Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Current Event #24: Earth Day 2013

Current Event #24: Earth Day 2013
Due: Friday, April 26th

Recent polls have revealed Americans have become less concerned about the environment now than when Earth Day first began. Americans place less importance on environmental issues than they did in 1971, a year after Earth Day was established, according to a new HuffPost/YouGov poll. But the poll also finds that more Americans are taking some steps to protect the environment, such as cutting down on electricity use, eating organic foods and recycling.

For Earth Day this year, The Huffington Post and its polling partner YouGov assessed how environmental attitudes and behaviors have changed since the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 by repeating questions that were originally asked on two 1971 surveys.

What You Will Do:

1)  Students will view the video, “Do We Really Care About Climate Change?”, and read the article found at the following link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/22/environment-poll-earth-day_n_3117003.html

 2) Answer the following questions in complete sentences after reading the article and provide detailed explanations for each of your responses.

---Do you care about climate change as it relates to the future?

---How important do you think it is to work to restore and enhance the natural environment? Provide steps that can be taken to achieve these goals.

---Do you think government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be kept at the present level, increased, or decreased?

---In the past few months, have you saved aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers or magazines for recycling? Describe any actions you have taken.

***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***


  1. Gabi Brenman
    Period 7
    I believe climate change is a problem that our nation is not caring enough about. How we treat the earth now will affect what the Earth is like years from now. We can start to reserve environments by banning hunting in certain areas which are heavily inhabited by animals. We also need to stop cutting down trees. Trees are where many animals live, and cutting them down is taking away their home.
    I think government spending on environmental issues should be increased. I understand lots of Americans do not value the environment as much as they should (and are not for more spending), but if the Earth is not kept in better shape, we will no longer have an Earth. People need to be more informed about saving our environment. If government funds for the environment were increased, I think that would help show people the importance of protecting the Earth and its natural resources.
    In my family, we recycle everything allowed in our recycling bin. We recycle bottles, newspapers, magazines, and cans. We recycle regularly. We know the difference between something for the trash can and something for the recycling bin.

  2. Avery Acierno
    Period 5

    Personally, I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop and slow down global warming. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences. If global warming continues, then sooner or later the earth will become a horrible place because of the choices we made.
    I believe that it is very important to restore and enhance the natural environment. Humans have already damaged the environment so much with pollution and other unnatural habits. However, there are steps we can take to reverse some of our negative impact on the earth. We can recycle, ride bikes instead of cars, use alternate energy methods (wind power, solar power, etc), preserve animal habitats, stop cutting down trees, and stop using harmful chemicals.
    I think government spending should be increased a little, but not by much. Our government is already spending a lot of money towards helping the environment. What our government needs to do is to use that money more efficiently. We, the citizens, also have to make some big changes ourselves and take steps towards helping the environment.
    I have recycled aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, and magazines. My family always tries to recycle those materials every week. My family and I do this to help the important environment.

  3. Sydney VanOrd
    Period 2

    I think it is SO important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using.

    I think the government needs to step in because people won't take action unless it is a law and it is very that we conserve our earth, our lives depend on it.

    Absolutely I recycle my cans and bottles. I do not throw away any plastic bottles or cans that can be recycled and I also recycle paper. It is so important to me to help the earth in every way. I took shorter showers and I also make sure to turn off lights when I am not occupying a room.

  4. Abby Kameny
    5th period

    I definitely think global warming and climate change is an issue we should be focusing on. After watching An Inconvenient Truth in middle school, I realized how rapidly our climate is changing. It couldn't be more important for us humans to recycle and do other eco-friendly tasks to make the world a safer place. Just because this may not affect our generation, we should be thinking about the future of our children and grandchildren. Recycling is a major step to slow down global warming. Certain modes of transportation are often horrible for the enviornment as they create way too much carbon dioxide, therefore more people should ride bikes, carpool, or ride buses.

    I believe the government's actions towards being enviornmentally friendly should increase. I have not noticed them doing anything major when it comes to taking care of the enviornment. If the government doesn't take action soon, they will regret it. My family and I participate in recycling bottles, paper, and newspapers. I also carpool with my neighbor almost every day. Although these little actions can make a small difference, I don't believe people are doing enough (including me)-- sure, most people will pick up a piece of trash if they're near a trash can, but let's face it-- not nearly enough people are taking action on global warming. I honestly have no idea how we will get through to everyone, because humans are lazy. But maybe if enough people spread awareness about being eco-friendly, the world will be changed for the better.

  5. Olivia Wander
    Period 2

    Of COURSE I care about climate change! We are destroying the planet.nlook at ice core drillings, measure the ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. . . They are WAAAAAY above where they should be. Look at the ice caps, look at the glaciers of Greenland. We have a serious problem that we need to do something about. It's our problem, our mess, and we need to clean it up!

    It is of the upmost importance that work to restore and enhance the natural environment. Things we can do? Anything! Pick up trash, don't litter, recycle, take the bus, walk, bike, plant a tree, eat organic, use the same pencil, don't waste paper, don't waste water, use CFL efficient light bulbs, turn off the lights. . . These are just everyday things YOU can do. Even write a letter to a politician saying, "Hey. Heads up. We have a problem." It's something.

    It is not so much the spending but the attention that would be increased. The government needs to realize that global warming IS a problem and needs to be addressed.

    I always recycle my aluminum cans, cardboard, yogurt cups, glass, etc. I also turn off the lights when I leave a room and take the bus home.

  6. Carly LeMoine
    Period 5

    Yes, because it affects our future. Some people don’t worry about things like climate changes because they think they won’t affect them. I think this is wrong. People should care about the environment they live in, and should want to preserve it for future generations. I think it is very important to restore and enhance the environment. If the environment isn’t restored then eventually there will be places where people wont be able to live. If this happens people will try to fix the problem but wont be able to because it will be to late. I think the money towards the environment should be increased because the environment needs to be preserved.

  7. Jackson Cabell
    7th Period

    Yes, I care because I want my kids to live in an environment that is not trashed. Saying this, I think that it is of a very high leveled importance to work to restore and enhance the natural environment. I think government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be increased, because if our environment is not acted upon, it will soon be trashed a more dirty than ever. We are not headed on a good track to saving the environment right now. In the past few months, I have saved aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers and magazines for recycling.

  8. Jessi Szymczak
    2nd period

    Being in the century that we are in today climate change has a MAJOR impact on our daily lives and how we set our selves up for the future. I think that everyone needs to start taking more action to help our earth to avoid things that relate climate change/global warming. We need to start taking action as a whole planet because we only really truly have one chance to get it right an keep our Earth clean. I think to make our Earth a cleaner place we need to do more than just making sure we recycle, but also cutting down on water, electricity and gas pollution that is put into the air everyday.

    I think that our government needs to step in and increase the attention put on the subject to be able to speed along and ensure the process to move towards a cleaner and better state. So not a lot more funding needs to be put in to this but the government just needs to see that they need to take certain actions to help the problem.

    I always recycle any type of material that can be recylced. I also try and remember to shut off the lights every time I leave a room and take the bus too and from school.

  9. Forrest Pratson
    7th Period

    I do care about climate change i think that this earth has been given to us for us to take care of and right now we are destroying it faster than it can replenish but i also think that others care about climate chang i have yet to meet a person in real life who denies climate change so i do not know who the Huffington post is surveying but it definitely was not someone living in chapel Hill i help by taking shorter showers turning off light bulbs when i leave a room and also recycling

  10. McKenzie Matherly

    I do care about climate change and how it relates to our future because our futures depend on it. If we do not protect our Earth and prevent global pollution then there will be no Earth for us to live in.
    I think that the government should get seriously involved. They should set limits on pollution and have stricter consequences for littering.
    I think that government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be greatly increased.

  11. Kaitlin Hill
    2nd Period

    I think it is very important to take care of our planet and to be aware of climate change. I agree that we are not as concerned about global warming as we used to be, possible because it has been a very cold winter so its hard to see that the earth's temperature is still rising. However, there is actions that we must take to take care of this planet that we live on. it is our duty to clean up after ourselves and others to keep our air as clean as possible. we only have one earth, and we need to take good care of it.

