Current Event #28: Trading Places/Past or Present

Due: Friday, May 24th, 2013
During the course of this year, we have discussed various historical individuals which have had some sort of impact (small or large) within our society. For this week's current event, select a person from the past or present, that you would trade places with for a day. Relive a major victory, accomplishment, battle, etc. that your chosen person may have experienced in their lifetime. It can be a person you know personally, a celebrity, or some person of notoriety to others. What would life be like for you by taking on another's identity? How would things change or stay the same?
What You Will Do:
1. Select one individual past or present that you admire and would consider switching identity with for a day. Be sure to discuss who the person is and what contributions or actions/influence he or she has had on society.
2. Explain why you chose the individual and what experiences would come from walking in that person's shoes for any amount of time.
3. Discuss at least one thing that makes you similar to the person you chose and one thing that you would have to change/do in order to come close to the talent of your person of choice.
***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***
***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***