Current Event #20: Has TSA Gone Too Far?
Due: Friday, March 1st, 2013
In lieu of security screening at airports, a recent story broke surrounding a 3 year old girl with a spinal disorder in a wheel chair. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) demanded that the child must adhere to the standard protocol, of having a pat down performed, to follow safety concerns before boarding a plane. This is the latest case in a line of events concerning children in airport security incidents.
What You Will Do:
1. Watch the videos and read the article provided at the following link:
2. Answer the following questions surrounding this topic regarding your position about standard practices conducted by the TSA:
---Should there be some limitations established, when it comes to allowing some passengers (handicapped, children, etc.), to forego standard security procedures? If so, explain what changes should be made to accommodate young passengers at security check points.
---Do you agree or disagree with the TSA actions regarding this recent incident with this 3 year old girl? Explain your opinion in detail.
---What should or could have been done differently by TSA if you disagree with their handling of this situation?
***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***