  12. Joy Stouffer
    7 period
    • I do care about climate change a lot. I think it’s a very important world issue.
    • I think it’s very important to restore our environment. I would suggest people use less energy with these simple steps: turning off the water while you brush your teeth, taking shorter shower, and running the dishwasher with heavier loads and less often.
    • It should be increased. More attention needs to be drawn to recycling. If there were more programs, then awareness would be raised and hopefully people would be more conservative.
    • I always recycle. Milk jugs, soup cans, water bottles, plastic containers, cardboard boxes, newspaper, and used papers. These are these are the actions I’ve been taking. Also, today I will participate in a clean sweep with Green Tigers.

  13. McKenna Willoughby
    Period 2

    In my opinion, I do care about climate change as it relates to the future. The worse we treat the Earth, the worse the Earth will get. Eventually the Earth will be uninhabitable if we continue with the way we are treating it.
    I think it is very important to restore and enhance the natural environment. To help achieve this, we can use less water and electricity; convert wind, water, and sunlight into electricity; recycle; transfer to electric cars; and car pool.
    Government spending on these programs should be increased. The more awareness programs there are, the more people will want to and know how to help conserve the planet.
    My family and I have always recycled. There is a large cardboard recycling bin outside our apartment. We collect all of the cardboard in our house each week and recycle it. We also turn off the lights when we are not using them and try to conserve water as much as we can.

  14. Shamim Zarei
    2nd period

    In my opinion, I think climate change has a big impactn on our Earth. We treat the Earth badly and soon it won't be looking so good. It might be really cold in the spring, that can cause plants not be able to reprdouce and grow. Also, it can be very hot in the winter which can cause ice to melt.
    I think it is very important to restore and enhance the enviroment. This can be acheived by recycling, using electric cars, and using less water. The government should be spending more on our enviorment to keep the Earth safe and clean. In the past few months, my family and I have been recycling, saving water like such as turning water off when brushing our teeth, and I joined Green Tigers which helps clean the enviorment.

  15. Markale Cordova
    Period 5

    I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop and slow down global warming. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences. I think government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be increased. My family sort of recycle but we have to get to the point where it can be automatic.

  16. Albert Yam
    Period 2
    Personally, I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop and slow down global warming. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences. If global warming continues, then sooner or later the earth will become a horrible place because of the choices we made.

    I think that the government should get seriously involved. They should set limits on pollution and have stricter consequences for littering.I think that government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be greatly increased.

  17. Alex Parks
    Period 1

    I think it is SO important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using.

    I think the government needs to step in because people won't take action unless it is a law and it is very that we conserve our earth, our lives depend on it.

    Absolutely I recycle my cans and bottles. I do not throw away any plastic bottles or cans that can be recycled and I also recycle paper. It is so important to me to help the earth in every way. I took shorter showers and I also make sure to turn off lights when I am not occupying a room.

  18. Mimi Kramer
    period 5

    I think it is very important that we help preserve our environment. We are so damaging to it and nature gives us so much. When we have destroyed everything in nature, we will have nothing left and humans will die. We should do simple things like actually recycle, inform more people about easy things they can do to help, plant more plants, get solar panels, make cars more efficient, cut back on gasoline use, and never litter.
    I know the government is already taking steps to protect our environment, like outlawing littering. But I do think more can be done. There are problems that come up every day, and those things are very important. But every once and awhile we should step back and think about our future and our childrens future. If the government keeps worrying about what is happening in the present we are setting ourselves up for failure. So I do think they should spend more to help the environment, and get other countries to do the same.
    Yes my family recycles a lot. We do a good job separating recycling from trash and even have labels on the bins so our guests will do the same. We are also thinking about getting solar panels. My mom owns a very energy efficient car. We also have a large garden and I think planting helps the environment.

  19. Anna Grace Kelley
    Period 7

    Personally I think that it is very important to take care of our planet and understand thee affect our actions are having on climate change. We are definitely not as concerned about global warming as we used to be and it could be because people have given up. It doesn’t seem like people really care anymore and that needs to change. Simple things like turning off your lights and recycling can make a world of difference. It is our personal and communal duty to take care of our planet and make the most of what we have.

  20. Francis Wemmenhove
    Period 2

    Climate change as it relates to the future is something I certainly do care about. Although the things we are doing that is hurting the environment may not affect us now, it certainly will later. I do strongly believe everybody should start caring more about the environment. I also think it is extremely important to work to restore and enhance the natural environment. Some steps that can be taken to help do this are: walk, ride a bike, take public transport, stop littering, recycle, etc.. I do believe that government spending on programs to enhance and restore the Earth should be increased. Yes in the past few months I have been using our recycling bins for cans, newspapers, bottles, and cardboard/paper items.

  21. Casey Patterson

    I think it is important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using.
    I think government spending on environmental issues should be increased. I understand lots of Americans do not value the environment as much as they should (and are not for more spending), but if the Earth is not kept in better shape, we will no longer have an Earth. People need to be more informed about saving our environment. If government funds for the environment were increased, I think that would help show people the importance of protecting the Earth and its natural resources.

    I recycle!

  22. Katherine Yang
    5th Period H World History

    -I definitely care about climate change. Our planet is gradually getting sicker and sicker, and yet very few people have taken great actions to prevent this. I think it is extremely important to work to restore and enhance the natural environment, by using green resources, less of certain products, and consuming less of the world’s food. The government should definitely spend more money on programs that will help to enhance and restore the environment.

    I have saved some products for recycling, but I have also definitely wasted a lot. I use far too many plastic bottles for drinking water every day, and because the school does not have very many recycling cans, I almost always throw them away in the trash. In addition, I’ve definitely used a lot of paper products, for school, and in my house, like paper towels and napkins.

  23. Avery Scope-Crafts
    Personally, I think climate change is in fact a bid deal. It has a major effect on our Earth. If we continue to not put effort into cleaning up after our selves, then the earth wont be able to take care of anything living on it. If the weather keeps getting hotter, animals that thrive in cold temperatures will go extinct, throwing off our whole ecosystem. High temperatures in the winter will result in causing ice to melt.

    The government should spend more than they do now to help the environment. Keeping the environment clean and healthy is a big deal and will certainly be costly, but in the end it will pay for itself.

    Yes, for the past years my family has recycled. We recycle most things, and try to keep our trash to a minimum. Also, my dad has a Prius which is better that almost every other car for the environment.

  24. Current event
    Claire Kern/ PD.7
    I think it is very important to help restore the environment and keep it cleaner. If no one does, then our earth will slowly waste away and we will no longer have a planet to live on. And there really is no plan B. Some steps that everyone can take to help the environment are simple things like recycling, reusing bags, turning off water and the lights when they aren’t needed and more! For all that the earth has done for us; we should really try and repay it!
    I also think that the government needs to make people for aware of the present situation, and push more people to get involved and take action! But, the government needs to take its own action too. I know they have other problems too (debt) but the environment is a really important part of survival and they should take it more seriously.
    Personally, I try and recycle when I can, but as lots have already said, if there’s not a recycling bin around, I’ll get last and just put it in the trash. But I do try and make up for that, like just today I got involved by going to our schools clean sweep! We picked up trash around campus, and then separated it into garbage and recycling. It’s actually a lot of fun to do with friends and it’s a great way to help the community!

  25. think it is important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using. I think the government needs to step in because people won't take action unless it is a law and it is very that we conserve our earth, our lives depend on it.

    I recycle my cans and bottles. I do not throw away any plastic bottles or cans that can be recycled and I also recycle paper. It is so important to me to help the earth in every way. I also make sure to turn off lights when I am not occupying a room.

  26. Veronica Kim
    1st period

    Yeah, I care. It's mostly because I'm going to be the one affected by climate change (thanks, global warming) in the future, and since I'm a selfish human being with a desire to survive, I don't want to be caught up in the middle of things when the earth decides to heat up to a bajillion degrees and flood the U.S., but no big deal or anything.

    Speaking from (see above), I think trying to restore the environment would be a fantastic idea! We just have to get all these developers to stop cutting down trees, prevent drivers from driving their cars, and install rollerblade roadways everywhere! (Just kidding... That would be pretty cool though). I feel like people always say that we need to try to better the environment, yada yada yada, whatever, but no one really takes steps to do it. Everyone's just way too comfortable in their state of living. So yeah, it'd be a great idea, it's just that no one feels like doing anything. We're lazy. 'MURICA.

