Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ten Year Anniversary of 9/11

***Directions: When posting to this blog, please be sure to include your first and last name and the class period that you are in for your entry. If you do not provide this information, Mr. Waters will not be able to credit you with a grade for any work submitted.

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**Deadline/Blog Response By: Monday, September 12, 2011**

Current Event #1: As the world remembers the historic events of September 11, 2001, reflect and analyze how this changed America. This day marked a time which brought Americans together as one. This week, you should read an article about something relating to 9/11. Remember to include the link to the article you read, provide the topic of your article, and write at least 5-6 sentences discussing your opinion of the article. You may also use video clips or podcasts for your current event. In addition to your article, include the answers to the following questions in your blog response. What changes have occurred to serve as preventive safety measures. How has these changes personally affected you from a social standpoint? Do you feel that America's unity and attitude toward terrorism and foreign relations have strengthened or weakened 10 years later? Explain why or why not?


  1. The 9/11 attack changed America because it raised awareness of terrorists and brought people closer together. Today I read about 9/11 in Wikipedia ( The information and links were very thorough and informative. It included several pictures and detailed descriptions about the event. When I read it, I realized that the effects of the attacks were more severe than I thought. Ruined buildings everywhere; destruction of several important landmarks; Nearly 3,000 people dead. The attack led to the War on Terror in which the United States invaded Afghanistan to kill Osama Bin Laden. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers. I was young during 9/11 and was not affected at all. Since the attack, unity against terrorism is still strong. I think many countries fear another attack and foreign relations are not going so well. Wars will start up in the future and the attitude against terrorism will continue to get worse.

  2. I think the 9-11 attacks affected America by unifying everybody onto one side. In a world of crazy political wars it was nice to have a subject that everybody agreed on. I’m not saying the death of 2,977 Americans is a good thing. Its just that there is still a some light shining in our darkest hour. We agreed to fight terrorism for the world. We may have gone to far with three wars, but we combated terrorism all the same. I also read my article on wikipedia. (
    It is hard to have an opinion on an article of sole facts, but I will say something on the video above. It was nice and all but was it really necessary to include the conspiracy theory against bush part? Honestly why don’t you just throw up a video made by some liberal whacko Mr. Waters. I got to also see some real video on wiki, which made that more of an impact on me. Some new airport safety measures include the body scanners, which honestly were a lot of controversy for a little thing. These changes have not affected me. I feel like our attitude toward terrorists is better but our foreign relations have declined.
    Parker Larson

  3. Leoni Wemmenhove

    Period 5th

    The 9/11 attack is still affecting us today. I read the article ( that was about how 9/11 is affecting us one decade later. This article also tells about how people feel about there safety after the attack. Many people feel that because of 9/11 that there is more security by airports, and that is true. One of these safety measures is that the cockpit now has a door that is locked during the flight. Some of the reactions of 9/11 were that some Americans lost the pride in there nation. Others were really shocked about how this could have happened. Fifty-five percent of the Americans said that 9/11 had impacted there lives, and many think about it every day. I’m a tiny bit affected by 9/11 because the extra security measures they take (from a social standpoint), when I go with the plane to travel somewhere you notice that there are more safety measures. America is now stronger then 10 years ago, we learned that we have to work together to protect ourselves. Now America tries to be safer with foreign affairs and other countries are doing the same too, but this made the foreign relations weaken. 9/11 is still impacting our lives today, even though it is a decade later.

  4. Jeanie Stouffer
    5th Period
    The United States of America has been more worried about terrorism and foreign relations. I think al-qaeda did 9/11 so they could get power. Today I read There were three planes from los angeles and san Francisco to boston, Newark, and Washington, DC. Three thousand died, and six thousand were injured. 2,606 people died from crashing into the world trade center. The US has had a worse relationship with Afghanistan, and 9/11 started the war. Even though Osama Bin Laden died four months ago, al-qaeda still exists. There have been more men at federal buildings in Washington, DC. The airport security has been longer then it was in 2001. There are not as many atomic weapons. The only time there has been a bomb, that I know of, was on Christmas in 2009 when a Nigerian man, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, tried to make a terrorist attack on a plane in Detroit. On September 11th, 2011, there is going to be a 9/11 museum opening up in new York. since I was little when this happened, and I do not completely understand, I feel sorry for the people who lost family in 9/11 and the construction workers who had to rebuild all the buildings that were destroyed.

