apprehension.
My opinion is that what Dharun did was very wrong. People these days don’t realize that what they say or do can affect people in a horrible way. Tyler Clementi is not the first and probably will not be the last person to kill themselves over something that happens online. I belive Dharun Ravi got what he deserves. I can relate to this article beccause on facebook teens and adults are allowed to post pretty much anything they want. Teenagers are constantly putting down others and making life harder for other people. My question is why hasn’t there been a law made to stop this yet?