    If government spending on enhancing the environment isn't helping, what's the point in increasing it? Remember that little thing we like to call the "National Debt"? Well, if we keep putting money to fund things that aren't going to be put into action anyways, there's not really a point in increasing that money when we owe trillions to China. Seriously.

    All I can say to this is maybe.

  27. Anna Castellano
    Period 5

    Yes, I do care about climate change as it relates to the future because I am still going to be living on this world for a while longer hopefully. I don’t want to live in a polluted environment because it is bad for me and not enjoyable. We need to do something about this issue because if it continues the Earth won’t be a nice place to live anymore.

    I think that it is important to work to restore and enhance the natural environment because if we don’t the Earth will be a big landfill. We have already done so much damage already; the Earth can’t take that much more. To achieve these goals we could recycle, ride bikes or walk instead of driving somewhere, use alternate power sources such as solar power and wind power, and we can preserve nature by not cutting down trees.

    I think that the government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be kept the same because the government is already putting so much money towards this cause. What really has to change are the people’s attitudes towards this issue. If we get a lot more people to really care about this issue and do something about it then we will start to see positive changes.

    In the past few months I have recycled aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers and magazines. My family and I are usually really good about recycling.

  28. James Menache period 5

    Yes. I think the climate is very important and if we don't do something about, then global warming and other problems will get a lot worse.
    I think it is very important to work to restore and enhance the natural environment because if we keep polluting then all our natural resources will be gone. you could help by getting a more fuel efficient car or using a bake instead of a car.
    I think government spending on programs should stay the same because if they are railed then cuts will have to be made els were.
    Yes, I almost always recycle.

  29. Joyce Yao
    Period 2
    Of course I care about climate change as it relates to the future. If global warming is real, it's our fault; we created it. If there is climate change that is a major warning saying that pollution has gone too far. It is of the utmost importance to work to restore and enhance the natural environment; however, it will be really difficult to revert from this consuming population we've become. But still, I think it's so important to start working to make the future more naturally-dependable while retaining it's technological feats. It's the 21st century, we must be able to do something to prepare the future so Earth will sustain us longer! The government needs to sort its shit out with its money and politics and when they do (which of course, is not easily done but hypothetically speaking), they need to get experts to determine what must be done. Then apply it to the world! Yeah, it's not very reasonable but whateverr. The hardest part of the government trying to do more than just advocating going green is that they have so many more demanding and at-the-moment issues that must be dealt with, where as the environment is slowly deteriorating, so it does not appear to need immediate attention. My family and I are pretty avid recyclers and we do take measures to save electricity and help the environment.

  30. 1. I care about the climate change because the future of this world depends on it. Global warming has been a problem that triggers the climate to go to temperatures beyond normal and affects us negatively in every day life.
    2. I think it’s extremely important that we work towards restoring and enhancing the environment. Some steps that we can take would be to, not litter, recycle, work towards growing plants and stop cutting down trees for the good of apartment complexes.
    3. I think the government should increase spending in programs because we are in a desperate time of need, if we can’t work together, the world as we know it may surely end.
    4. I have no recycling bin so I put my aluminium cans and bottles in the trash can.

  31. Jesse Chen
    Period 7
    Personally, I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop and slow down global warming. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences. If global warming continues, then sooner or later the earth will become a horrible place because of the choices we made.

    I think government spending should be increased a little, but not by much. Our government is already spending a lot of money towards helping the environment. What our government needs to do is to use that money more efficiently. We, the citizens, also have to make some big changes ourselves and take steps towards helping the environment.

  32. Sam Bauers
    2nd period

    1. I do care about the climate. In the end we depend on the planet. If we dont take care of the earth then we wont be able to live. We only have one earth and we dont do the best job at keeping it clean or nice.
    2. I do think its important that we take peoples attention and make them see that we are not doing a great job at keeping the earth clean. I applaud the the groups that fight every day towards keeping the Earth clean.
    3. I think the government should spend some money towards keeping the earth clean. Another way they could help without spending moeny is to make rules and regulations that make companies keep down pollution. Also they can make rules regulating the ammount of littering and controlling regular citizens hurting the enviroment.
    4. I do own two recycliing bins at my house. One is for paper and one for plastics. My mom and I try very hard to make sure we are always recycling if we can. Our recycling bins are always full when it is recycling day.

  33. Ari Horwitz
    7th Period

    • In terms of the future the climate of our world is vital to the existence of human kind. If we continue on the track we are on the world could be a trash ball by 3000. The Pacific Ocean is trashed with a patch of water covered with trash that is two times the size of Texas and recent studies have shown most of it is plastic which could have been recycled.
    • It is very important for us to work to make our environment a better place. The problem is people think throwing away one water bottle wont hurt, but truthfully it will. I think people need to be more aware of what they recycle and throw away. Also garbage companies should make jobs for people or machines to run through the trash and pick out the plastic and aluminum.
    • The government should spend a certain amount of money more to help the environment. Of coarse they will complain that there is more important stuff to deal with at this time but to be honest our future lies upon the environments health.
    *In the past few months I have recycled aluminum cans cardboard plastic bottles newspaper etc. our family values the separation of trash and recyclables and it will definitely help the world in the long run.

  34. Connor Korfas
    1st period

    1. I definitely care about climate change and how it relates to my future. All are resources come from the earth if we use up these resources faster than they can grow or be produced we as a species are going to screw ourselves.

    2. To restore the natural environment is super important. I think as a species of earth we should be able to coexist with other species. I think that there should be stricter law placed on how we produce are goods. Move solely to clean energy. I also think large amounts of land should be turned into conservancies and donated to the animals that live there.

    3. There is no doubt in my mind the funding spent on these projects. Compared to what we spend on others things we pay almost nothing for our environment protection. More money needs to be spent on this project.

    4. In my house we recycle glass and aluminum bottles, cardboard and cereal boxes.

  35. Nick Agusta
    1st period

    I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop and slow down global warming. I think government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be increased.

  36. Kurt G
    7th pd

    I think it is very important to take care of our planet and to be aware of climate change. I agree that we are not as concerned about global warming as we used to be, possible because it has been a very cold winter so its hard to see that the earth's temperature is still rising. However, there is actions that we must take to take care of this planet that we live on. it is our duty to clean up after ourselves and others to keep our air as clean as possible. we only have one earth, and we need to take good care of it.

  37. Edward Zhuang
    5th Period

    Climate change is real, and its impact on the future will be devastating if we are not careful. The fate of the world is in our hands, and we must be careful with any decisions we make. The slow yet steady rise of global warming is becoming a reality. There are many ways we can try to fix the Earth. It’s the simple things, like riding bikes and recycling that really make a difference.
    The government show increase their spending. I understand why people do not care as much about the environment right now. Their solipsistic nature leads them to think, “Why should I care how the Earth is when I’m gone?” However, the government can lead by example, possibly increasing not only environmental funds but also awareness and reasoning.
    I try to recicle when I can. I recicle cans and bottles, and newspapers. I take short showers. I turn off electronic devices when I’m not using them.

  38. Sarah Taekman
    Period 5

    On the list of chores that many teenagers have, recycling is one of them. Adults are constantly talking about saving the environment and fixing our planet, and say every can and scrap of paper is important. Which is true. It definitely affects the future of Earth, and the health of the air and land for the next generation. If the entire ocean has risen a few feet and flooded half the continent, it will be kind of be harder for the human species to survive. I think it’s very important for us to restore our natural environment, and this can be achieved if everyone plays their part. For the average citizen, biking, using less electricity, recycling, and less water usage will all add up. For factories cutting down on waste product is key, and for farms it’s using less fertilizer and placing bushes and trees strategically to catch the excess fertilizer flow. The little steps we take will have big results.

    I don’t really know how much money the government is currently spending on environmental restoration efforts. I think if they do need to spend more, they should focus on getting the message of doing your part to each citizen. That is, if we can get any more money. I’m not the most avid recycler or environmentalist, but I try my best. I recycle newspapers, cans, and bottles from my house. At school I try to put my paper in the recycling bin. Maybe I should try cutting down on electronics usage next.