  5. Caroline Liu. 5th pd. Honors World History.

    The article I read was “The 9/11 ‘overreaction’? Nonsense.” with the shortened URL of The essay was about how many people think that the government overreacted after 9/11. The author states that even though there was no second attack, the $1.3 trillion dollars spent was worth it. He states that one of the major reasons why it took 10 years to finally weaken al Qaeda was because al Qaeda has “no home”. The author compares 9/11 as “the Pearl Harbor of our generation”. “This time, however, the enemy had no home address. No Tokyo. Which is why today’s war could not be wrapped up in a mere four years. It was unconventional war by an unconventional enemy embedded within a worldwide religious community. Yet in a decade, we largely disarmed and defeated it, and developed the means to continue to pursue its remnants at rapidly decreasing cost. That is a historic achievement.” I agree fully with the author. I believe that even though the government spent a large amount of time, effort, and money on the war against terrorism, it all paid off because there was no second attack. The warrantless wiretaps, the Patriot Act, extraordinary rendition, preventive detention and, Guantanamo are the reason why we are safe. The anti-terrorism efforts worked. The last point made by the author was very interesting, I thought. He said “The total cost of “the two wars” is $1.3 trillion. That’s less than 1/11th of the national debt, less than one year of Obama deficit spending. During the golden Eisenhower 1950s of robust economic growth averaging 5 percent annually, defense spending was 11 percent of GDP and 60 percent of the federal budget. Today, defense spending is 5 percent of GDP and 20 percent of the budget. So much for imperial overstretch.” I agree fully, the two wars, although costs large amounts of tax payer money, kept us safe, and that’s really, all that matters.

    As for answering Mr. Waters’ questions, I think that the preventive safety measures now, against terrorism, are on a much higher level than those before 9/11. Now, air travelers are analyzed, patted down and X-rayed, their bags "sniffed" by machines for bombs, and their past trips stored in databases that flag suspicious patterns. Unmanned drones watch the borders; F-16s soar over the cities. In offices across the country, intelligence officers sift through scraps of information for clues to the next attack. This has become the new normal for Americans. These changes have really affected me in my daily life. Now we are taught, outside of school, that most Muslims are extremists or have irrational and extreme thoughts. Now if anyone says they have lots of guns, us teenagers will call them “terrorists”. I feel that America’s unity and attitude toward terrorism and foreign relations has weakened and strengthened, at the same time, over these 10 years. Honestly, I think it depends on who you are. There is a small section of people who think that all Muslims are bad. Those are mostly the people who were deeply affected by 9/11. Others, like me, who are too young to really know the aftermath or who weren’t affected by 9/11, have weakened their views on terrorism and foreign relations. From my stand point, I was only 4 years old so I didn’t know what it was really like and how it affected people until I saw the video posted on this blog. In the past anniversaries of 9/11, I’ve only heard stories and seen pictures. I never really knew much about 9/11 and the people behind the attack. So, up until now, I didn’t have any strong views about terrorists, I just knew they were “bad” and “evil”.

  6. Jeremy werden 1st period

    9/11 was a terrible event that occured almost ten years ago in The United States of America. The plane hijackings caused almost 3000 lives, and inevitably the war on terror that has spanded almost a decade. A terrerist organization called Al Queade took credit for this atrocity. Just recently we killed the Osama Bin Laden the leader of this organized group. After reading an article at I realized how much 9/11 has affected our defense budget, and the department of homeland security. We spend billions of dollars anually trying to ensure a 9/11 will not happen again, which I beleive it is important to ensure the safety of our country.

  7. 9/11 Blog Response
    David Batson
    World History P: 2

    This article talked about the fact that New Yorkers are united even ten years after 9/11. New Yorkers will see a monument arise from the ashes of the old world trade center and they feel as though they will never overlook terrorism again. This has affected me in that airports now have a lot more security measures to keep terrorists off planes in the future. I flew to Las Vegas over the summer and it took a good half hour to get through security. I understand this but it still gets on my nerves to take so long to go through security. I feel that America’s attitude towards terrorism has weakened because Osama is dead and some people think terrorism will end because of that, when reality is that it will not. Other terrorists will take over for Osama and there will be more attacks by those people as retaliation.

  8. Jonathan Jang
    9/9/11 - 1st period
    World History

    The 9/11 attack changed America because it raised the importance of keeping our country strong and alert. Today I read “One Swing of the Bat Showed the Healing Power of Sports After 9/11 ( Some changes in safety measures that have taken place in America are at the airport when they are getting on the plane there are the scanning machines for and weapons that you are carrying and the security guards. These changes cause the line to ride a plane a lot stricter and the lines in the airport are a lot longer and go by slowly, which causes we the people to wait longer in the airport. I feel that America’s unity, attitude toward terrorism, and foreign relations have strengthened and weakened. Why? Because our country has become stronger in being more careful and alert to watching terrorist attacks, it has weakened in a way because America is gaining more and more alliances with other countries. America is watching the terrorist attacks more seriously and for foreign relations we are trying to gain them.

  9. 9/11 really changed the way that our country looks at security. I think that as soon as Americans decided to stand up against terrorism, the country has been brought together and security has been revamped all across the country. Not only did this help our country prevent any future attacks, it also set up a good example for our allies, so now a days, countries all over the world are fighting terrorism. Today I read an article called "U.S Troops Kill Osama Bin Laden In Pakistan"( It was about how the US navy killed Osama Bin Laden when he was hiding in Pakistan. I thought that this event must have been a dagger in the throat for his followers (also the terrorists who caused 9/11). Because of the fight against terrorism that Americans have taken great measures towards, terrorists now do not have as much power to harass us and we have shown them that no matter how much they try to make people suffer, we will still get them.
    After ten years safety measures have increased greatly. I think the main step taken is airport security. With airport security, it makes me feel much more safe when I fly on an airplane knowing that great measures have been taken to ensure that the plane will have a safe and peaceful flight, though when I have to walk through the huge security line it is not fun, but I know it is necessary to keep me safe.
    I feel that American unity has increased greatly because we all have one common enemy no matter who we are. Foreign relations have also increased because other countries are helping us fight terrorism.

