Current Event #28: Trading Places/Past or Present

Due: Friday, May 24th, 2013
During the course of this year, we have discussed various historical individuals which have had some sort of impact (small or large) within our society. For this week's current event, select a person from the past or present, that you would trade places with for a day. Relive a major victory, accomplishment, battle, etc. that your chosen person may have experienced in their lifetime. It can be a person you know personally, a celebrity, or some person of notoriety to others. What would life be like for you by taking on another's identity? How would things change or stay the same?
What You Will Do:
1. Select one individual past or present that you admire and would consider switching identity with for a day. Be sure to discuss who the person is and what contributions or actions/influence he or she has had on society.
2. Explain why you chose the individual and what experiences would come from walking in that person's shoes for any amount of time.
3. Discuss at least one thing that makes you similar to the person you chose and one thing that you would have to change/do in order to come close to the talent of your person of choice.
***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***
***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***
Jackson Cabell
ReplyDelete7th Period
1) I would trade places with Barack Obama. If you don't know already, this is the president of the United States of America! He keeps the country running and has protected us from harms way.
2) I chose this individual because I would love to be the president right now. Even though it would be stressful, it would be a well-paying job and you would have lots of things provided for you for free. The house the president lives in is huge and the citizens of America would love me since I am their president.
3)One thing that makes me similar to Barack Obama is that we are both males. One thing I would have to change in order to come close to the talent of Obama is that I would have to become more educated. I have only been through almost 9 grades while Obama has already finished his education.
Gabi Brenman
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
If I could switch places with anyone for one day, I would chose Susan B. Anthony. She was a women’s rights activist and fought for women’s suffrage. She realized if women were going to have an influence throughout the country, women would need to be able to vote. It would open the door to more possibilities for women. Sadly, she was not alive to see the 19th amendment passed, granting women the right to vote. (It is sometimes referred to as the Susan B. Anthony amendment!)
From being in Anthony’s shoes for one day would show me what it means to be passionate about something I care deeply about and what it really means to have to fight for your rights. I would learn how to stand up for my beliefs and have confidence in my words.
I believe strongly in equality for all, as did Anthony. I would need to be more confident and mentally tough. Anthony was a very powerful person who always spoke the truth.
Jacob Engel
ReplyDelete7th Period
If I could switch places with anyone, I would switch with George Washington. He was the first president of the USA. Since he was the founding father of the country in the world, he would be very proud to see what the USA has become. He impacted the USA in many ways. He led the army, and of course was the first president.
Being in George Washington's shoes for one day would show me the leadership necessary to do the things that he did. I would understand his leadership qualities because he led the army and was a president. I chose George Washington because of all of the great things he accomplished.s
I don't think that I have a lot in common with George Washington, but we both are american. He is more of leader, while I prefer to not be the head honcho of something that is going on. Of course, I have to lead sometimes, but would rather not. We are both american, though.
Avery Acierno
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
If I could switch places with one person for a day I would choose Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci was a very famous painter and inventor during the Renaissance period in Europe. He was Italian and was born in the Republic of Florence. Over his lifetime, da Vinci painted many great paintings, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He also came up with many great invention ideas, such as the Flying Machines and a huge horse he never finished constructing. Da Vinci was said to be amazingly talented and skilled. He was a great inspiration and contributor during the Renaissance Period.
I choose Leonardo da Vinci because he was so intellectually and physically talented. He also made so many great paintings and inventions that are still marveled at today. If a could become daVinci then I would be able to use all his skills to create my own amazing things. I would also know how it feels to be an absolute genius. With Leonardo's abilities, I could do amazing things that I would normally consider impossible.
One similarity between da Vinci and I is that we are both smart. Da Vinci was a genius. I am no genius, but I consider myself to be fairly smart intellectually. I take all Honors classes and I have all good grades. One thing I would need to get better at to be da Vinci is my art and painting abilities. Da Vinci was a master painter, and my painting and art skills are not great.
Edward Zhuang
ReplyDelete5th Period
If I could switch places with any person, I would have to choose Atilla the hun. Atilla was a very powerful leader who had one of the greatest empires of all time. The guy had a lot of power and ruled millions of peoples! Truely, he was one of the few men who almost achieved world dumination.
If I were in Attila’s shoes, I would find out what power felt like. As you felt stress and pressure, you would also feel like a champion of the people, with millions of people under your command. This role of Attila would teach me leadership. I know it would be a fun experience.
Both me and Attila are Asian. This is the only similarity. I need to learn to be a leader and think on a more worldly level, as opposed to just my school.
Claire Lancaster
ReplyDelete1st period
1) If I could trade places with anyone for a day it would be Mahatma Gandhi. He is an extremely well known man who fought for the rights of Indian people in the late 1800s. Not only did he stand up for what he believed in, but he also did it peacefully. His protesting methods have influenced the minds of many, including Martin Luther King Jr.
2) I chose Gandhi because of the respect I have for him. I think it would be an honor to walk in his shoes for a day. So many people around the would love him and respect him a lot, and that would be such a great feeling to have; that you change peoples lives and people you haven’t ever met before just love you.
3) The thing Gandhi and I have in common is that we both believe in peaceful protest. The thing that I would have to change is how I act when protesting. Peaceful protest is much easier said than done, so I would need to control my temper better.
Anna Castellano
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
If I could trade places with someone in history I would choose Christopher Columbus. He is a very well-known man because he was the person who discovered America! Without Christopher Columbus discovering America we probably wouldn’t have been living here today.
I think that it would be cool to be Christopher Columbus because I would find out what it would be like to be very well respected. Also, it would be neat to be on a boat for weeks traveling across the Atlantic. It would be cool to be him because then I would have discovered America and my name would be in every history textbook.
One thing Christopher Columbus and I have in common is that we are both smart. Obviously, I am not as smart as he is but I would be able to read a compass allowing me to travel across the Atlantic Ocean well. One thing I would have to change if I were Christopher Columbus would be my gender. Christopher Columbus was a boy and I am a girl. Therefore, things wouldn’t work out because women weren’t looked at to be very smart and sailor/discoverer/conqueror like.
Shreyas Pyati
ReplyDelete7th Period
I would trade places with Augustus Caesar. He is the first Roman emperor and arguably one of the greatest military geniuses of all time (Julius Caesar was supposed to be a great general too). He expanded Rome, fought off traitors, and established the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) for over 200 years.
I would like to be Augustus because he was an amazing leader and he was also very smart. I would like to have the whole Roman empire under my command. Also, who doesn't want to experience some time in Ancient Rome?
One thing me and Augustus have in common is that we are both smart. Obviously, I'm no military genius or anything, but I have good grades and I think I am pretty smart. I would probably have to change my leadership skills because after all, to lead the roman empire means that you have to be good at leading.
Avery Scope-Crafts
If I could trade places with anyone, I would choose Jackie Robinson. He was one of the first African Americans to sign a contract with a team in the MLB. He was also one of the best players of all time. HE is an inspiration to many people worldwide. HE helped break the color barrier in baseball.
I chose Jackie Robinson because he changed the game of baseball indefinantly. Who knows when blacks would be accepted in the MLB is he didn’t play baseball the way he did. If I could step in his shoes for a day I would play baseball.
I am similar to Jackie Robinson because I play baseball and we are the same gender. Sadly, I will never get to his skill level because he was good at baseball. To become like him I would have get some skill in baseball.
Abby Kameny
ReplyDelete5th period
If I could trade places with a historical person for a day, I would choose Rosa Parks. She is important in history because she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white person. This played a significant role in the Civil Rights Movement. She later wrote an autobiography about the obstacles she overcame.
I chose Rosa Parks because she is really strong and courageous. She knew it was wrong for the bus driver to make her sit in the back just because of her race, so she stood up for herself. I don't think I could be as brave as her. So many people look up to Rosa Parks because of her bravery.
I don't think I have that much in common with Rosa Parks. We're both female.. that's about it. But someday I hope to be as brave as her so I can stand up for what I believe in. She is a role model for so many people.