  39. Blake Johnson
    Current event 2nd period
    April 25, 2013

    Yes, I care about climate change as it relates to the future. If the climate keeps changing the way it is we could be in trouble. Climate problems like global warming and air pollution are problems that are very troubling as time goes on. If we don't take action on these issues there could be problematic repercussions.

    I think it is important to restore the natural environment for years down the road. Also it is important to help keep some species of animals alive.

    I think the level of spending should stay at the current level. Right now the US is in too much debt to be overspending. I still think environment protection is important and money is needed for it but our national debt is also a major problem. I don't think it would be wise to make one problem better at the expense of making another problem worse.

    Yes, in the past months I have been recycling things like plastic water bottles, paper products, and milk/juice jugs.

  40. Hanna Siekierski
    Period 1

    One of the problems that our nation does not care enough about is climate change. The way that we treat the earth now will have a lasting effect on what the Earth will be like years from now. We can start to preserve environments by banning hunting in certain areas which are heavily inhabited by animals. Along with that we also need to stop cutting down as many trees. Trees are where many animals live, and cutting them down is taking away their home.

    I think government spending on environmental issues should be increased. I understand lots of Americans do not value the environment as much as they should (and are not for more spending), but if the Earth is not kept in better shape, we will no longer have an Earth. People need to be more informed about saving our environment. If government funds for the environment were increased, I think that would help show people the importance of protecting the Earth and its natural resources.

    In my family, we recycle everything that is allowed to be placed in our recycling bin to be recycled. We recycle anything from bottles to newspapers or magazines to cans. All of this is done regularly as well. We know the difference between something designated to be thrown in the trash and something for the recycling bin.


    I personally think that the environment is very important. The fact that most of the planet is dying really says a lot about our future. The government should really do more to protect our planet because after all there is only one earth. Many important animals like bees are dying off and changing the natural cycle of our planet. At this rate we probably wont even have enough clean water. The environment is very important and should defiantly be protected.
    In my family we recycle almost every thing that can be recyclable.We also have a compost for the food scraps we have. this helps with the natural growth in our garden. I think more people should recycle and SAVE THE PLANET!!!!!!!!!

  42. Harrison Young
    7th Period

    I actually care a lot because I want my kids to live in an environment that is not trashed. Saying this, I think that it is of a very high leveled importance to work to restore and enhance the natural environment. I believe government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be increased, because if our environment is not acted upon, it will soon be trashed a more dirty than ever. We are not headed on a good track to saving the environment right now. In the past few months, I have saved aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers and magazines for reusing and recycling.

  43. Claire Lancaster
    1st period
    Mr. Waters

    1) Of course I care about the climate change! That’s a huge deal. Even if it doesn’t affect me in the future, it will affect future generations of my family not to mention all of the wild animals that have not contributed at all to this mess we’re in. It’s simply not fair to them if we don’t at least care that what we’re doing to the earth is bad.
    2) We do need to restore earth back to its natural conditions. This is extremely important. I know that’s easier said than done but we can at least try our best not to pollute the earth any more than it already is. Hopefully my generation will be the ones to realize that because I don’t think we can afford any more of this. I think the easiest way to do that is to simply turn everything off when you're not using it. This includes lights, TV’s, air conditioning and especially water. Also don’t buy products that are inorganic. When you do, it simply encourages the company to produce more and more and that is exactly what we don’t want. And, Obviously recycle too.
    3) I think the government could put aside a little extra money for helping the earth out. What’s more important than saving the world? There can always be an increase in how much we put into it.
    4) Living in such a liberal town as Chapel Hill/ Carrboro the kids are educated at a young age the importance of conserving energy and recycling. My family has always recycled and always will. But, I think that it is only human nature to put yourself and your comfort before anything else. I am guilty of this too. I find myself leaving on lights so it will be bright the next time I walk in, or turning on the shower a minute or so before I get in so the water will be warm. This is something I need to work on, as well as anyone else who does these sorts of things, too.

  44. Yes, I do care about climate change. This is because if our environment does not survive than how can we? Also climate change is leading to a lack in biodiversity in the affected environments.
    Yes, some steps should be taken to help the environment. These steps include the simple replacing of light bulbs to the intricate use of green power.
    Well seeing as our current efforts to help the environment is not enough, the governments spending towards it should be increased.
    Well seeing as my dad works for the Environmental Protection Agency our family does its best to recycle.

  45. 1) Yes!! Climate change is very important and drastic changes need to be taken to stop it. While it may not have as large of an effect on me as it might on future generations, it will be easier to prevent it if we act now than if we wait 100 years.
    2) While i think it is impractical to have no pollution on earth, that is no reason why we shouldn't try. The environment is our most valuable resource and all steps that we can take to protect it must be done as soon as possible. We all need to do our part and recycle and write to our governing bodies and tell them that we need a worldwide effort to save the earth.
    3) I think one of the best causes that the Government can put aside more money is the environment. It is just money and when all of our resources run out, only then will we realize that we cant eat money.
    4) My family and me recycle on a weekly basis, and we reuse old bottles as plant holders and try to save water and buy local organic foods.

  46. Paige Haskins
    Period 7
    April 26, 2013
    I think its very import6ant to safe the enviorment. We need to start working to make a better tommorrow today. If we can began preserving the earth and all of the nature it comes with we will be able to live longer and a species. When we think about the enviorment people always say that we need to do more the help it, but no one ever does anything to help out. I tihnk steps need to be made now to help the earth for the future.
    I think the goverment should step in on this situation because no one will react to trhe goverment unless its a law. Even still with the litering laws, everyone liters yet somehow it goes unpunished. The goverment needs to increase this rule and make it known that what we do today effects tommorrow.
    I always recycle and in my house we have a recycling shoot to make the job easier. Alwasy recycling cans,bottles, and paper will save our earth.

  47. Julianna Turner
    April 25, 2013
    Waters, 2nd

    Current Event

    I do think climate change is an important topic and is an aspect which deserves careful observation as it regards to the future. The climate is constantly changing as a result of the actions of the inhabitants of earth. As a single race we humans have the power to save our planet or destroy it. There are multiple steps to ensure the existence of a stable climate. First we should make people aware of the little things they can do to save energy or water. These include turning off the water while you are brushing your teeth or shaving, taking shorter showers, turning the heat up or down to use less energy, recycling or walking/biking short distances instead of driving. These steps are great because they save money as well as energy. The second thing we must do to promote the health of the environment is to create easy community projects such as planting small trees or having a community garden. Another way is to support local farmers. This gives back to the community and prevents the pollution from transporting food over many miles. I think we should definitely involve the government through programs such as protecting national forests and endangered species. Throughout my mature years I have always taken steps to be environmentally friendly. My family always turns off the lights, recycles and are very careful not to waste water. We have our own garden but when we buy food we always make sure it is organic (and local most of the time). We are also involved in a program which we buy food directly from a local farm.

  48. Blake Rasnake

    The earth is a place that we live on. We need to protect it and do things to help it not hurt it. I do think that we are no where close to being concerned about global warming. I think that needs to change. There are so many thinks that we can to do help the earth. We can turn off our lights, conserve water, recycle, and not use as many natural resources.

    The government definitely need to step in and do something about this because we are killing our earth will all the bad things that we are doing to it.

    I can't say that I recycle 100% of the time but I can say that I do try my best to recycle. I do think that it is important but I can say that I don't do it all the time. That is something I need to work on and we all have something we can do to help the earth!

  49. Jeffrey He

    Period 7

    World History

    Do you care about climate change as it relates to the future?
    I think it is extremely important to care about the climate change and the future because as inhabitants of this planet, we should take extreme care to protect the only planet with life so far. We share this planet with other species and should not be inconsiderate because just because other species of animals are less developed.
    First of all, we should leave the earth better than when we found it, life does not give another chance. Once a species goes extinct, it is gone forever. We should also not waste resources such as water and food. Burning less CO2 would also reduce our impact on the environment and have less harm on those around us. Buying organic and local lessens carbon footprint and waste products. The government spending on programs should be increased because the future outweighs anything else at hand. Only until we have eaten the last fish, chopped down the last tree do we realize that money can not be eaten. Over the past few months, I have been recycling a lot and walking to places that are within walking distance. This way I can help preserve the environment.