  10. Nate Bolon
    5th period

    I read an article about the memorial of the flight that crashed into a field in Pennsylvania in stead of the capitol building.

    I think that what those people did to stop the terrorists was a noble action representing the resolve and determination of the American people. The men on that flight that stopped the terrorists were willing to give their lives to stop the Taliban that were going to destroy one of the greatest monuments to democracy in the world, the capitol building. I think that i would not have had the courage to make a sacrifice like that if i had been in that position. I'm sure these men knew they were going to die anyway, but to stand up and stop men who were known to be armed is just amazing. I also think that these men are sort of the unsung heroes of 9/ll, because nobody knows what could have happened had they not stopped these terrorists.

    Security has changed in two prominent ways that i can think of. The first one is rather than allowing some weapons on board, like box cutters, no weapons are allowed on planes. second, on every flight there is a trained flight marshal in case the plane is hijacked so that the terrorists can be stopped. socially, i am affected by neither of these things. I think that the american unity and attitude is stronger these days than it was back then, because we are all fighting together against the taliban, and this has been demonstrated by the recent killing of Osama bin Laden. Although there will always be people who doubt and say that it was the U.S. government who caused 9/11, the american people will always know the great cause for which we fight.

  11. 2nd period

    9/11 was a terrorist attack followed by ten years of war. Now was war the reason behind the attack? It probably wasn't. The purpose behind the attack was to tear down America's sense of security. To demolish the trust that we have between our fellow citizens. To feel like we cannot trust our neighbors in fear of them being a terrorist or not. But the attack on 9/11 had the opposite effect. Never before have the citizens of America come together like it did after the attack. I was too young to remember or understand what had happened on that day. But now I am old enough to feel the effects of it today. I feel like the unity of America has strengthened dramatically over the years, and has even been renewed with Osama Bin Ladin's death. Security in America has strengthened as well, especially within airports.

  12. 2nd Period
    I read an article about the effects of 9/11 around the world. Even though the September 11 attacks happened in New York, the 3,000 who lost their lives were from around 90 different countries. Their loved ones are still grieving, and it is obvious that the 9/11 attacks have affected pretty much the whole world. In order to prevent something like this from happening again, airlines have improved and strengthened security, such as, stricter background checks. From a social standpoint, everyone must endure the effects of security at the airports, like being searched for weapons, or passing screening checkpoints in order to go to your gate. This does prove that America’s security has indeed been strengthened over the past ten years. With stricter security measures being taken in airports, it’s ensured that flying is safe for everyone. and

  13. Matthew Dayton period 1

    I read an article from Wikipedia about the 9/11 attacks It not only talked about the causualties but also the affects. Our countries defense costes have almost doulbed. In airports there are new body scans as well as carry on restrictions. There is also more racail profiling towards arabs. It also made the United States go to war. the 9/11 ataacks were very sad killing almost 3,000 people. It has not only affected the families with lost ones, but the whole United States of America.

  14. Heather Fowler
    1st Period

    Today marking the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the effect it had on our country is still felt. I read “Impact from 9/11 still felt a decade later” ( and although Americans seem to be moving on, 9/11 will never be forgotten. So many lives were lost, and it sent our nation into terror. It was a true tragedy, but America is a changed country because of it. After September 11th, airports stepped up security to ensure something like this would never happen again. From limiting what you can and can’t bring onto the plane, and making you wait in long lines to go through full body scanners. The U.S. government also created the Homeland Security Department, the Transportation Security Administration, and the National Counterterrorism Center, all for the purpose of strengthening security. Most importantly, through all the loss, it united our country and brought people closer together. I don’t feel that any of these changes have affected me. The awareness of terrorism has definitely improved since the attacks.

  15. Brian T
    Period 2
    The September 11th attack brought many Americans together. This attack made airport security much tighter to prevent something like this from happening again. This attack raised the awareness of terrorism and this has strengthened relations with foreign countries who are fighting terrorism. My article talked about the destruction this attack. This caused serious damage to the economy and Suspicion fell upon al-Qaeda. The Untied States responded to this by launching the war on terrorism. Many other countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded law enforcement powers.

  16. Melissa Turner
    2nd Period

    Even though it’s the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the remembrance and memorials still go on and the aftermath is still felt by everyone who is aware of what happened on September 11, 2001 everywhere. I read “America Remembers Terror Victims, Honors 9/11 Generation of Warriors” and it is about the Memorial Service that went on today at Ground Zero. Family members of the victims of the Terrorist Attacks named victims aloud in pairs. There were also moments of silence at the exact times when the planes hit the buildings. A major change that happened because of 9/11 is airport security. It is much more cautious, which I believe is a good thing because from what I know, there have been no terrorists hijackings that have happened since then. Since I was really young when this happened, I didn’t really feel upset by it because I didn’t know what was going on, but now that I know what happened, I feel upset that something could devastate our country like that. I believe that America’s attitude towards terrorism and foreign relations have strengthened over the years, such as people thinking more of the fact that we should be more united so we don’t have big terrorist attacks like this, and the government I think it working towards doing that.