Albert Yam
ReplyDelete2nd Period
If I could switch places with any person, I would have to choose Attila the Hun. Attila was a very powerful leader who had one of the greatest empires of all time. The guy had a lot of power and ruled millions of peoples! Truly, he was one of the few men who almost achieved world domination.
If I were in Attila’s shoes, I would find out what power felt like. As you felt stress and pressure, you would also feel like a champion of the people, with millions of people under your command. This role of Attila would teach me leadership. I know it would be a fun experience.
Both me and Attila are Asian. This is the only similarity. I need to learn to be a leader and think on a more worldly level, as opposed to just my school.
Carly LeMoine
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
If I could switch places with any person I would chose Leonardo Da Vinci. He accomplished so many things through out his life. He was an amazing Italian painter, but he also invented lots of things. His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa. His second most famous painting is The Last Super. He invented a flying machine and a giant crossbow. I chose Leonardo Da Vinci because he is very well known around the world. He is still remembered even all theses years after his death. To be in his place for a day would be cool. I would imagine that he does a lot of sketching and painting every day. One thing I have in common with him is that he wanted to be really good at what he does, that’s what I want when I’m older.
Kurt Griarte
ReplyDelete7th Period
I would trade places with Augustus Caesar. He is the first Roman emperor and arguably one of the greatest military geniuses of all time (Julius Caesar was supposed to be a great general too). He expanded Rome, fought off traitors, and established the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) for over 200 years.
I would like to be Augustus because he was an amazing leader and he was also very smart. I would like to have the whole Roman empire under my command. Also, who doesn't want to experience some time in Ancient Rome?
One thing me and Augustus have in common is that we are both smart. Obviously, I'm no military genius or anything, but I have good grades and I think I am pretty smart. I would probably have to change my leadership skills because after all, to lead the roman empire means that you have to be good at leading.
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ReplyDeleteAri Horwitz (AKA your lover, yeah im talking to you MR. Waters)
ReplyDelete7th Period
If I could switch places with a historic person for a day I would probably be Franklin Roosevelt. He was the president of the United States when WWII was going on. When Pearl Harbor was attacked he declared war on japan and their allies. This began the US involvement in the war. He helped bring the United States out of the great depression and kicked some major butt in WWII. I admire him because he contributed in the fall of the Nazi Party.
I chose this individual because I would want the power at the time of his living to be able to help end the Holocaust. I would also like to take the responsibility to be the President of the United States and be able to do what ever the heck I want to do. Like bomb Hitler. If I were FDR I would have to keep in touch with my man Winston Churchill who was quite a thug in WWII beating the Axis Powers Buttocks. I would also have to keep the US in control because Japan would be constantly plotting on bombing.
Both FDR and me are male citizens of the United States. We are both pretty sexy and handsome if I might add. If I was to be FDR I would have to have much more of an education. I would also have to look old and have white hair. But other wise I’m pretty much the same person as him except that I’m Jewish but I could convert him. FDR is a cool person.
Sydney VanOrd
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
If I could switch places with anyone for the day it'd either be Gandhi or Thad Castle just cause they are both bros and pretty cool guys that I envy. Thad is pretty rockin' and well Gandhi is just so peaceful and chill and such and like is just a cool guy.
If I was in Gandhi's shoes I'd probably have some type of peace protest or something and tell every one off cause he's so boss. If I could switch places with Thad Castle I'd probably throw a party at the goat house cause those are epic, and chill around BMS like such the bro that I truly am.
Well one thing that me and Gandhi have in common is our wisdom and peaceful ways, and our techniques of nonviolence. And one thing that me and Thad have in common is that we are both super bro, and we like to party and we like to have a good time.
Period 2
ReplyDeleteIf I could switch places with someone famous for a day, it would be Michael Jordan. Known as the greatest basketball player of all time, he won just about every award he could. He was the icon of a generation. He has a powerful brand too, Airjordans.
I would want to be Michael Jordan because being really good at basketball would be cool. Also I want to be able to dunk.
Both me and Michael Jordan are American males that are good at basketball. Also, we both like UNC and know it is the best school for basketball in the world. We both have lived in North Carolina during our childhood, and both of us knew Warren Martin.
Nathan Guskewicz
ReplyDeleteperiod 5
I would trade places with Barack Obama. If you don't know already, this is the president of the United States of America! He keeps the country running and has protected us from harms way. I like him a lot.
I chose this individual because I would love to be the president right now. Even though it would be stressful, it would be a well-paying job and you would have lots of things provided for you for free. The house the president lives in is huge and the citizens of America would love me since I am their president.
One thing that makes me similar to Barack Obama is that we are both males. One thing I would have to change in order to come close to the talent of Obama is that I would have to become more educated. I have only been through almost 9 grades while Obama has already finished his education.
Anna Grace Kelley
Period 7
If I could switch places with someone for one day I would choose the president. I think that it would be amazing to have the feeling of responsibility of running one of the most influential and powerful countries in the world. I would change some things and keep some things the same but honestly it would just be cool to have that responsibility. Sure this job would be really stressful and a lot of people would be counting on you but it would still be super cool. Also, think about all the gadgets that come with this job. You get the white house, all the planes and helicopters, the security and much more. One of the things that make us alike is that fact that we can handle big projects and reponsibility. I know it is on a much smaller level but the people that I trust give me a lot of reponsibility and trust which is what happens with the president.
Jonathan Phillips
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
If I were to trade places with someone it would be queen. They wrote the great song "Bohemian Rhapsody" and the classic "Fat Bottomed Girls" They were also the leaders of the United States of America from 1980-1984.
I chose these individuals because:
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me Mama, just killed a man Put a gun against his head Pulled my trigger, now he's dead Mama, life had just begun But now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, ooo Didn't mean to make you cry If I'm not back again this time tomorrow Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters Too late, my time has come Sends shivers down my spine Body's aching all the time Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows) I don't want to die I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all. Its very inspirational, almost as much so as "Fat Bottomed Girls" They make the rocking world go round.
One thing that makes me similar to these great individuals is that they too enjoy a joke every now and then. Also mr. waters do you read these? One thing that makes me different is that I am not a very musical person.
Emily Ball
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
1) I would trade places with Barack Obama. If you don't know already, this is the president of the United States of America! He keeps the country running and has protected us from harms way.
2) I chose this individual because I would love to be the president right now. Even though it would be stressful, it would be a well-paying job and you would have lots of things provided for you for free. The house the president lives in is huge and the citizens of America would love me since I am their president.
3)One thing that makes me similar to Barack Obama is that we are both males. One thing I would have to change in order to come close to the talent of Obama is that I would have to become more educated. I have only been through almost 9 grades while Obama has already finished his education.
1. I really admire Beyonce Knowles. I would definitely consider being her for one day, since she is famous and lives an awesome life. Also, since she is such a good dancer, and that would be cool if I could be good at dancing. Beyonce is a very influential woman. She fights for women’s rights and is a good role model for all girls.
ReplyDelete2. I just think it would be really cool to be Beyonce because she is such an amazing person and just living in her interesting life for one day would be really fulfilling.
3. There is not really anything similar between Beyonce and I. She is famous and African-american, and is really good at dancing. To be more like Beyonce, I would have to learn to sing and dance better. Specifially to master the “put a ring on it” dance moves.
Sarah Taekman
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
If I had to switch identities with a person I admire for a day, I would switch with Nikola Tesla. He was an inventor from Austria-Hungary that was especially good with electricity who was probably one of the greatest inventors who lived. He moved to the United States to work for Thomas Edison, and soon this became a feud to see who could invent the best devices involving electricity. Edison got so pissed off at Tesla being smarter than him, he sent some guys down to trash Tesla’s lab. Some of his inventions include: Alternating Current (a way of distributing electricity), fluorescent bulbs, X-rays, radio (it’s credited to someone else, but Supreme Court found that Tesla had the original working patent), remote controls, electric motors, and supposedly a “death ray” that would be used to shoot down aircrafts.