  50. Protecting the environment happens to be an important issue for me as I can feel the effects in terms of global warming, and pictures of dying fish being washed ashore as we speak. We are experiencing the change in our environment even today, and I cannot even imagine what the future generations will have to face. We are already reading about the glaciers melting down, thus effectively displacing and, maybe, eventually leading to extinction of species like polar bears, penguins and other cold loving animals. Deforestation is doing the same to rainforests and the flora and fauna dwelling within it. Pollution is making a hole in the ozone layer and in Beijing, China, the smog is so bad that people need to wear masks to protect their health. This is resulting in in respiratory illnesses like asthma. I believe that future generations should be able to inherit a better environment than this and we should take steps protect the environment.

    We need to take steps to restore and enhance the natural environment for the reasons outlined earlier. I really do believe that the climate changes, including the frequent hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis can largely be attributed to the fact that we did not take care of the environment. We can begin saving the environment by getting aware of the carbon footprint we are leaving behind and try our best to reduce it. Of course, we are all aware of reduce, reuse, recycle. If we all do this it would be big step in the right direction. The biggest commitment for a better environment would be to improve and use public transport, which in my opinion, is easily said than done.

    I believe that the government does not take this issue as a priority and is not doing enough to keep the environment clean. Though President Obama is pushing for green energy, he is facing a lot of opposition for doing so. The push to give permission for the oil pipeline from Canada to Arizona is an example of how little we care about the environment. Fracking, even in North Carolina, is another example of callous we are about the environment. The government should work in tandem with the EPA and increase spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment.

    In the past years, I have recycled papers, aluminum cans, glass ans plastic bottles as well as magazines in an effort to do my part to r4estore the environment. In addition, I do not use disposable plates, cutlery, and try to take my water in a reusable bottle as well as take my own reusable bag for grocery shopping.

  51. Rebecca Harless
    Period 5
    Friday, April 26, 2013

    I do care a lot about climate change relating to the future, because it is due to climate change that we might not have a future. We humans are destroying the ozone layer and causing global warming, and so I feel that it is our duty as the cause of climate change to stop, or even just delay, climate change.

    I think it is very important to restore and enhance the natural environment. To do this, I think steps we can take are to stop wasting so much electricity, recycling (although it may not be the most convenient thing), STOP LITTERING (I was a part of the Clean Sweep day, maybe eight ounces of garbage), plant trees and flowers, and stop doing things known to harm the environment. A simple policy of doing something nice for the environment a day is probably a good starting place.

    I think that government spending levels should stay the same, only increasing a little, because the government already has a lot of money issues. However, I think that it is also the people’s duty to help the environment, and since the government is already spending money, then people should just volunteer to help out the environment.

    Due to my family’s laziness, we have stopped recycling for a few months now, but we used to keep a basket full of recyclable things, like cans, bottles, cardboard, etc., the contents of which we would dump in a plastic bag and give to the people who took the recycling to where it was recycled. We really, really should start recycling again.

  52. David collazo
    I do care about climate change because it's inportant to protect this earth and it's were we live. one way we can restore this planet is to walk to places and not use cars. Im not saying not to use cars at all but im saying don't use a car when its 2 streets away.I think that the goverment should take more action and the goverment should spend on more programs to keep the planet healthy. We do not do anything more and more animals will die. Today i recycle and i am even in a club where u clean around the community and pick up trash.

  53. Lily E.
    7th period
    It is very important to protect the environment. We need to ensure that the Earth will still be in good condition centuries from now. We can't let the ice caps melt and cause the sea level to rise, or let global temperatures rise, affecting the growth of crops.
    Taking action is extremely important; people can conserve every and water by, for example, taking shorter showers, watering their lawns less often, and turning off lights/ appliances that they are not using.
    Government spending on programs to restore the environment should definitely increase. Protecting our home is extremely important, and should be a top priority of all the nations that share this planet.
    My mom and I recycle everything that we can (such as paper, cans, and bottles) every week. We put the recycling out along with the trash.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hope Davison, 1st

    Climate change and global warming are really serious, but because it’s happening so slowly, I feel like people aren’t caring about it as much as they should. What we do now, our choices and actions (or lack thereof) is basically going to be reflected in the future. We’re alive and well here, after thousands of years, and who do we owe that to? The generations before us (and God not smiting us down), so we have to be responsible for the generations to come.
    If people paid more attention to the dangers of global warming and such, we could accomplish a lot to restore/enhance the natural environment. If more people rode bicycles to places instead of cars, recycling, etc. by more of a rate than we’re doing now, it’ll have a major effect. Also, we should have more solar panels for energy.
    I think the government should increase their spending on programs to enhance/restore the environment, only if there is a solid, outlined plan for actions that will happen. The money has to go to a cause that will really push Americans forward in conserving the environment.
    I try to recycle as much as I can; my household recycles plastics and cans, I reuse items and turn off electronic items when not being used. I do feel like I could do more, though.

  56. Emily Chang
    Period 1

    I think that climate change is a very pressing issue. It will affect all of us because it will only get worse in the future. People dont care now, but once it becomes a real problem, people will wish they tried harder to prevent it when they could. Those who arent doing anything now will leave an environmental disaster to their future generations.
    I think the government should invest into environment protection and restoration programs only if people are really going to appreciate and work together to make them effective. If no one really pays attention to them, they will only be a waste of money.
    I try to do my best to help the environment by recycling. I also love making things so i try to repurpose items as often as i can instead of throwing them out.

  57. Jacob Engel.

    I think that climate change is a subject that is not nearly brought up enough. The Earth is headed for a disaster if we keep things up at this rate. The government needs to bring up laws that have no loopholes for factories to sneak through. I don't think that this is very likely, until it is too late, because there are a lot of politicians who are in the economy's pocket, and are supported by big polluters. Until there is a disaster that everyone can see, I don't think that there will be any change.
    I think that the government should give tax breaks to companies that do not give off a lot of pollution, and threaten tax raises on companies that do. They should also provide relief to companies that are working on green technology, and have shown progress.
    I turn the lights off in rooms that aren't being used, use flourescent light bulbs, and recycle.

  58. Current Event 24
    Shomya Mitra
    5th Period

    I think climate change is very important, and if we don’t fix it the world situation will be affected very badly. Rising temperatures usually mean stressing out the lungs of asthma sufferers. In 2008, Environmental Protection Agency researchers found that warming is likely to make smog worse in the entire country. Also, a warmer world will likely mean longer summers, stretching out the smog season. Rising temperatures also mean rising pollen levels, which is bad news for the 36 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies. There's also a zone of geography called the "malaria belt," a rough range of latitudes that tend to be warm and wet enough for the mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite to thrive. As temperatures and precipitation increase, mosquitoes may be able to spread further, putting more people at risk. For all these reasons, the government should step up funding for organizations that help the case against climate change. As for saving bottles and helping the environment, my family recycles every bottle, etc. that is recyclable and we also do compost which we use in our garden. I think we do a lot to help the environment in many ways.

  59. Keith Segars
    Pd. 2

    Yes, I do care a lot about climate change. This is because if our earth doesn’t survive than how can we? Also climate change is leading to a lack in biodiversity in the affected environments. It also can harm and even cause extinction for certain animals and plants.
    Yes, steps should be taken to help preserve the environment. These steps include the simple replacing of light bulbs for the use of green power. Also using compost piles to dispose of food scraps instead of throwing them away.
    Well seeing as our current efforts to help the environment is not enough; the governments spending towards it should be increased. I also think that civilians need to pitch in and volunteer/donate to the cause.
    My family is very keen on trying to recycle and have always tried to recycle everything we possibly can. Also reusing water bottles instead of throwing them away.

  60. Kelly Zhang
    2nd Period
    I care about climate change. We need to protect the world so it can be safe for future generations. I think it should be everyone’s goal to protect, restore, and enhance the natural environment. We live here on Earth, and we are guests. We should respect the Earth and environment. The government should put more money into helping the environment. We guzzle out harmful emissions, give off dangerous chemicals, deforest beautiful forests, waste natural resources, and destroy habitats. We pollute the Earth, and the government should try to stop that. I recycle all that I can. I use my Camelbak water bottle as often as I can to avoid wasteful plastic water bottles. My family also recycles and tries to use less water and electricity.