  17. 1st period
    I believe that right after the 9/11 attacks our country was very united and we all agreed that whoever did this needed to be brought to justice. Then we got into like three different wars and people started arguing making radical accusations about who actually committed 9/11. Like people who say the Busch administration or the CIA set up 9/11. I personally never liked Busch as a president ,but come on did people really have to say that just to try and get him out of office. I think that people need to remember that almost 3,000 people lost their lives that day and we need to respect that. Having said that I also don’t think we need to be fighting 3 different wars. I mean we already killed bin laden and because of that Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are crumbling. Now besides the wars what are some other safety measures that have been taken since 9/11, oh I know, airport security. Nowadays, I think airport security is a bit of overkill. I mean a machine that can see through your clothes, really? That’s just weird. You still don’t believe me well I’ll just tell have to tell you about one of my personal experiences at airport security. When I was eight I was going on a plane with my family to go to a funeral and they wouldn’t let me through because my name was on the terrorist watch list. That’s right and eight year-old was on the terrorist watch list…enough said. I guess it does make us safer, but still, it’s a little over the top. Since 9/11 I also believe that our foreign relations have declined considering most the countries in the middle-east hate us.

  18. Morgan Mann
    5th Period

    9/11 was a tragic event that effected many lives 10 years ago. Significant measures have been taken to reduce the possibility of this act again. I read "Are we safer today than on 9/11?" that talked about how the U.S. has now made it possible for the FBI to scan personal records, like e-mails, phone histories and financial records. Our security for immigrants is strong, and they have the right to restrain or deport immigrants if they feel the need to. Some believe our acts against terrorism are working, while others just see this as more reason for the U.S. to be attacked. At the time of this event, I was too young to know what was going on, and haven't been affected by 9/11. From learning about this, I better understand the need for safety actions against terrorism, and believe our country has become more united in our attempts to prevent terrorism.

  19. Jeffrey Williams
    5th Period
    I read an article in The News & Observer. One of the main themes of this article was caring. It showed that everyone in America were affected by the events on 9-11. It was about how after the attack on the pentagon one of the casualty assistant officers, who are responsible for telling the soldier's family if that soldier is killed, stepped up and cared for Commander Patrick Dunn's family after he was killed in the pentagon. It was unprecedented because usually the casualty assistance officers are "faceless" as in they don't seem to particularly care about the death of your family member. But the events of 9-11 brought us all together and everyone in America cared for each other that day. Since then, many security measures have been put in place to prevent another tragic day like 9-11, such as the tightened security with the x-ray scanners and whatnot and also the stricter regulations of what you can and cannot bring on a plane. It has brought Americans together like no other event in the past. It was also a blow to the whole world too because the world trade center which was vital to the world's economy also. In conclusion, I think that as a country we came out stronger as a country than we were before.

  20. Ria Das
    2nd period

    I read an article about the September 11th, 10 year anniversary.

    The article talks about how on this one day all of America comes together, in honor of remembering those who were killed in the September 11th attacks. This shows that no matter what race, religion or political views you have we can all put our differences aside to mourn the dead. In New York at 8:46 am (when the first plane crashed in to the towers) there was a moment of silence, and then there was another one at 9:03, when the second plane had crashed. There was also a memorial at the Pentagon in Washington DC, and another in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. At the New York memorial, President Obama, and former President Bush were both present and both gave speeches. Then at the Pentagon, Vice President Biden was present and he also gave a speech. Also the article talked about the heavy security that was there at the memorials, to prevent possible attackers. There were some rumors about some terrorists that were planning to use truck bombs to set off explosions in New York or Washington DC. Although nothing was confirmed, authorities are still on high guard.

    The changes that have occurred since 9/11 are that there is a lot more security at airports and other places of importance. For example at airports you have to go through all kinds of scanners and you have to take off your belts and shoes. Also if you want to go to a museum or inside a historical building, they always make you go through scanners. These changes have affected me because at airports I have to go through the hassle of taking off my shoes and having to go through scanners that can see through clothes. Lastly I think that America’s unity against terrorists has increased because everyone has the same opinion, that they are bad and that they need to be stopped.

  21. Bryan Zhang
    Pd 5

    The day of September 11 in 2001 was a tragic yet upsetting moment. It was a day where 3,000 people got killed because of 4 hijacking planes. It was a day where if you had a hour to do whatever you wanted before you got killed by the al-Qaeda terrorists, it would be to say good bye to your family, and tell them how much you loved them. At least for me, it would. In the article, it says that security has grown, especially in airports. If you think about it, it has. Security check is very frustrating because usually I have to wait in a long line, as well as having to take off you shoes and other clothing. The effect of 9/11 has affected our defense budget dramatically. Airport, border, port, and immigration security has gone up gradually over the years after 9/11. We spend more than 10 billion dollars yearly so that a time like that will not ever happen again in the future. I think America’s attitude has got weaker because even though we did our job to assassinate Osama bin laden, people will think terrorism is over.

