Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Current Event #28: Trading Places/Past or Present

Current Event #28: Trading Places/Past or Present

Due: Friday, May 24th, 2013

During the course of this year, we have discussed various historical individuals which have had some sort of impact (small or large) within our society. For this week's current event, select a person from the past or present, that you would trade places with for a day. Relive a major victory, accomplishment, battle, etc. that your chosen person may have experienced in their lifetime. It can be a person you know personally, a celebrity, or some person of notoriety to others. What would life be like for you by taking on another's identity? How would things change or stay the same?

What You Will Do:

1. Select one individual past or present that you admire and would consider switching identity with for a day. Be sure to discuss who the person is and what contributions or actions/influence he or she has had on society.

2. Explain why you chose the individual and what experiences would come from walking in that person's shoes for any amount of time.

3. Discuss at least one thing that makes you similar to the person you chose and one thing that you would have to change/do in order to come close to the talent of your person of choice.

***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Current Event #27: Your Topic of Choice

Current Event #27: Your Topic of Choice

Due: Friday, May 17, 2013

The topic for this week's current event blog assignment is your choice. The topic must revolve around a  topic in history which focuses on something currently happening the world of politics, education, government, etc. Please refrain from using sports or entertainment articles. Make sure to use a current and reputable source (not Wikepedia) and find an article that interests you. 

Your post should adhere to the following format:

Heading/ Be sure to include the following in your blog post:

-Your name/class period

-Title of article/author-Source/date of article

-URL (copy and paste your article link in your response for me to review your article)

Paragraph #1:

-Summary of your selected article (minimum of 5-7 sentences that provide detail about who/what, when, where, and why your current event is significant) 

Paragraph #2:

-Reflection/Opinion of article (minimum of 5-7 sentences)

-Give supporting facts and include any personal experiences associated with the article

-Relate the current event to what we've been studying in class (if applicable)

-pose questions/concerns about the event

***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Current Event #26: Are Video Games Designed Just for Child's Play?

Current Event #26: Are Video Games Designed Just for Child's Play?


Due: Friday, May 10th, 2013

The quick-thinking skills required in video games may be more helpful than crossword puzzles in slowing or even reversing declines in brain function that come with aging. According to a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Iowa, certain types of video games have been identified to help boosts the memory of older adults. With this evidence, I guess it is now safe to say that video games are not just for kids anymore?

What You Will Do:

1) Students will read the Time Magazine Article found at the following link: , which features the cover story relating to video games improving memory.

2) Secondly, students should indicate their video game status, by explaining the frequency of their time devoted to playing any throughout the day. (Note that these methods of play can include actual game systems used to play the video games as well as cell phone applications permitting you to play games to stimulate your brain.) Identify and explain how some of the games you play have various aspects incorporated into them, which forces individuals to have to rely on their quick-thinking and processing skills to complete the game.

3) Do you agree or disagree with what the article states regarding video games playing a pivotal role in helping individuals maintain higher levels of memory? Explain in detail.

4) Students should also identify an older adult in which they would assist in playing video games with to experiment and/or test this memory theory. How would you convince or persuade your selected person to switch places with you completing a crossword puzzle and having them play video games for hours to test their memory. 

***Note: Remember to answer all questions in complete, detailed sentences/paragraphs.***