  61. Valeria Campos-Diaz
    April 26,2013
    1st Period
    I think it is important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using. I think the government needs to step in because people won't take action unless it is a law and it is very that we conserve our earth, our lives depend on it.

    I recycle my cans and bottles. I do not throw away any plastic bottles or cans that can be recycled and I also recycle paper. It is so important to me to help the earth in every way. I also make sure to turn off lights when I am not occupying a room.

  62. Emily Molina
    Period 2

    I think that climate change is a big problem facing the world right now. Climate change is already changing this world in dramatic ways, and it will only get worse in the future if we do not do anything about. Just think, if we do not try to reverse climate change, the ice caps will melt completely within the next 100 years, raising sea levels and displacing over 1 billion people.

    It is important for us to try to restore the environment to its former glory and operations. People could start being conscientious of the amount of materials, water, and energy they are using and try to cut down. Supporting charities designed to help the Earth would also help restore the environment, so donations to them would be a step to take as well.

    Seeing as government-run environmental programs are not doing much to improve the environment, it would be in everyone's best interest for the programs to be increased and supported with more funds. This is all based on the fact that these programs could significantly help the environment if they worked hard enough and were provided with the appropriate resources.

    At my house, we recycle paper materials, plastics, glass, metal, and batteries. Every week or so, we dump these things at the recycling center.

  63. Vanessa Campos-Diaz
    7th period
    I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop and slow down global warming. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences. I think government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be increased. My family sort of recycle but we have to get to the point where it can be automatic.

  64. Danielle Reviere 5th

    I do care about the climate and how it is changing; if we do not do something then generations in the future will have to pay the price. I think that it is really important to try and help the environment; I think that we could start by taking shorter showers and by recycling, or even by planting trees or a garden. If more people would do things like that it would make a huge impact. I think that it should increase because they need to spend more money on a campaign that would tell people about this mess; more people need to know about the environment. My family recycles and we all take really short showers compared to most people. We also have two hybrid cars.

  65. Isabelle Alzona
    Period 5

    I think climate change is something that should not be taken lightly. I have watched many climate change videos and done countless projects on the subject. Climate is a delicate balance that should not be messed with. Our future depends on the health of this earth, we shouldn't kill it with pollution. In order to save our planet people can take simple steps like changing out their lightbulbs to more efficient ones and recycling whatever they can. But other things can be done as communities too. Like making a public garden, getting solar panels, and carpooling. As for the government, they need to make more protected forests. If we cut down all our trees, then we cut our largest supply of oxygen. And hunting needs to be more restricted, many of the most beautiful creatures on this earth are going extinct. our government needs to step up the amount of earth saving programs they have. How can we step forward when we have a government holding us back? We need approval for more programs, and the government has to stop being easy on polluting corporations and health restrictions.

    My family recycles all our bottles, cans, and boxes. We try to give back by doing our part. Every time we see a plastic bottle lying around our house we recycle it. It's easy and more families should do it. All it is is putting a bottle in a bin. I'm glad my family tries to help the earth. The earth is asking for help in this against pollution, we should respond.

  66. Takoda Ren
    To restore and protect the environment you should first use renewable energy. Buy energy efficient cars and light bulbs. Buy foods that require less energy to produce and so forth.
    I think government spending on environmental issues should stay the same. Although the scientists should be more innovative. Spending should be enough, the energy put into new ideas may not be enough.-
    Our family recycles everything that can be recycled. To the point that you have to take out the bin every day.

  67. Nikki Thai
    1st Period

    Personally, I think climate change is in fact a bid deal. It has a major effect on our Earth. If we continue to not put effort into cleaning up after our selves, then the earth wont be able to take care of anything living on it. I think it is very important to help restore the environment and keep it cleaner. It really only require simple actions such as based upon 3 principles: reduce, reuse and recycle.

    I think that the government spending on these programs to improve and restore our environment should be kept the same because the government is already putting so much money towards this cause. What really has to change are the people’s attitudes towards this issue. If we get a lot more people to really care about this issue and do something about it then we will start to see positive changes.

    Well a common thing my family and I do is recycle, which is a fairly simple task that everyone should begin to do. I probably do a lot of other things but its hard to distinguish since its just become a daily action of mine.

  68. Anna Zurliene

    7 period

    Current event #24

    I care greatly about the environment in the future because not only will our changes for the better benefit us but also our ancestors and teaching the future generations how to survive is basically what we live for anyways, so in order to do that we need to make it healthier for them to live and make sure they aren’t destroying the planet like we are now. By contributing so greatly to global warming we are not only destroying our environment but the trillions of other organisms that live here as well. We should recycle, turn off all of our lights in our houses when we aren’t using them, plant gardens, and find other efficient ways of transportation to help improve our situation. We should have an increased amount of help from the government. My family has two separate trash can for our household trash and our recyclables that we divide every week. We also have a garden outside and a compost pile. We turn all of our lights off unless we really need them.

  69. Sophie Heins
    I do really care about climate change. I have since fourth grade; I don't understand how one wound not care about climate change. After all, all of us and our kids, nieces, and nephews are going to have to live here, and on that note so are we.
    I have always believed that our government needs to increase the funding for it. We need to invest more money in green technology. We need to improve our research in the information.
    I always recycle and do things like that.

  70. Noah Miller Johnson

    1. I care al lot about climate change because it is impossible to reverse or even stop the process after it reaches a certain point. What the climate is like will significantly affect how I live my adult life and what I do for a living. If the climate gets too bad too quickly then I will be forced into something that I don’t want to do.
    2. If the government increases funding to energy sources that do not give off greenhouse gasses and they stopped subsidizing oil that would lead to a decrease in oil production. Also if more energy was focused on renewable energy and on nuclear energy then we could get our energy from a place that doesn’t harm the plant that we want to live on.
    3. The amount the government is spending to protect the environment should change to reflect the changes in types of animals that are in danger and what things are the largest worry. The U.S. need to stop over fishing and have regulations that male all companies have to keep the environment clean.
    4. My family recycles paper, cans, bottles, batteries and just about anything but plastic and even some plastic.

  71. In my opinion I think it's logical that people will stop recycling over time because we all hear about recycling and taking care of the earth but we don't focus on that as much as they did back them because we have many other things happening. It not that we don't care about the earth it's just its not the first things on our minds. It's important to do simple things like recycle or plant a tree something simple that can really make a slow positive effect on earth.

  72. George McBurney
    Yes, because it affects our future. Some people don’t worry about climate changes because they think they won’t affect them. I think this is wrong. People should care about the environment they live in, and should want to preserve it for future generations.

  73. Nathan Guskiewicz
    period 5

    I care because I want my kids to live in an environment that is not trashed. Saying this, I think that it is of a very high leveled importance to work to restore and enhance the natural environment. I think government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be increased, because if our environment is not acted upon, it will soon be trashed a more dirty than ever. We are not headed on a good track to saving the environment right now. In the past few months, I have saved aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers and magazines for recycling.

  74. Tommy Mozier
    Period 1
    1. Yes, I do care about climate change.
    2. I think that it is very important to restore the natural environment, because we have to realized, that in the next century, things that we take for granted, like clean water, may become a rare resource. I think that we need to start by recycling as much as possible and then use less plastic goods, because plastic is bad for the environment.
    3. I think that the government spending on the environment should be increased, but not until we have this massive debt paid off and can afford something like that.
    4. All recyclable items that there are, my family recycles.

  75. Alexis Ramirez
    Honors World History
    1st period
    4/ 25/13

    1) Yes, I do care about the environment in the future. I do because I do not want to live in world that very polluted and dirty. In the future I want to live a safe and clean environment. If we don't do something then it can get worse. 2) One way that we can restore natural environment is to recycle, don't litter, plant fruits, vegetables etc. Also to raise gas, meaning to walk to places that aren't that far. Small help can lead to big changes. 3) I think that is should increase its level. Because if they dont do something then what are we going to do. If we are still recycling and doing are we supposed to do but its still not helping so we need to do something.4) I recycle, I separate the types such as paper, cans, cardboard and plastic. I also am in a group called YLI. In this group we do community service projects and plant, fruits, vegetables and more. And I savce energy by turning the lights off if I do not need them.