  22. 1st Period Honors World History: September 11th, 2001 affected many lives and life styles of Americans. The attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, New York caused Americans to go into a state of terror and fear. Security in America to me, has increased tremendously. Airports are very thorough on their baggage checks and all other types of security. Back in 2001, we hadn't experienced anything like the attacks since Pearl Harbor even. Therefore, I don't think America was prepared or had even thought about terrorist attacks during this time. After 9/11 I think everyone realized how important their loved ones and even strangers meant to them and The United States united with this feeling of pain, hurt, and confusion as one. Americans throughout the country were left with unanswered questions along with the feeling of an unsecured, uneasy, nation. The economy had a large downfall because of the repair cost from the twins towers being destroyed. Families puts strains on what they did because of their insecurities about the nation. Many people believed that the government played a part in the attacks causing the war between the two countries. I think America's outlook on terrorism has became stronger after the attacks because they feel as though the attacks were planned and played out so easily then so why and what's stopping it from happening again beside a few extra minutes in security at the airport? But then again, since the death of Osama Bin Laden I think everyone's guard has kind of softened since he was presumed to be the head leader of terrorism attacks on America. I believe that when someone of that much power as Osama dies, there is already a trained maniac waiting to take of his prier duties and missions.

  23. Everett Dang 2nd period

    I read the article from This article showed what was happening this weekend at the 9/11 10 year anniversary memorial. It shows how the emotional effects of 9/11 remain in our hearts today. The images of people mourning in the newly opened 9/11 memorial are striking. I think it is astonishing how we Americans were able to come together and rebuild together against all physical and emotional injuries. To me this article means a lot because it shows what we can achieve if we have something to work for; something that inspires us to bring out the best for each other. This article told of regular police officers or fire fighters who became heroes during the 9/11 attacks. These regular people charged the flaming buildings in an effort to save the lives of fellow Americans. Many lost their lives in the process. It’s amazing to see the strength and courage these men and women showed. Till this day, their spirit remains with many Americans giving us strength.

    With this attack, America also realized many flaws in its safety regulations at airports. Airport security has become more strict due to the attacks. Personally, to see this amazing recovery from such devastating events is inspiring. Due to this incident, America's viewpoint on terrorism inspired the "War on Terror" in order to fight terrorist forces across the world. The war continues to this day. Emotionally, the 9/11 attacks resulted in the unity of Americans, showing the best in each of us. When people needed help the most, many heard the call and stepped up. This makes the anniversary such an important moment in history, our grief, recovery, and celebration of each other lives on today.

  24. Andrew Simms


    I think that 9-11 was a horrible thing, I mean over 3,000 people died. 3,000 people may not sound like that many people but our schools is only a third of that many people. I think 9-11 changed many peoples lives because the people of the USA finally started to take action against terrorists and improve security all over the world. While the twin towers fell it not only destroyed the twin towers it destroyed many businesses around it and the hurt the American economy drastically. The attack upon the Twin Towers soon led to the war on terror which in my mind is the worst part of it all is the war. 3000 people die because of one terrorist attack while over 100,000 American soldiers have been wounded in Iraq and many more have died. I think 3,000 is a small number compared to the after effects of 9-11. Plus George W Bush had received warnings from a member of the CIA telling him that their might be a terrorist attack by planes. He never listened though and he received a threat from Osama Bin Laden himself.
    Many changes have occurred due to 9-11. Changes like full body scanners in airports which scan your body looking for lethal weapons. Non of these changes has affected me because I haven't been on a plane since I was 3(2000) and I have only traveled to Canada. I do think Americas attitude ad changed towards terrorism and I think their unity has strengthened. America though and I blame George Bush fully on this because he had made some bad decisions like invading Iraq and Afghanistan. I think our foreign relations have gotten worse because everyone is annoyed with us and don't listen to the USA much any more because we keep failing. I really have not been affected by social standpoint from 9-11 though.

  25. Grace Gollmar
    1st Period

    I read the article “Viewpoint: The Myth of the ‘9/11 Generation’ from Time Magazine (,28804,2070004_2070003_2070018,00.html), reflecting on the day from the perspective of a book critic who was in her senior year of high school at the time of the 9/11 attacks. Within this article, the author, Abigail Deutsch, discussed how the attacks served as a closing point for her childhood and how the people around her all dealt with it differently. She also expressed her opinion on how the death of Osama bin Laden is not something to celebrate. I agree with this point of view. To me, it seems that if we are going to honor the lives of the people who died on 9/11, the best thing to do is not to add to the death toll—even though bin Laden was the cause of their deaths. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and it would be better to take the moral high ground by not reveling in the demise of our enemies. Instead, we should be working to create global peace ourselves and to preserve the lives of fellow humans, since death is what we purport to be “warring” against in the first place.

    Since I was only 4 years old on 9/11, I don’t remember much about the day. However, I and many others have grown up in a post-9/11 world in which airports are secure to the point of paranoia, the construction of a mosque becomes the center of public debate, and multiple wars are being fought in the name of defeating terrorism. In this way, I have definitely felt the effects of 9/11, even ten years later. I would say that society has become increasingly divided in issues of foreign policy and that the human aspect of every conflict is being lost in politics and prejudice. Personally, I’ve found that it can be hard to stay open-minded in these times, when every issue has multiple sides and each side puts so much effort into accusing the others. There seems to be no common ground, for example, between peaceful Muslims who are daily put on the defensive for their faith and the people who blame Islam for the acts of its most violent, extremist followers. I feel that because of this, America’s unity has weakened over the years, even though we all see the events of 9/11 as extremely tragic.