I chose Tesla because he was brilliant yet he wasn’t a jerk like many other intelligent inventors. He was never proven to actually be rude to Edison; Edison was mean enough for both of them. And he was extremely smart. While Tesla worked for him, Edison gave him an “impossible” problem to solve. Tesla solved it and embarrassed the crap out of Edison. You may also be wondering why I’m saying Tesla was nice despite the fact he made a death ray. The media nicknamed the death ray the “peace ray” because Tesla stated he wanted it only to be used for national defense and nothing else. We’re alike in the way that we have both never tangibly created a death ray. In order to achieve all that Tesla did, I would have to become at least 500 times smarter.
Alex Parks
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
If I could switch places with any person, I would have to choose Atilla the hun. Atilla was a very powerful leader who had one of the greatest empires of all time. The guy had a lot of power and ruled millions of peoples! Truly, he was one of the few men who almost achieved world domination.
If I were in Attila’s shoes, I would find out what power felt like. As you felt stress and pressure, you would also feel like a champion of the people, with millions of people under your command. This role of Attila would teach me leadership. I know it would be a fun experience.
Both me and Attila are Asian. This is the only similarity. I need to learn to be a leader and think on a more worldly level, as opposed to just my school.
Joyce Yao
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
If I could "switch identities" with someone BARACK OBAMA for OPRAH a day, it'd definitely be like a worm. Idk I feel like they don't really know/care what's going on as long as they aren't INSPIRATION being run over or attacked by ants. Their simplistic lives would be a good break from the complicated ones of humans. RESPECTABLE They also help make soil good and nutritious. lol what is that word. nutritious. nutritious. The only problem would be that they don't do much deep thinking and it might get kind of boring. Plus I wouldn't want to eat soil all the time. Actually, I guess not a worm but something else that doesn't have to worry about much. I guess it'd be fun to switch places with Mr. Q Waters for a day. (ain't sayin' smack) Mr. waters contributes to the more... lenient... side of high school which is... a good break from the more stressful parts of school. INFINITE CONTRIBUTIONS TO SOCIETY. Also corey is basically like a mother to me because I can joke around with him freely but if I'm stepping over the line, he'll beat me into place. Only kidding- Mr. Waters is the friendliest, least-provokable teacher ever. The joke I made up there is a clear example of our friendship- we can make jokes that might make others uncomfortable. Is anyone reading this? I hope not. Please don't fire him I was just kidding! VALUABLE ROLE MODELS. By being Mr. Waters for a day, I'd probably learn the importance of teaching kids. I would see that sometimes kids need more actual teaching than it may seem. I would also learn the magnificence of giraffes and what it would be like to lead the wonderful class of AVID. It would definitely be a more educational "Freaky Friday" scenario! Mr. Waters really completes the friendly atmosphere of CHHS- he's even been made legend by getting the "Best class to text in" recognition by the yearbook. Congrats! Ok I think I'm going to end this now. ciao!
Sophie Heins
I would choose to switch place with Bille Joe Armstrong (lead singer of Green Day) because he is an awesome dude. He wrote the first ever punk rock opera based around the current state of the media and his disappointment in George W. Bush being reelected, called American Idiot.
I walk a lonely road the only one that I have ever known on this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams when the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone. Walking down the line that divides divides me somewhere in my mind check my vital signs and know I'm still alive and I walk alone.
My shadows only one that walks beside my shallow hearts the only thing that's beating sometime I wish someone out there will find me 'til then I walk alone. St. Jimmy died today blew his brains out into the bay.
Lillian Menkens-Weiler
ReplyDelete5th Period
It's hard to choose, but one person that I would like to trade places with is Harriet Tubman. She was and abolitionist. She fought against slavery and she helped slaves escape through the Underground Railroad. She risked being captured so that she could help other people reach freedom.
I would like to trade places with Harriet Tubman because she was incredibly brave, and she fought for what she believed in. She helped so many people reach freedom and she is an extremely inspirational person.
Harriet Tubman was perseverant. One thing that we have in common is the desire to help people. I hope that I can do something that helps others someday.
Shamim Zarei
If I could switch places with someone famous for a day, it would be Michael Jordan. Known as the greatest basketball player of all time, he won just about every award he could. He was the icon of a generation. He has a powerful brand too, Airjordans. I would also be a very rich man, but unfortunately, i would be the owner of the worst NBA team, The Charlotte Bobcats.
I would want to be Michael Jordan because being at his level of play would be really fun and cool. Also I want to be able to dunk the way he does and basically float in the air for a couple of seconds. He also has a championship ring with UNC and 6 rings with the Chicago Bulls.
Both me and Michael Jordan are American males that are good at basketball. Also, we both like UNC and know it is the best school for basketball in the world. We both have lived in North Carolina during our childhood, and both of us knew Warren Martin.
Hope Davison, 1st Period
ReplyDeleteA person I really admire and would love to trade places with would be Hayao Miyazaki. Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, animator, screenwriter and artist. He has been made famous for his films within Studio Ghibli (Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, etc.)
Miyazaki is who I look up to regarding my desired future career. What he does is amazing, and it is also the industry that I hope to work in. His movies are different from most other movies (Pixar & Disney mainly, for younger audiences and up). He manages to create this whole other, completely realistic world that seems incredibly real and formulate a fantastic storyline to go along with. The main thing I love about his films is his lack of dividing the plot into two defined sides of good and evil. It’s almost impossible for me to watch any movie that doesn’t do this. There is always a hero that sets out to defeat the unredeemable villain, and that ends up being the plot, no matter how creative a movie gets. Miyazaki manages to find understanding with all of the characters, sympathetic qualities and all. I really want to follow in his footsteps.
For one thing, I would probably have to move to Japan in order to actually do what I want to do, and work harder at design and graphics over the computer (which is already happening).
Harrison Young
ReplyDelete7th Period
I would trade places with Barack Obama. If you don't know already, this is the president of the United States of America! He keeps the country running and has protected us from harms way. I chose this individual because I would love to be the president right now. Even though it would be stressful, it would be a well-paying job and you would have lots of things provided for you for free. The house the president lives in is huge and the citizens of America would love me since I am their president. One thing that makes me similar to Barack Obama is that we are both males. One thing I would have to change in order to come close to the talent of Obama is that I would have to become more educated. I have only been through almost 9 grades while Obama has already finished his education.
Nick Agusta
ReplyDelete1st period
I would trade places with Tiger woods back when he was winning tournaments with a broken leg and having sexual relations with 16 women at once.
I would trade places with him because honestly his life was probably the best in the world at that point. Also he obviously partied way harder than anyone on earth.
One thing that makes me and Tiger so similar is that we are both complete jocks and there is no changing that honestly.
Blake Johnson
ReplyDelete2nd period
If I had to trade places with someone I would choose president Barack Obama. I would enjoy running the country and being the president.
I would trade places with him so that I could go crazy in the White House. I think it would be enjoyable to run the country for a short time.
I am similar with Obama because we both have perseverance. Obama has persevered many times in office before and I have persevered Doing this current event blog. Thanks big C it's been real.
(1/2) If I could be someone else for one day I would pick Bill Gates. This is because I would be able to see what it is like to be one of the richest men ever. Also I could see what it would have been like to contribute so much technological progress to our society. Thirdly I would make sure to donate myself a good chunk of money.
ReplyDelete(3) Well one way I’m similar to Bill Gates is that I am on the computer a lot. If I wanted to be more like him I would have to learn the science behind computers.
If I could be anyone it would probably be Tyler Perry, because even though he started out homeless the lord has blessed him to come in to millions of dollars entertaining people with movies and life lessons. Also gives back to the community. I believe me and Tyler are somewhat similar because we both lived in poverty at a young age. If I were to be Tyler for a day I would probably be thinking about how I would help the community I believe should be helped, and invest in programs to help the world if at all possible.