  76. I think climate change is an important thing to keep aware of. It is very important to keep the Earth usable and decent for the use of future generations. By taking the initiative now, we can help the future generations keep up the habit. I think renewable energy sources like solar panels are a good way to reduce our emissions. I think government spending should be increased slightly, not only in the USA but in other countries as well. However, the main initiative should be taken by the people. My family recycles cans, bottles and paper. We also take back plastic bags for stores to melt down and reuse.

  77. Bobby Russell
    5th period

    1. I definitely care about climate change and how it relates to my future. All are resources come from the earth if we use up these resources faster than they can grow or be produced we as a species are going to screw ourselves.

    2. To restore the natural environment is super important. I think as a species of earth we should be able to coexist with other species. I think that there should be stricter law placed on how we produce are goods. Move solely to clean energy. I also think large amounts of land should be turned into conservancies and donated to the animals that live there.

    3. There is no doubt in my mind the funding spent on these projects. Compared to what we spend on others things we pay almost nothing for our environment protection. More money needs to be spent on this project.

    4. In my house we recycle glass and aluminum bottles, cardboard and cereal boxes.

  78. Annelise ter Horst

    I do care about climate change, it affects the future of our world. The worse we treat the Earth, the worse the Earth will get. Eventually the Earth will be uninhabitable if we continue with the way we are treating it.
    I think it is very important to restore and enhance the natural environment. To help achieve this, we can use less water and electricity; convert wind, water, and sunlight into electricity; recycle; transfer to electric cars; and car pool.
    Government spending on these programs should be increased. The more awareness programs there are, the more people will want to and know how to help conserve the planet.
    My family and I have always recycled. Our house is always overflowing with recycling. We collect all of the cardboard and soda cans in our house each week and recycle it. We also turn off the lights when we are not using them and try to conserve water as much as we can.

  79. Wenbo Wang
    Period 2

    1. I worry about the possible effects of climate change, and the tangible consequences erupting from not caring for the planet properly. During the recent years, flooding and the average temperature has risen at an exponential rate. Food shortages, increased habitat range of mosquito and parasitic organisms will endanger human lives.
    2. Very important, because of the negative effects that can arise from using too much of the Earth’s resources. Steps that can be used to achieve these goals include; public awareness, better control over the logging/gas/coal industries, and strengthening environment protection laws.
    3. I think environmental program funding by the government can be increased, because although it may affect other sectors of life, more funding for such programs may benefit the people in the long run.
    4. Our family has kept recyclable materials in recycling bins, including aluminum cans, glass bottles, water bottles, magazines, and cardboard boxes.

  80. Ashley Yang
    2nd Period
    I definitely care about the environment especially if it refers to the future. We cannot do whatever we want because there is the future to think about. We are basically our own enemies because none of us can live without the Earth, at least not now. It's important that everyone makes a change, and it's important for the future generations so that they live on a nice Earth.
    I think it's very important to restore and enhance the environment. There are many things we can do such as recycling, planting trees, not wasting water and electricity, trying to figure out ways to use more renewable ways of electricity. I think more efficient cars, and less deforestation. We need to get everyone to do this to make a big impact.
    I think the government should put in more effort to help the environment. There are plenty of problems such as war and such, but none of us would be able to live in the future if we destroy the only home we know. People need to start working together because we all have one thing in common and that is we need the Earth to survive.
    My family and I always recycle. We recycle water bottles, newspaper, and just scrap paper. We also don't use too much electricity and we try to keep the lights off if possible, for example if it's bright enough to use the sun's light.

  81. It has become generally accepted in society that one who does not actively recycle is frowned upon. This is a fantastic change, wherein we have recognized the importance of being responsible stewards. While I agree that we should recycle, I don't think that it is practical to implement laws promoting domestic usage. There would simply be no way to reliably regulate it. However, programs encouraging the use of federal recycling programs should be implemented.
    My family actively recycles. We possess a large compost pile wherein all scraps of food are thrown, and all pieces of aluminum, paper, and plastic are responsibly discarded.

  82. Francisco Coch
    I care a lot about climate change, and am worried about its potential effects on our planet in the future. After seeing the documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth”, I was shocked about how much we have already changed our planet for the worse in last century or two. I think that conserving this planet’s natural resources and doing our best to take care of it should be among the top priorities in this nation’s government, and that our political leaders should make a larger effort to counter and prevent the harm we are causing to the environment. Consequently, more spending should be made on research for new developments for energy sources, rather than spending millions on the defense program and investing so much in wars. This means that that current value set aside for environmental affairs should be increased, among other promising things like improving the education standards. My family and I have always tried to do our part in trying to reduce our consumption of products, like plastic bags or bottles, that would otherwise just end up as waste. I do my best to recycle whatever things have lost their utility, saving electricity when not a necessity, or conserving water when possible.

  83. Elise Dixon
    Period 5
    Honors World History

    I care about climate change a great deal, including in the future where there will be many problems with the animals and plants, in all how well our world is doing. I think it is extremely important to try to stop all of these problems from starting, if they do then there will be many problems. What I would do first is find people that would seriously be interested in becoming more green. I would also later pass laws where we have to be green. I think that the government spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment should be kept at a present level or increased. There are other things that the government should invest in but climate change is important. In my family we always recycle glass bottles plastic bottles, aluminum cans, we have a recycling collector that comes every Wednesday where we leave out the bottles and cardboard/paper that needs to be recycled.

  84. Jeff Richardson de la clase primo

    Preserving the environment is a major concern for our society today and in future generations. We are hurting the very essence of life, ecosystems that gave shelter to organisms long before humans. When we have destroyed everything in nature, we will have nothing left and humans will die. We should do simple things like actually recycle, inform more people about easy things they can do to help, plant more plants, get solar panels, make cars more efficient, cut back on gasoline use, and never litter.

    I am aware of the steps the government has taken thus far to protect our environment. But I do think more can be done. There are short-term issues that our society must deal with. But every once and awhile we should step back and think about our future and our childrens future. If the government keeps worrying about what is happening in the present we are setting ourselves up for failure. So I do think they should spend more to help the environment, and get other countries to do the same.

    My family is not crazy about the environment (not gonna lie). However, we do recycle on a regular basis. Our pile of recyclables has grown tremendously over the years, to the point where we have a separate pile for boxes and stuff. We also happen to have a compost bin. Im not really sure what this does to help future generations but it's kind of cool.

  85. Gavin Rothwell
    Period 5
    Personally, I care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I believe that we need to take some serious steps to stop global warming. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences. If global warming continues, then sooner or later the earth will become like barren wasteland.

    I think government spending should be increased a little, but not by that much. Our government is already spending a lot of money towards helping the environment. What our government needs to do is to use that money a lot more efficiently. The people of the US also need to take steps towards preventing global warming.

  86. Robert Fernald
    I think that it is very important to work to restore and enhance the natural environment. Today the environment is being ruined and we would have to do a lot of work to make it better. Even so, we have caused many species to go extinct that we can never bring back. There are some steps that we would have to do in order to start fixing the environment. First we would have to get all the countries to severely cut back on fossil fuel usage to reverse global warming. Global warming is a major problem because as the oceans continue to warm many organisms like coral can be harmed. 2nd we would have to greatly decrease the amount of pollution going on today. Currently all kinds of harmful things are going on that negatively impact the environment. If we could get everyone to agree to those rules the environment would stop getting worse and would slowly get better.
    I think that the government should spend even more than they do today on programs to improve the environment. They should also work on green energy and provide incentives for companies that use it.
    In the past few months I have recycled all of the aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, paper, etc. that I have had in my house.

  87. Julia Perkins

    1st pd. History

    I think that climate change is an issue that will play an increasingly prevalent role in the everyday citizen’s life as we begin to see more and more effects of it in our everyday lives. So, I do care about climate change, since even though it may not have an enormous impact directly on my life right now, it easily could later on in my life or in later generations’ lives.

    I think that it is very important to, at the very least, maintain the natural environment at the point where it is currently. Of course, ideally we take steps to improve the environment, but I think it is more feasible to set our goal as a whole to not make the environment any worse off than it is right now. In order to do this, more people would need to recycle plastic and other recyclable materials, grow their own food, not use pesticides and cut down on their energy use levels.