  26. Louisa Fine
    Period 1
    Security Intensifying as 9/11 Anniversary Nears

    9/11 is one of the most tragic events to ever occur in the United States. It shocked the world. There has only been one other direct attack upon the United States and it was on a military base, not on innocent civilians. The article I read is mainly on how security has intensified on planes, nuclear power plants, and public places, especially around the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Security for everyday life has significantly increased but the security has been brought to a whole new level on the days leading up to 9/11/2011. Extra security personel have been trained and are on alert and will continue to be on the days after the tenth anniversary. When Osama Bin Laden’s compound was searched there was some information on potential plans to attack on the tenth anniverary. Just a hint of information like that makes the United States add more security.
    Many changes have been made to make the United States a safer place for the citizens, but two prominent changes are the increase in security at social events and the substantial amount of security at airports. This effects all people who attend big events. This change has personally affected me when I went to the Chapel Hill vs. East football game, everyone who went had to be metal dectected. This summer I was also affected by the hightened airport security when my leg had to be patted down. I think that as a whole the United States’ unity has stregnthened. I believe that 9/11 actually helped us to do so because so many citizens lost their loved ones and many of them feel the need to fight terrorism. A common bond has been formed. 9/11 has caused us to be more aware of the terrorism that has actually been going on in other countries for years. Our foreign relations with certain countries have strengthened in the past ten years in the sense that many countries have been victimized by terrorism and so we have found something in common.

  27. There were many results of the terrible terrorist attacks on the world trade centers on 9/11. For one the department of Homeland Security was devised by the U.S. government to help protect America from further attacks. Another safety measure that was produced from these attacks was warrantless telecommunications eavesdropping. This act was highly criticized seeing that it allowed the National Security Agency to listen to any phone conversation from the U.S. to overseas countries. From a personal standpoint these changes don't really affect me too much; but they have made me feel safer and more secure knowing that there are people out there whose job it is is to protect us from terrorist attacks. I think that our unity as a nation has strengthened over the years, as I learned in my article

  28. 9/11/11
    5th Period

    Nine eleven was probably the most devastating event in our nation’s history. It killed 2,977 people and injured many more. The three planes destroyed the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon. Luckily, the fourth plane was landed away from trouble by our very own brave and heroic citizens. I read the article ( that was about how the 9/11 memorial finally brings a sense of closure to the people who lost their loved ones. I believe the Memorial is very important to our citizens. It is a great way to show that we will never forget the loved ones who fought for their lives on that dreaded day. This makes sure that generations later on will know about this event and why it was so important to us. Many families and citizens appreciated the memorial made at ground zero and at the Pentagon.
    Although this event was devastating, it brought all of us closer together as a nation. Security tightened in Airports, subways, and many other places. We are a much safer nation now, because of 9/11. I was too young for 9/11 to have a real impact on me, however I still remember seeing the pictures of it on the news. I feel for all of those who lost loved ones on that day.
    I believe that foreign relations is better because of 9/11 and Barack Obama. He has made other nations respect us more. He has helped other countries in many ways while he has been in office. I believe that our foreign relations are going in a positive direction at this point. I hope one day everyone can realize the impact 9/11 had and still has on our nation.

  29. Jacob Guskiewicz
    Period 2
    The article I read was called Still absorbing the shock. It was in the News and Observer today, September 11th on page 7A. This article talked about how the events of September 11th scared us, and then it goes on and talks about how we have spent tons of money on home security since that day. The article also talks about how security checks have been changed since 9/11. Also people have become much more aware of what’s happening around them and are quick to report any concerns.
    People are showing their appreciation to the military more these days for their work protecting our country. To prevent danger new scanners are being used to look at your whole body to see if you have any dangerous objects.
    I haven’t really been affected by the changes since 9-11-01. I don’t fly that much but I bet people have different views about the new security system that fly often. I think America is more united toward terrorism now than before 9/11. The scary events of that day have made people more cautious, definitely. Our relationships with other countries have weakened since the events because of terrorism; it’s really made it difficult for us to interact with a lot of countries.

  30. Jessica Geter
    1st period
    11 September, 2011

    The attacks on the U.s. on this day in 2001 has greatly influenced the measures of security in our nation today. This article illustrates the security advances within the airport. Because of 9/11 checking into an airport requires one to arrive at least an hour prior to their departure time. Going through airport security requires one to remove all metal objects, shoes, and proceed through a full body x-ray screening. Liquids exceeding 2oz are not permitted on any u.s. airline. Stereotypes have been placed upon Muslims and since 9/11 they have been socially attacked and presumed to be a terroristic threat. The events on September 11th happened in my years of adolescence which leaves me short of any emotional loss or accurate observation of the tragic occurance. As I have matured I evalute the day as one that has drastically shaken our nation and brought us together patriotically.

  31. The article I selected is addressing how the New York City Police Department is employing thousands of more police officers on this tenth anniversary of September 11th because of the potential of another attack on our nation. Al Qaeda statements as well as evidence found in the compound Osama Bin Laden had been residing in prior to his death indicated that a second attack was being planned for this 9/11 anniversary.