ReplyDeleteKaitlin Hill
ReplyDelete2nd Period
If I could switch places with anyone it would probably be Gandhi. He has all the qualities that I wish to have and represents a symbol of peace and prosperity that I deeply admire. He was a very brave man who stood up for what he believed in. That is all I can hope to be in this life. The main reason I would like to be Ghandi, if only for a day, is to feel what it's like to inspire others like he did every day.
Ian Hufford
If I could switch lives for a day with someone, i would pick Obama and run the country for a day. I think that would be a fun experience. I would enjoy this because I have always wanted to rule the country and do my best to improve it. I do think that running the country full time would be good, but cool for a short while. Thanks for the awesome year Mr. waters. I cant say that i will miss doing these current events but i learned a lot in your class so thats cool.
I have no desire to swich places with any one. If i were in a place of leadership i would let my advisors rule as i have no idea on how to run a government or wage a war. In all honesty i could enjoy swiching lives with someone for pleasure values but i dont have anyone in mind.
ReplyDeleteSydney Jones
ReplyDeleteIf I could trade places with anyone it would be Mckenna Willoughby (a.k.a Kenna/Kennacat/Kenken/Ken/Mckennan). I would want to trade places with Mckenna because she is really nice and her parents let her have like ten cats. Oh yeah and shes a model. She influences society by taking in cats and caring for them. She also spreads her beauty to the needy by modeling. As Mckenna I would experience what it is like to have two younger sisters and also the joys of caring for and cuddling with ten cats. Mckenna and I are already really similar (We’re {fraternal} twins) but It would be nice to phone in on my sisterly/ cat caring skills.
McKenna Willoughby
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
If I could switch identities with anyone, it would be my best friend Sydney Jones. Sydney is a tall, blonde, beautiful, fun-loving person who loves cats. Sydney has had many contributions to society, though *all of them are as major as the contributions of someone like the president. One contribution was helping make me feel welcome when I moved to CHHS. That is a very big contribution in my mind. She has also impacted many people’s lived because she has such a likeable personality. When you meet her, all you want to do is be her friend.
I would want to switch identities with Sydney for many reasons. The first reason is that she is very outgoing. She is never embarrassed or shy and is always fun. The second reason is that she is smart, especially at speaking spanish. The third reason is that she has so many friends.
Sydney and I both look very similar. We both have long blonde hair, are both tall, and our eyes are both pretty big. To come close to being like Sydney, I would have to be less shy and more outgoing.
Sam Bauers
ReplyDelete2nd period
1) If I could change places with one person for just one day it would probably be Leonardo DiCaprio. I dont know if I spelled his name right but he is a extremely famous actor.
2) I would switch places with him because honestly not only is he rich, but he gets a lot of girls. As soon as he walks in a room im pretty sure he instantaniously gets swarmed by the chicas. He probably gets to go to the sickest parties, like the ones in Great Gatsby.
3) Me and Leonardo DiCaprio dont really have anything in common which is why I would want to switch places with him. No one wants to switch places with someone who is like them because that would be extremely boring.
Copyright Nathan Guskiewicz
Julianna Turner
ReplyDeleteMay 24, 2013
2nd, Waters
Current Event
1) If I could trade places with any person for a day I would trade places with Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is a well known country artist. She can sing very well and has released several albums.
2) I would change places with Taylor Swift because she is very beautiful, talented and I think has a great personality. I have never actually met her of course, but I like her music and interviews make her seem very sweet. She is very successful and she also donates time and money to help the community. Also, Taylor Swift can sing. I like singing but I can't..
3) A similarity between Taylor Swift and I is we are both tall.. We do not have many similarities, which is part if why I would switch places with her for a day. There is no use changing places with someone who is just like yourself. Also I like her music, and I'm sure she does too.
Jeff Richardson
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
I would swap places with Walt Whitman if I was given the opportunity. Unlike all the other individuals who gain fame in our society today, Walt was a man of true talent. He didn't pretend to be something he wasn't for the media. In fact, he did the opposite. He opened himself up through his poetry. His great literary works brightened the world for future generations.
Walt Whitman had all the good qualities that a gentleman should. He was courtious and respectful to his comrades of the female variety. I would enjoy to see the world through his eyes. He had a way of making the boring and the bland seem fascinating through his words. In that regard we are similar. However, if I could change one thing it would be his diary. He did strange things to that diary and that creates a barrier that impacts my ability to connect with him.
Duncan Davis
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I would trade my life with Pele! Known as one of the best soccer players of all time and is still talked about today. Scoring many goals and changing the way soccer was played he stood out. I would enjoy this because his passion was soccer in life similarly he connects with me. Practicing Monday through Thursday every week I train myself to work hard I excel everyday in my level of play.
Blake Rasnake
I would trade places with Barack Obama. If you don't know already, this is the president of the United States of America. Being able to run this country and tell everyone what to do would be really fun, there is a lot of other things that would would need to do. Being the boss of everything in the world would be a really good thing.
I have really liked what the president has been going with this county and i would really like to be apart of something as great as the united states of america.Even though it would be stressful, it would be a well-paying job and you would have lots of things provided for you for free. The house the president lives in is huge and the citizens of America would love me since I am their president. He has been able to help so many people get out of bad stops and I would really like to do that myself.
The biggest thing that me and the president have in comman is that we are both men. One thing I would have to change in order to come close to the talent of Obama is that I would have to become more educated. He has had to deal with many things in life just like I have, and him to be the president of the United States is a really cool think. As for you Mr Waters you the coolest teacher out there!
Cisem Karaca
ReplyDeleteperiod 5
If I could change places with anyone I would choose MR COREY WATERS!
He is so inspirational and really does a great job teaching honors world history. I would not choose to become a teacher because I would not be a good teacher like Mr. Waters. He is probably my favorite teacher and is such a great friend.
I do not think we have anything in common sadly, but Mr.Waters is my favorite teacher ever! I do not have a passion for giraffes but i wish i did because he pulls it off soo well.
Kunal Lodaya
ReplyDelete1st pd
If I could change places with anyone, it would be Gandhi, because he'd probably be a pretty awesome guy to be around. He didn't eat for a long time just to get people to stop killing each other. He had enough influence with the people that this actually worked.
Mahatma Gandhi is considered the father of the Indian independence, and is a champion of nonviolence.
Were I to live through his experiences, I'd most likely starve to death well before my inevitable assassination two weeks later. It wouldn't be as dramatic a death as he faced, which was probably his reward for having not eaten for a full five days.
Me and Gandhi are both Indian. I am not bald though.
Jesse Chen
ReplyDeleteperiod 7
If I were to trade places with someone it would be queen. They wrote the great song "Bohemian Rhapsody" and the classic "Fat Bottomed Girls" They were also the leaders of the United States of America from 1980-1984.
I chose these individuals because:
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy
Because I'm easy come, easy go
A little high, little low
Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me Mama, just killed a man Put a gun against his head Pulled my trigger, now he's dead Mama, life had just begun But now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, ooo Didn't mean to make you cry If I'm not back again this time tomorrow Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters Too late, my time has come Sends shivers down my spine Body's aching all the time Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, ooo - (anyway the wind blows) I don't want to die I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all. Its very inspirational, almost as much so as "Fat Bottomed Girls" They make the rocking world go round.
One thing that makes me similar to these great individuals is that they too enjoy a joke every now and then. Also mr. waters do you read these? One thing that makes me different is that I am not a very musical person.
Isabelle Alzona
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
If I could trade places with anyone, I would probably change places with Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna Rossellini. She is an Italian actress, model, filmmaker, philanthropist, and activist. She is still living and continues to be a hard worker at age 60. She is a board member of the "Wildlife Conservation Network" and the president of "Howard Gilman Foundation." Isabella Rossellini works hard to conserve wildlife, acting, photography, and the arts. She has written three books, Disney has granted her $100,000 to continue her work towards helping others and she helps to train guide dogs for the blind.