    I don’t know too much about how much our government is currently spending on programs to enhance and restore our environment in relation to how much they spend on other programs, so I’m not really in a good position to form an opinion on how this should change or not change.
    My family recycles cans, bottles, newspapers, cardboard and pretty much anything that can be recycled. We keep a recycling bin right next to the trash can and empty it when we empty the trash. This keeps it simple and makes it easy for us to do our part to reduce waste in this way.

  88. Kunal Lodaya
    1st pd.

    Climate change is a problem that will become increasingly relevant as time goes on. We will find more and more evidence of how global warming and pollution are changing the world. It is a problem that needs to be addressed now,and it is up to us to fix it. It's been said that were humans to leave Earth for 100 years, the climate would heal itself.

    At this point, we are adding the equivalent of the population of China to the Earth's population every decade. The increasing production and environmental change over time will further increase the onset of global climate change.

    Government spending at this point is not the answer, in my opinion. Our economy cannot withstand increased spending. The solution instead, is to start a national movement to increase awareness of climate change, as well as solutions for it.

  89. Shreyas Pyati
    Climate change will be a major problem (it is right now) and I think that everyone should care about it. Being eco friendly isn't hard, but a lot of people don't take up the initiative.

    Government spending should be increased on this topic because if the world doesn't go into a nuclear war, then climate change left untouched will be just as devastating.

    Using less vehicles will help in this process. Biking to school is one alternative that everyone can think about. Other things include recycling, less water waste, and planting trees.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. I think it is I think it is SO important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up. we need to fix this now now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using.

    I think government spending towards environmental issues should be increased a lot. What our government seems to be doing is spending money on stupid things, and now needs to do is to use that money more efficiently.
    I have recycled aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, and magazines. My family always tries to recycle those materials every week. My family and I do this to help the important to keep the environment safe

  92. Sam Nielsen
    Ist Period

    I think that keeping the environment safe is important, as future generations will have to deal with what ever decisions we make. Much evidence supports climate change and we would be foolish to ignore it. For the good of the entire human race, we should certainly think about addressing climate problems and work on making our world a healthier place to live. For the sake of a bright future, it would be best if we act now.

    I think that protecting and restoring the environment is extremely important. In order to accomplish this, each individual must play their part. The obvious thing one should not do is littering, though people may also want to think about biking to nearby locations instead of driving, or at least carpooling, so as to save gas and minimize exhaust fumes. The government should work on developing clean and sustainable energies. Even though they may not be cost effective now, finding ways to produce more of it quickly would make them cost effective in the future. This makes me think that the government should definitely think about doing more to support the environment. It may not be an option now, due to the current condition of our economy, but in the near future it should definitely become a priority.

    I personally have not been stocking up on cans and the like, though we do have several recycling bins at my house that we put paper, cans, glass etc. in throughout the year.

  93. Erica Johnson
    Period 1

    1) I definitely do care about climate change right now, as well as the impact it will have on the future. I feel that there could be more steps taken to prevent dramatic climate change, since there is such an impact that it has on society. I can just picture what the world will look like in 50 years if there are not more precautions taken to prevent climate change and global warming in general, and it does not look good!
    2) I think it is so important to restore and improve the environment. I believe that so many people (including myself) carelessly use natural resources and there are so many simple things that us Americans could do to improve our carbon footprint.
    3) I think the spending on programs should be increased, if they are to be changed. I am aware that the government is putting an effort up to improve the environment, but the efforts are not making much of an influence on society, or the environment as is.
    4) I have recycled many cans and papers at school and at home. Although it is small, if everyone takes part in actions like these, it can really make a difference.

  94. Rachel Danner
    7th period
    I do think that climate change is a big and very real issue that is currently facing our world. The fact is that the Earth really doesn’t really need as much saving as we do. The climate has been very drastic before and it will reach there once again. The problem is that if it reaches these conditions it will become unlivable for us, and for many of the other species that we share this planet with. I think it is very important for us to spend money on making sure that this remains an inhabitable place for us to live in and for future generations to live in as well. Not only do we have a responsibility to ourselves, but also those who will come after us. My family recycles paper and plastics and also composts food waste to use in our gardens.

  95. Period 2

    Personally, I do care about climate change and how it will affect the future of our planet. I think we need to take action and do some serious reform. If we don’t, then eventually we will suffer serious consequences, such as rising sea level. If global warming continues, then sooner or later the earth will become inhospitable.

    I believe that it is very important to restore and enhance the natural environment. We have seriously damaged the enviroment and we are responsible for fixing it. There are some steps we can take to reverse some of our negative impact on the earth. We can recycle everything possible, ride bikes or walk, use alternate energy, preserve animal habitats, and prevent deforestation

    I think there should be more funding for programs that help the enviroment. But there is already money funding programs, it just not being used efficiently. If we took money from overfunded programs such as the millitary, then the goverment wouldn't be spending any more money than it already is.

    I have recycled aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic bottles, newspapers, and magazines. My family also has a compost so we don't throw away things like egg shells or banana peels. We do a lot to save energy and protect the enviroment.

  96. Emily Ball
    Period 1
    I think it is SO important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using.

    I think the government needs to step in because people won't take action unless it is a law and it is very that we conserve our earth, our lives depend on it.

    Absolutely I recycle my cans and bottles. I do not throw away any plastic bottles or cans that can be recycled and I also recycle paper. It is so important to me to help the earth in every way. I took shorter showers and I also make sure to turn off lights when I am not occupying a room.

  97. I myself do care about climate change, and keeping the environment safe. It is very important that we dont screw the earth up. Anything we can do to be cleaner and more efficient will be very beneficial.
    I feel like it would be great if the government would step in and put down some regulations, but they have more important things to worry about than the climate. For example the economy.
    My family recycles everything that we are able to including bottles and newspapers. Whenever we leave the house we make sure that all the lights are off in order to save electricity, and use the fluorescent light bulbs.

  98. David Cho

    In my opinion, I think climate change has a big impactn on our Earth. We treat the Earth badly and soon it won't be looking so good. It might be really cold in the spring, that can cause plants not be able to reprdouce and grow. Also, it can be very hot in the winter which can cause ice to melt.
    I think it is very important to restore and enhance the enviroment. This can be acheived by recycling, using electric cars, and using less water. The government should be spending more on our enviorment to keep the Earth safe and clean. In the past few months, my family and I have been recycling, saving water like such as turning water off when brushing our teeth, and I joined Green Tigers which helps clean the enviorment.

  99. Vanessa Campos-Diaz
    period 7
    I think it is SO important to keep the environment safe. This is the only earth we have and we cannot afford to mess it up so we need to take action now. I feel like we need to not only recycle, but make sure to turn out lights, conserve energy and water, and be more conscious about the natural resources we are using.

    I think the government needs to step in because people won't take action unless it is a law and it is very that we conserve our earth, our lives depend on it.

    Absolutely I recycle my cans and bottles. I do not throw away any plastic bottles or cans that can be recycled and I also recycle paper. It is so important to me to help the earth in every way. I took shorter showers and I also make sure to turn off lights when I am not occupying a room.

  100. Climate change will be a major problem (it is right now) and I think that everyone should care about it. Being eco friendly isn't hard, but a lot of people don't take up the initiative.

    Government spending should be increased on this topic because if the world doesn't go into a nuclear war, then climate change left untouched will be just as devastating.

    Using less vehicles will help in this process. Biking to school is one alternative that everyone can think about. Other things include recycling, less water waste, and planting trees.

  101. Emma Baldwin


    Period 7

    1. I do care about climate change as it relates to the future because it will no doubt affect Earth even more drastically in the future. The choices that we make will reflect its condition later in our lifetimes, even. I think that it is very important to work to restore and enhance the natural environment. This can be accomplished in many ways depending on one’s lifestyle and options; examples include recycling, exploring alternate energy use, growing native plants, and not cutting down trees for landscaping purposes as much. I think that government spending on such programs should increase if possible, but mainly should be redistributed in the most efficient way so that money is not being spent on useless aspects of such a grave issue. In the past few months, my family has saved the recyclables mentioned above as well as doing other things to be more environmentally friendly, like using tote bags at the grocery store and being more aware of our electricity consumption. We recently had our house remodeled, and replaced all lightbulbs and toilets with more energy- and water-efficient versions.