    I think 9/11 brought fear and vulnerability to the U.S. To cease that fear, our government took many extra steps to enhance security and combat terrorism. The security enhancements have changed passenger’s experience in airports as well as taken measures politically in foreign affairs for the United States. Although I do think that 9/11 brought us together as a nation emotionally, the administration in office at the time of the attack caused our foreign relations to deteriorate. President Bush led us in to war with not only Afghanistan, but Iraq as well. Most of the world understood and supported our government retaliating in Afghanistan where Al Qaeda plotted the September 11th attacks. Invading Iraq was much less supported.

    Bush’s policies on terrorism were far too simple and general; if a country was ‘harboring’ a terrorist organization, we were at war with that specific country. We should not be at war with the country where the terrorist group hides; if anything we should be at are at war with the terrorist group itself. President Obama made an example of that, instead of bombing major cities killing countless amounts of people, he went to the source and found where Osama Bin Laden was hiding. Like Daniel F. said above my post, I believe that President Barack Obama had to recreate and reconnect with nations opposite to us-opposing us because of President Bush’s adversarial approach with other countries, forcing bad relationships.

    I think racial profiling has been a huge issue since Bush’s administration and allies named countries, races and religions as terrorist organizations. From a personal standpoint, I see people in airports being judged and searched more because of their appearance and even religious attire that they may be wearing. I sympathize for people who have been said to be terrorists merely because they look like they are from the Middle East.

  32. After 10 years 9/11 is still affecting America today. After watching some of these videos, I learned a lot( These Videos showed different people in different areas reaction to 9/11. I also read this article about 9/11 10 years later and the effect it had on America ( Nineteen hijackers took control of four Airplanes, at 8:46 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower, followed by United Airlines Flight 175, which hit the South Tower at 9:03 a.m. Another group of hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. A fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m. which was suspected to either hit the State Capital or the White House. Security for everyday life has been increased but the security has been brought to a whole new level on the days leading up to 9/11/2011. 9/11 was a very tragic event. Around May 1st America found out news that would change people’s lives and give America a better since of security. When President Obama said these words “Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.” This was a happy moment America. Since this event happened I think that America has became stricter on security polices. This is a good thing that security polices have gotten strict so next time if we are about to go under attack it can be prevented.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Mookho

    2ed period

    9/11 is still affecting the United States in many ways. This afternoon, I read an article about the 10 year anniversary since the attack, which honors all of the victims. America has paused on a day of deep emotions to honor about 3,000 poor souls that have died on the day of the attacks. All of the victim’s names were read out loud during the five hour reading accompanied by silence and music. I was about 4 years old when this event occurred, so it did not affect me. But as I learned more about the event, it made me feel angry towards Al-Queada. It destroyed our buildings and affected lives of many families.
    Immediately after the attack of 9/11, the United States and many other countries strengthen the laws against terriosem and they spent so much money to ensure that the citizens of the United States would all be safe. Security has defiantly been more ensured in airports, for example, cretin liquids are not allowed on the plane. And everyone has to be securely checked before for any weapons or any suspicious items before boarding the planes. I feel that the event had brought everyone closer and made the U.S stronger than ever. Other countries are helping to help fight against terrorism which helps the U.S gain more power.

  35. Alex Haggis
    Period 1

    The article I found particularly interesting since it took 9/11 from another stand point. It talked about how the death toll could have been much higher if the people in the towers had panicked more. Their exit of the buildings was relatively orderly; walking down the stairs at a hasty but comfortable pace. They also allowed anyone with a handicap or injuries to go first. It is comforting to know that even though the people in the towers were under unimaginable pressure and fear they were still able to exhibit compassion and cordiality towards their fellow survivors.

    Since the attacks, there has been a drastic increase in security measures in airports: body scanners, limiting of what can be carried onto the plane, and full body pat downs just to name a few. I frequently pass through these checkpoints on my way to Greece or another place, so this effects me. I am not bothered by the full body scanners like a lot of people are, because we do what we do to keep our country safe and, to me, it's a lot more convenient than having to take off various things to go through the metal detector. I don't care what security measures they want to put down, but I would prefer not to be inconvenienced.

    Our collective attitude towards the invasion of foreign lands in pursuit of justice against the 9/11 attacks was sort of strong at the beginning but we've faltered since then. There are those who are so paranoid about the attacks that they are willing to do anything—attack anyone—to get justice. I don't think this is right. If the administration had spent more time planning the invasion of Iraq, they could have avoided the deaths of countless innocent lives.

  36. Blaire Sobolewski
    first period
    Since 9/11 we have made many changes to prevent anything like this from happening again. We have improved airport safety and we are now more aware of the damages a single person can cause. These changes haven't really personally affected me from a social standpoint. I think that America's unity and attitude toward terrorism has strengthened these ten years since 9/11. It has been strengthened because America is now more aware of everything and there is more safety everywhere you go. For example in airport there are several safety measures that every person has to go through. Not only are your bags checked, but so are you. This causes some people to get annoyed, but in the long run it will help prevent attacks and keep everyone safer. Today I read an article about 9/11, it talked about how people greet their loved and missed ones everyday with a 'good morning,' and how people visit the victims of 9/11. It also talked about how there were many different tributes to the nearly 3,000 killed.