To walk in Isabella Rossellini's shoes would be immensely difficult. I chose her because I was named after her and my parents have always admired her as an act rice and a person. Being in her shoes would mean I would have to make speeches, talk to important people such as celebrities and representatives, hold an image, and work through late scale decisions every day. But even though she has big responsibilities, her life would be fun, when she was younger she was the face of Lancome cosmetics, appeared on the magazines like Vogue, Marie Claire, and Vanity Fair, she had a whole photography exhibition made after her and shown in Paris, and she has been in plenty of movies. Her life would be hard to work with, but also fun with it's many rewards and luxuries.
Isabella Rossellini and I have similar views, I believe that the wealthy and well off should do their part and give back tot the community. Isabella does exactly that, she has organizations, volunteers, she helps people who aren't as fortunate as her. One thing I would have to do to be more like her is to get over stage fright. Isabella is an actress, spokesperson, and model. I, on the other hand, don't like to publicly speak and get jittery when having to present a project. But all in all, Isabella Rossellini is someone I strive to be and her presence make the world that much better.
Jessi Szymczak
ReplyDelete2nd period
If I were to change places with someone for a day it would be Beyonce. Beyonce is a very influential woman, an artist, dancer, and overall very bootylicious.
I would change places with this individual because it would just be amazing to be Beyonce. She is pretty and a really great singer/dancer. The experiences that I would gain from being in Beyonce's footsteps would being able to perform and live the life of someone as famous as she is and having those special memories that go along with it.
Beyonce and I don't have much in common, besides that we are both females. I think it would be truly amazing to be as famous as she is and sing/dance as well as she can.
Rebecca Harless
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
May 24, 2013
This has taken me a long time to figure out because I like being myself. I don’t think I’d want to be someone from history history because many of them got killed, or they ruled horribly, or they were living in a time period with tons of nasty things like disease and no hint of civil rights, etc. I would choose Shakespeare, but I’m not sure about him. I guess if I had to choose (and it can’t just be some random, benevolent princess somewhere out there), I would choose to be Joe Hisaishi (thanks for the idea, Hope!). As a Japanese composer and musically awesome person, he has written the music for Hayao Miyazaki’s anime movies, including Castle in the Sky and Kiki’s Delivery Service. His music is really great and inspiring and different to me and fit the amazing movies of Miyazaki perfectly.
I would choose to be this person for a ton of reasons. First off, I’d love to be able to write amazing, beautiful music like him. Also, he knows how to play multiple instruments, which is a skill I’d like to possess. Working with Hayao Miyazaki, another talented person, would be awesome, as would working for anime movies and having your music heard internationally. I would learn how it feels to have many look up to you, to command an entire orchestra/band, and to understand what harmonies work so well together. I would also be fluent in Japanese, which is cool.
One thing that makes me similar to Joe Hisaishi is that I can read music and play an instrument, the flute. Other than that, to even come close to reaching his level of talent, I’d have to study music theory, learn to play piano, learn tons of different music styles, be in band again, and learn Japanese.
Thanks for a fun year, Mr. Waters!
Mimi Kramer
ReplyDeleteIf I could be someone for a day I would probably be Anna Passannante. She is awesome and nice. Anna sings and runs. If I were Anna then I would do good in school. I would also play good field hockey and run fast. Then I would say hi to her dog Luna. One life event I would re-live as Ms. Passannante is going to church. Anna is cool.
suck up! >.< :/ :P B-)
DeleteCurrent Event 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShomya Mitra, 5th Period
I chose Tony Stark to be for a day. He is powerful and rich. He also owns significant business and is rich beyond most people’s dreams. But most of all he is a superhero and is very powerful. As Iron Man, he can fly around and save lives. I would like to be able to do that because I would feel very nice. I would also have money and be able to invent and buy anything I wanted.
I am similar to Tony Stark because I am a superhero. I can do many things beyond the scope of a normal Homo sapiens. Like him, I can perform superhuman feats and do whatever I please. In addition my intelligence and IQ are way past human abilities. But, to be more like him I would have to change multiple facets of my persona. I would have to lose some of my intelligence, stop being superior to other people (which would be difficult), and stop my superhuman physical abilities. This way I would be more believable as him.
If I could be anyone at all for a day, I would choose Sacagawea. Sacagawea was a Lemhi Shoshone Native American woman who acted as a guide to Louis and Clarke on their expedition to explore the Western United States when she was a teenager/young adult.
ReplyDeleteI chose Sacagawea because she was increadably brave and overcame some considerable challenges, and yet rose to a position of influence. She was an expert survivalist, and in tune with nature. If I were lucky enough to be Sacagawea for a day, I would get to spend the day outside, living with nature, rather than cooped up inside.
I am like Sacagawea in that I love nature (horses & camping! :D). However, I would have to become experienced in survival skills, hunting, trapping, and navigation.
Last current event EVER!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! Thank. Goodness.
Ashley Yang
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
If I could switch places with a person it would probably be Gandhi. He was a leader in India that fought for their rights. His method was unique because he used forms of non-violence. One of his most famous non-violent protests was the Salt March.
I chose this person because his use of non-violence succeeded and it was not very common. It seemed like most people solved their problems with war and killing. I would learn about what problems really went on and what he was thinking to use the forms of non-violence instead of violence. I also wonder what he was thinking when he would starve himself to get people to listen.
I am similar to this person because I am not a violent person either. I would have to change myself because he is a vegetarian. We don't have much in common because we live in different time periods and are under different circumstances. His people were more or less opressed and that is not the case right now.
Lily E.
ReplyDeleteWorld History 7
If I could be any historical figure, I would be Hammurabi, ruler of Babylon. We studied him and his code of laws (and even did a project on them) at the beginning of the year. The code included almost 300 laws that were based on the principle of "an eye for an eye." Some of the punishments he listed were extremely harsh. The laws were engraved in stone pillars that could be found at town centers, which made the laws and the consequences of breaking them accessible to most people.
I chose Hammurabi because I admire the goals he had: to prevent the strong from harming the weak, and to keep order in his kingdom. If I were him, I would continue his policy of having the law code apply to everybody. However, I would change the practice of setting different punishments for men, women, rich people, and poor people. The law should treat everybody equally.
Hanna Siekierski
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
If I had the ability to trade places with a historical person for a day, one of the people I would choose is Rosa Parks. She is very important in the history of the United States because she was one of the first well-known blacks who fought against and tried to do something about unequal rights. She did this by refusing to give up her seat on the bus to a white person. This played a significant role in the civil rights movement by inspiring many protests. Later on she also wrote an autobiography of the obstacles she faced during her life.
The reason that I chose Rosa Parks is because what she did was courageous and something that she believed in. She knew what the bus driver was doing was wrong (making her and the other blacks sit in the back), so she stood up for herself and the others. I don’t know if I could ever do something like that and be as brave as her. She is a great figure in history and many people look up to her bravery.
However, I don’t know that Rosa Parks and I have much in common. Sure we are both female, but that’s about it. Throughout my life though, I hope that at some point I can be as brave as her and stand up for what I believe in, even if it may involve negative consequences for me. She is a role model for so many people and someday I hope I will be too.
Emma Baldwin
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
1. If I could switch identities with any person, past or present, I would choose Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. Kate Middleton will be the first “commoner” in over 350 years to be the mother of the future heir of England. At the same time, her child will be the first to become an English monarch regardless of gender due to a new law set to pass in Parliament that will also allow members of the royal family to still become a ruler even if they marry a Roman Catholic.
2. I chose Kate Middleton because she is such an influential figure in today’s culture. Even though some people may feel that her role in society is insignificant, I would argue that her personality and style is bringing a new perception to societal values. Many celebrities these days fall on either side of a wide spectrum: those with questionable values, like Nicki Minaj and Amanda Bynes, or those who are overly judgemental, like Marissa Mayer. However, Kate Middleton has managed to retain her values even after becoming part of the royal family, and has continued to be a very intelligent and polite (and well-dressed) woman. I would use my time as Kate Middleton to experience the culture that she is surrounded by and to help people by volunteering.
3. One thing that Kate Middleton and I have in common is that we both value community service. Kate Middleton, along with her husband and his brother, focus on three main points: conservation, young people, and the armed forces. Currently, Kate Middleton is the patron of Action of Addiction and East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices, among many others. In order to be more like Kate Middleton, I would practice her ability to handle grace under pressure: she has given many speeches and been scrutinized heavily ever since she married the Duke of Cambridge.
Veronica Kim
ReplyDelete1st period
Um, I'd probably be Kate Middleton.
Although I have almost nothing in common with Kate because 1) she's white, 2) she has fantastic hair, 3) she's gorgeous, 4) she has a reaaallly nice body, and 5) she's going to rule England someday, I'd still love to be like her. I am so jealous of her fashion and her dresses and the fact that she's beautiful and really nice-looking and smart and sweet and is going to have a kid and everything, and it's just great.
I'm already pretty awesome (not to brag or anything) but being Kate Middleton would make me, like, infinitely more awesome. I'd love to just live a day in the life of her. I think she's a wonderful person and someday I too aspire to marry royalty and get rich and have a great life (ha! Like that's gonna happen!)
ReplyDeletePaige Jones
ReplyDelete2nd period
If I could switch places with anyone for a day, I would switch places with my dog, Marley. Marley makes me happy and I think it would be fun to be a dog for a day to see what it's like. Marley has not done much to make her important, but she is still famous in my eyes. I admire Marley and we are both girls. Have a nice summer, Corey Waters. Go get some giraffes.
marlzz is in our prayers, hope she recovers well <3333333
DeleteAnna Zurliene/ period 7
ReplyDeleteCurrent event #28
May 24 2013
If I could switch places with one person for a day, I would choose my main, Corey. I would choose you, Mr. Waters, because you ball hard every day and be stuntin at school. But if I had to choose someone else, I would choose Ellen Degeneres because she is fantabulous and plays Dory in finding nemo. Other than that she has made an impact on millions of peoples lives whether it is giving them a car or a big check, or just making them laugh and giving them entertainment and something to brighten their day. She has supported so many people and helped them through hard times and she stays humble even with all her fame and money. If I were to walk in her shoes, I would help out all the people I could and I think knowing how it feels to be able to support someone on such a grand scale would make me feel like not only I’m making a difference in other peoples lives but in my own. It would be such a humbling experience and being able to make someone so happy makes me happier.
I think Ellen and I are both light-hearted, bubbly and laughable. We also both really care about how other people feel. In order to be more like her, I would have to become lesbian and would also have to put myself out there like she does because she isn’t afraid of anything and lives life to the fullest.
personaly i don't think i would change places/live someones else life just because we might go threw some hard things but i still like my life. But it i had to chose someone else i think it would be Ariana Grande because she's really pretty and everyone loves her and it would be interesting to see how someone famous lives there life.
ReplyDelete(1and2) If I could be someone else for one day I would be Bill Gates. This is because I would be able to see what it is like to be one of the richest men ever. Also I could see what it would have been like to contribute so much technological progress to our society. Thirdly I would make sure to donate myself a good chunk of money. I also would like to see all that goes into making windows and other software. I also would try to fix windows 8.
ReplyDelete(3) Well one way I’m similar to Bill Gates is that I am on the computer a lot. I also am into making computers and also designing software if I wanted to be more like him I would have to learn the science behind computers.
Emily Molina
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
I would consider switching identities with Nikola Tesla for a day. Tesla was a Serbian-American scientist who made revolutionary contributions to science, even though most of his discoveries were credited to different people. For example, Tesla invented the alternating current electrical system (credited to Thomas Edison), he inadvertently became the father of radio astronomy, he invented RADAR, created patents that were used to make the first transistors, built the first hydroelectric dam at Niagra Falls, and many more miraculous achievements.
I would want to switch identities with Tesla because he was such an interesting and unique man. He got to work in his own lab doing all different kinds of crazy experiments, like making lightning storms in his apartment room! I would get to do different experiments if I was Tesla for a day (as well as get to see what it is like to be insane!).
I am very interested in the sciences, just like Tesla was. But to be more like him, I would have to become much more tolerant of people (especially when it involves them “taking my ideas”).
Gavin Rothwell
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I chose Tony STark to be for a day. He is powerful and rich. He also owns significant business and is rich beyond most people’s dreams. But most of all he is a superhero and is very powerful. As Iron Man, he can fly around and save lives. I would like to be able to do that because I would feel very nice. I would also have money and be able to invent and buy anything I wanted.
I'm similar to him as we are both geniuses and strikingly handsome. Also, we're hilarious.
Johnny Huang
ReplyDelete5th period
If I could be anybody else for one day I would be Arnold Schwarzenegger because he has an awesome name and an awesome accent. It also doesn't hurt to have boatloads of cash and fame.
One thing that I have in common with Arnold is that I have an awesome name (in my opinion at least). To become closer to the Schwarzenegger I would have to obtain his amazing accent and become the governor of California. I already know who my daddy is and what he does, so all I have to do is "be back".
Danielle Reviere
I would like to switch places with Abraham Lincoln because he was one of the people who started to kick off the abolishment of slavery. Although he was assassinated, it still would have been cool to try and help a great cause such as this one. The reason I chose him is because in my opinion he is one of the greatest presidents that the US has ever had, and also being in his shoes would have allowed me to make huge discussions that would affect the entire country and would help start a movement to abolish something as bad as slavery. I am similar to him in that I like him would try and avoid a war, and I am a peaceful person as he was. The one thing that I would change is I would be a little more pushy about trying to get my ideas heard in the south and I would have tried to find a way to completely abolish slavery (I am not saying that he did not try I am just saying I would have used different methods), either by making them pay their slaves or trying to find another alternative.
Annelise ter Horst
I would like to spend a day being Helen Keller. She is the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts Degree. Helen also paved the way for people with disabilities and became a great idol for them in her works.
I chose Helen Keller because she is the farthest person I can relate to. Her situation is one of the toughest things I have heard that anyone has had to deal with their whole lives. The experiences that I think would come from walking in Keller’s shoes I think would be life changing and make me have a different view on life. If I were to be Helen Keller, I would want to be her for at least a year. I do not think the effects of deafblindness would do anything on my views if I was only her for a day. I also think that if I could go through a year with this disability I could go through any other situation with strength and courage.
My being only a teenager, I think the only thing that makes me similar to Helen Keller is that I am a female human. That I have gone through the same experiences that all girls go through. I believe that the thing that makes Keller’s situation so miraculous is that she accomplished so much with her disabilities. I believe I can accomplish many things if I put my mind to it, but it wouldn’t amount to anything she did because of her situation. I would never ask for a disability, but I would want understanding.
Emily Chang
ReplyDelete1st period
I would probably trade places with Rosa Parks. She was really influential and made a difference with her actions. She was pretty cool and wasn't afraid to do what was right. She shows that even if you aren't a natural born leader, you can still help start something. I'm not really similar to Rosa Parks, but on a smaller scale, I stick up for what I believe in.
Nikki Thai
ReplyDelete1st Period
I one hundred percent, full heartedly agree with Cisem on this. If I could change places with anyone I would obviously choose you Mr. Waters
Nikki Thai
1st Period
1.) I one hundred percent, full heartedly agree with Cisem on this. If I could change places with anyone I would choose MR COREY WATERS!
2.) "He is so inspirational and really does a great job teaching honors world history. I would not choose to become a teacher because I would not be a good teacher like Mr. Waters. He is probably my favorite teacher and is such a great friend."Amen brother. Amen.
3.) I also do not think we have anything in common sadly, but Mr.Waters is my favorite teacher ever! I do not have a passion for giraffes but i wish i did because he pulls it off soo well. Bye Wanda!
Sam Nielsen
ReplyDelete1st Period
If I could be anyone for a day, it would be Sun Tzu. Sun Tzu was a Chinese general and philosopher that lived around 500 BC, during the warring states period of China. He served the kingdom of Wu and played a large role in the success of said kingdom. He was a brilliant tactician who's ideas combined traditional military tactics with philosophies about human nature. He is most famous for his book, The Art of War, which is essentially a guide to intelligent warfare. Today, after 2500 years, it is considered to be a classic.
The reason I chose Sun Tzu is that he was absolutely brilliant, and he lived in an interesting time period in Chinese history. Besides being a general, he also lived the life of a philosopher, which would have been quite relaxing. Sun Tzu also happens to be a mysterious figure in history, as nobody knows that much about him, despite the success and longevity of his book. For this reason, it would be great to enter his mind and know what type of person he was.
To be honest, I do not know of any similarities between Sun Tzu and I. This is largely because we know so little about him. I do know that he was an intelligent and creative thinker who would have been quite ambitious. I consider myself to be somewhat intelligent, and I hope to do some pretty cool things later in life. In this way, I suppose I am just a little bit similar to Sun Tzu.
Alexis Ramirez
ReplyDeleteHonors World History
1st period
1) Who I would choose is a famous soccer goalkeeper named Gulliermo
Ochoa. I would be in is shoes for day because, I would love to play in
the international team and the Ligue 1 in France. Probably you all
don't know who is but he was featured the Fifa Soccer cover video
games. I think he's a cool guy and i always admired him and he what
made me into playing a goalkeeper in soccer. He's what made number 1
goalkeeper of the season in the regionals soccer tournament .2) One
thing that I have in common with him is that I play soccer in the same
position, goalkeeper. I don't have one thing to change from him but
thats about it.
Robert Fernald
If I could trade places with anyone in history, I would probably trade places with someone who had/has money and is influentual like Bill Gates. Bill Gates would be a good person to trade with because I could help make the world a better place and I would not have to worry about money. I am similar to Bill Gates because I want to be successful and he wanted/was successful. That explains how I am similar to and would like to trade places with Bill Gates.
Kelly Zhang
ReplyDelete2nd Period
If I could switch places with one person, I would switch places with Ash Ketchum. He loves what he does. He is easily amused and a happy person. He is really compassionate and determined to meet his goal of becoming the best pokemon trainer ever. Ash Ketchum has inspired many people to pursue their dreams no matter what. He had many obstacles he had to overcome, but ultimately he became an amazing pokemon trainer. This would give me a sense of determination and commitment. I am similar to Ash because we both have high standards and want to reach and accomplish everything we want. Like the theme song says: I wanna be the very best like no one ever was to catch them is my real test to train them is my cause I will travel across the land searching far and wide each Pokemon to understand the power that's inside Pokemon, its you and me I know it’s my destiny Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend in a world we must defend Pokemon, a heart so true our courage will pull us through You teach me and I'll teach you Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all!
I might also want to switch places with Robert Downey Jr. because he is amazing. He is a great actor, and he is Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes. He has entertained many. I would be able to see what it is like to be famous. I would have fun, but I personally do not think being famous would be too fun maybe for a little but not all the time. Robert Downey Jr. and I both like. to help others. He entertains others, and I like to tell stories to people.
sanjana vasudevan
ReplyDeleteSo I would probably be Vennu Mallesh, the international superstar singer. Vennu has inspired so many brave humans to continue on their quest to realize that its their life and they can do whatever they want to. The youtube community has really elevated this inspiring young man to superstardom status. He inspires me to be a better person every day. In fact, I wake up singing his song in the morning. I would love to experience the love that he gets from his millions of fans worldwide. Me and Vennu are similar in that we are brown. However, I think I will have to train immensely to sing as well as him.
Francis Wemmenhove
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
One individual I admire and would consider switching identity for one day is Queen Rania. She is queen of the country Jordan and is a women’s rights activists, especially for women in the Middle East. I chose Queen Rania because she is intelligent, pretty, and has good values. If I was her for one day, I would get to experience what it is like to be a queen. One way I am similar to her is that we are both women. This just basically eliminated half the populations right there, so that’s a pretty big similarity. I would be more like her if I got better value and got my life together.
I don't think that I would switch places with anyone because, as everyone knows, I am essentially God on Earth. All of these people saying they would rather be actors or musicians are just kidding themselves, they'd obviously rather be me. Jesus, why don't you all just bow down all ready? Really though, you'll all end up as my groveling slaves always, why extend the process? All except Corey Waters, I'd keep him as my Royal Giraffe Master. Honestly, what could be better? All you filth in your place while I ride flying giraffes into the sunset with C-Dizzle, sounds like heaven to me. Although, If i were forced to trade places with something, it would probably be the seat of my chair. Then I have the privilege of having me sit on myself every day. All you disgusting commoners would kill for that position. I'd also switch places with Barack Obama, just to see how it feels for someone so powerful to admire someone such as me. I would have said God, but I feel like that would have been controversial and I really don't want to piss people off in the last week of school. I actually feel like I'm giving in here, but in case Corey reads this I should probably just answer the prompt. If I were to switch places with someone it would be the Egyptian Pharoah Iry-Hor, the first recorded human on this planet. Then, I would leave some totally badass and mysterious message for scientists to find today. Maybe I'd predict the coming of an african-american prophet who will lead the world to salvation, "He Who Communes With Giraffes". He must have had such insight into the workings of life before any major civilization, which fascinates me. Imagine being the first major ruler on this Earth, there would be so much information at his disposal. To be able to view creatures that have been extinct for thousands of years, maybe even to observe the remains of a previous civilization. This to me is extremely interesting, and it would be an incredible experience to have.
ReplyDeleteWenbo Wang
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
1. If I were to switch identities with someone for a day, being Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell) for twenty four hours would be great. The author of Animal Farm and 1984, he was a successful satirical novelist, who wrote novels regarding the various forms of controversial government existent during the 20th century; as well as being part of the police force in British India.
2. George Orwell’s analytical view of the oppressive governments during that time written in the form of novels; informing the public of such systems and the social, economic, and political consequences resulting from them has impacted humanity’s view on 20th century governments as well as possible repetitions in the future. This method of thought interests me, because with the concepts explained in the each novel, the negative aspects of power can be fixed, and the need for positive aspects can be a wide reaching concept in society; for the better of the people, as well as the country.
3. George Orwell and I made up stories and felt isolated as a child, and the interest in pondering about society and government were important in life, and the understanding of society. If I were to be like George Orwell more, I would have to improve my grammar, as well as a deeper understanding of politics and society to a point of confidence.
Rachel Danner
ReplyDelete7th period
If I were to switch places with someone for one day it would be my Great- Grandmother because she immigrated here from Romania and I would like to have known what that journey was like for her. I have heard a lot of stories about her and my name comes from her so I know some things about her. I think it would be interesting to understand where she came from and what she gave up so that her family could have a better life. I wish that I could know about what she went through and what things happened. We are similar because we share family and she has my name.
Francisco Coch
If I could choose any historical person to switch places with, it would have to be Steve Jobs. He has made an enormous impact on today’s society by revolutionizing technology and changing how we view the world. He started up Apple; today it’s one of the world’s largest corporations, from the ground up. His ideas and inventions have forever shaped how any member of society communicates, accesses information, or enjoys leisurely activities. In summary, Steve Jobs was one of the most visionary leaders of the twenty first century.
I would like to have been able to trade places with him for a day because I’d like to experience his successes and know the feeling of having others look up to you. His accomplishments and success are what I aspire to live one day for myself, and to be as influential as someone like him. I think that one of his most beneficiary traits was that he was a very hard worker. This I also try to be to the best of my capabilities, and it is how anyone can rise to do great things. His dedication to what he cared most for, much like me, led him out of his struggles such as when he was fired from his own company, then later asked to join to help make it better.
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ReplyDeleteIain Dixon
ReplyDelete2nd Period
1. If there had to be one person in the entire history of the world that I would switch places with - I would pick Arthur Wellesley, the 1st Duke of Wellington, one of the most powerful and influential men in history. A great Field Marshal, war hero, and Prime Minister (twice), Wellesley started off his life as the fourth son of Garret Wesley, 1st Earl of Mornington, in Dublin, Ireland. After his father died, his mother and him left Dublin and after failing to go to school in Eton, moved to Brussels, while his oldest brother inherited his father’s Earldom. Being awkward, young Arthur didn’t really seem to excel at anything, and his mother worried about him, until he enrolled in the French Royal Academy of Equitation and proved to be a gifted horseman and progressed in his skills of general learning and French - which proved to be useful later in life. After a long series of battles and studying failures in the British Army, Wellesley achieved the rank of Field Marshal during his victories in the Napoleonic Wars. He is largely credited for being the Field Marshal that defeated Napoleon a first time, and then again when he returned from exile. He was one of the most brilliant generals of all time, and that is a quality that I admire the most.
2. The reason that I chose Arthur Wellesley was his brilliance as a military commander, and that is something that I admire and aspire to.
3. There is nothing similar between the Duke of Wellington and myself. I am of common blood, were he was the son of an earl. He achieved many great military victories, were I have achieved nothing. The one thing I can kinda make a comparison of is that both of us liked the idea of military leadership.
Jeffrey He
ReplyDeletePeriod 7
1. If there were a person I were to switch identities with, it would be Albert Einstein. This man singlehandedly changed the entire field of science with is groundbreaking discoveries and theories. Not only did he allow for a succession of discoveries after his, he allowed for space travel, fission and fusion, and nuclear power. This guy was a genius. Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity.
2. I chose Albert Einstein because this man is genius and probably got a lot of women with his brains.
3. Not much is similar besides the fact that we both like science and math.
McKenzie Matherly
ReplyDeletePeriod 2
If i could switch identities with anyone, I would switch places with Bradley Nowell. Bradley James Nowell was an extremely influential musical artist. All of the songs created by him were masterpieces in my opinion. He has influenced many people and many more great bands have been created because of him. Bradley adopted an abused dalmatian puppy from a shelter and named him "Louie" after his grandfather. Also referred to as "Lou Dog", the dog has become something a mascot for the band. He had a very untimely death, from a heroin overdose, just a week after his son was born.
I chose Bradley Nowell because he is a great and cool guy. He has created many musical masterpieces. He had a large heart and was admired by people all over the world.
The only way that I am somewhat similar to Bradley Nowell is that i enjoy to listen to his band, and other bands that he helped create.
Vanessa Campos-Diaz
ReplyDeleteperiod 7
If i could switch places with someone i would choose Valeria Campos-Diaz, she's a twin and loves to play with her dog!
I chose Valeria because she's a true role model! She is an ok sister but shes a great ball player!
The only thing Valeria and I have in common is our faces, that's it..
I would trade places with Barack Obama. If you don't know already, this is the president of the United States of America! He keeps the country running and has protected us from harms way. I chose this individual because I would love to be the president right now. Even though it would be stressful, it would be a well-paying job and you would have lots of things provided for you for free. The house the president lives in is huge and the citizens of America would love me since I am their president.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that makes me similar to Barack Obama is that we are leaders. One thing I would have to change in order to come close to the talent of Obama is that I would have to become more educated. I have only been through almost 9 grades while Obama has already finished his education.
If I could switch places with someone famous for a day, it would be Michael Jordan. Known as the greatest basketball player of all time, he won just about every award he could. He was the icon of a generation. He has a powerful brand too, Airjordans.
ReplyDeleteI would want to be Michael Jordan because being really good at basketball would be cool. Also I want to be able to dunk.
We both like UNC and know it is the best school for basketball in the world. We both have lived in North Carolina during our childhood, and both of us knew Warren Martin.
Period 1
ReplyDeleteValeria Campos-Diaz
ReplyDelete1st period Current Event
If I could switch places with someone for one day I would choose the president. I think that it would be amazing to have the feeling of responsibility of running one of the most influential and powerful countries in the world. I would change some things and keep some things the same but honestly it would just be cool to have that responsibility. Sure this job would be really stressful and a lot of people would be counting on you but it would still be super cool. Also, think about all the gadgets that come with this job. You get the white house, all the planes and helicopters, the security and much more. One of the things that make us alike is that fact that we can handle big projects and reponsibility. I know it is on a much smaller level but the people that I trust give me a lot of reponsibility and trust which is what happens with the president.
Connor Korfas
If I could switch places with someone famous it would be Michael Jordan. Known as the greatest basketball player of all time, he won just about every award he could. He was the icon of a generation. He has a powerful brand too, Airjordans. I would also be a very rich man, but unfortunately, i would be the owner of the worst NBA team, The Charlotte Bobcats.
I would want to be Michael Jordan because being at his level of play would be really fun and cool. Also I want to be able to dunk the way he does and basically float in the air for a couple of seconds. He also has a championship ring with UNC and 6 rings with the Chicago Bulls.
Both me and Michael Jordan are American males that are good at basketball. Also, we both like UNC and know it is the best school for basketball in the world. We both have lived in North Carolina during our childhood, and both of us knew Warren Martin.
Casey Patterson
ReplyDeleteperiod 2
If I could be someone else for one day I would be Bill Gates. This is because I would be able to see what it is like to be one of the richest men ever. Also I could see what it would have been like to contribute so much technological progress to our society. Thirdly I would make sure to donate myself a good chunk of money. I also would like to see all that goes into making windows and other software. I also would try to fix windows 8.
One thing I have in common with bill gates is that I am on the computer a lot.
Takoda Ren
I would like to be a brilliant genius for one day. I am not sure who specifically I would choose. They would just be super smart in general. The reason I can't choose is because there are so many unknown people who were geniuses.
I feel that the enlightenment and the feeling of knowing and understanding the world would be great. Having a profound grasp on issues and situations would feel pretty good. Being able to solve problems would also be great.
I would have to have biotechnological DNA inserted into my brain. I can't think of any similarities, everyone is unique.
Harish Prasad
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I would like to trade places or live one life in the day of Franklin D. Roosevelt. The economic state of the country then was very similar in a lot of ways to how it is today and the actions that he took in response were very controversial at the time and would be even more controversial today. I would consider myself similar to him in having my country’s best interests at heart. More than this, we are both leaders, as I have done a lot of leading myself.
I would really like this as I would like to know what it is like to have so much responsibility, especially at such a crucial time for the country. The job would be extremely stressful, but I would be interested in knowing how I would handle it.
I would also like to study Josef Stalin’s mustache really closely. It was incredible. Almost as incredible as Adolf Hitler’s. This would be a really cool opportunity.
bobby russell
ReplyDeletePeriod 5
I chose Tony STark to be for a day. He is powerful and rich. He also owns significant business and is rich beyond most people’s dreams. But most of all he is a superhero and is very powerful. As Iron Man, he can fly around and save lives. I would like to be able to do that because I would feel very nice. I would also have money and be able to invent and buy anything I wanted.
I'm similar to him as we are both geniuses and strikingly handsome. Also, we're hilarious.
Emily Ball
ReplyDeletePeriod 1
If i could trade places with one person it would be Barack Obama. I would trade places with him because, well obviously he is the president of the United States. It would be fun to run the country and be involved in making big decisions. It would be a huge responsibility, and involve a lot of worry and stress; but it would also be an amazing experience. It would be great to see what it would be like to trade places with him, he is very outgoing and smart also.
Katherine Yang
ReplyDelete5th Period H world History
I would swap places with Jiang JiLi, author of the famous book 'Red Scarf Girl'. I pick JiLi because I would truly be able to understand the conditions she and other Chinese people lived in during the rule of Mao ZeDong. I’d be able to prance around like she and her friends at the time did, having a very different experience from my life today.
We’re both asian, Chinese to be exact, and we both live in the United States for a better life and better prospects. We both also have family that opposed or rejected the Communist party in China, her parents and my grandparents. That’s about it.