  37. Jonathan Finkel Period 2

    After reading this article, the gross number of dead and wounded shocked me. Over 3,000 innocent people lost their lives because of the actions of just a few horrible people. There are really no words I can use to convey the feeling people must have had after losing loved ones during this time. What happened that day really hits home for me because I lived right outside of New York City when these events occurred.

    There has been a ton of new safety measures implemented in airports and on airplanes ever since 9/11. From a social stand point, one year prior to 9/11, I was given access to the cockpit to take a picture with the pilot. I was only 3 years old. Now cockpits are always locked in flight, and no one is even allowed close to them.

    I think that America's unity against terrorism has greatly increased since the events of 9/11 a full 10 years ago. I think this because every year we come together as a country to remember what happened on that dreadful day. I also think that not only as a country have we been unified, but also on an international level. I think this because there are a multitude of countries in the world fighting wars on terrorism right now.


    Ten years ago today, the United States, as well as the rest of the world was shook to its core upon discovering the event of the morning. At 8:46 a.m. American Airlines flight 11 crashed into the North Tower, and just seventeen minutes later, United Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower. Almost 3,000 civilians lost their lives.
    The decade following this incredulous act of terrorism has been filled with fear of terrorists, and fear of attack. Safety measures abroad as well as at home have been reinforced and strengthened to insure an event like this never happens again.
    Specifically, airport security has been tightened. Unlike ten years ago, people today are not permitted to bring any kind of sharp object, liquids over 2 ounces, or anything that could be perceived to be dangerous. The cockpit on planes are now locked, and air marshals are now sometimes stationed on planes.
    On a more personal level, peoples individual attitudes toward muslims have changed dramatically. Even though the nineteen people who hijacked the planes were extremists, many American ignorantly blame the whole religion for 9 11. This is obviously a problem that the events of 9 11 inadvertently caused.
    Over the past ten years, America's unity against terrorism is strong, but America is not united on most topics. Lately, it seems like no one in Washington can agree on anything- the debt, health care, jobs, the economy, etc. However, when terrorism, or attacks on America come up, everyone can agree, and are united. This shows that this terrible event did cause some unity in a sea of disagreements.
    The article I read "A Day That Stands Alone" discussed the remembrance of the people who died that fateful day, and the heroes who helped the survivors. I believe that it is very important to always remember what happend, but to look forward and try to rise above and even forgive the terrorists who caused this tragedy.

  39. Carolyn Deutsch
    2nd period
    Ten years ago on September 9, 2001, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked. The al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four planes and sent two to the World Trade Center, one to the Pentagon and the other to the Capital Building. The one headed for the Capital building was crashed in a field and never hit the building. Many people from many countries lost their lives on 9/11. Today and every day, the US remembers those who lost their lives and those who lost friends or family on that day. Although the attack was 10 years ago, it still leaves a mark in our lives and 9/11 will never be forgotten. I read this article, which shows how people coped with this day and how we came together to help one another.
    Airport security and security in general has increased since the attacks. I was only four when the attacks occurred so they have not affected me. I think that how we prevent terrorism has strengthened and our foreign relations have become worse.

  40. Julia Haines
    1st pd.

    While 9/11 has caused us to improve our nation’s security, we have neglected to improve our emergency-response communication. According to an article I read titled 9/11: What We Learned and What We Didn’t, many firefighters, police-officers, and other brave first responders' lives could have been spared if not for the poor communication between the police and fire departments. Before the North Tower collapsed, police helicopters above the scene radioed to police officers that the tower was about to fall; and so many police men knew to evacuate. But most, if not all, firefighters never got this message, for their own radios only got messages from the fire department. 121 firefighters died in the collapse of the North Tower, and never even got the warning. They didn’t even know that the South Tower had already collapsed. Today, you would think that we would have learned from our mistakes, and improved the communication between emergency responders. But this is one improvement we still have to make.
    Although our emergency-response communication has not improved as much as we would like it to, many improvements have been made in other areas as a result of 9/11. Airport security is especially better, and we now keep close tabs on possible Al-Qaeda terrorists. We are more alert of who enters our country, and what they do here, especially if they are from the Afghan area. From my social stand-point, I don’t feel that the changes have affected my life at all, because since I can remember, security has always been the way it is. But for those that can remember the times before 9/11, I’m sure that the changes are very noticeable. I believe that America’s unity was increased as we all were in a state of disbelief, but 10 years later I feel that that our unity, while still strong, has slightly weakened. American spirit has decreased, with more and more people disapproving of the government. Our attitude towards terrorism is much stronger, and the war on terror is one of the main focuses of our country. Foreign relations, I think, have increased with countries like China, but decreased with other countries with whom we have no use for helping anymore.
    Overall, I think that the events of 9/11/01 were very tragic, but they have taught us things that we couldn’t have learned another way. It gave us that extra push to improve our nation’s security, and to take seriously the threats of terrorists in the future.

  41. Tim Li
    2nd Period

    The article that I read is about how 9/11 has affected everyone in the US. It focuses on two places, Point Roberts, Washington and Monticello, Iowa. Point Washington is an isolated town that near the 49th Parallel that leads nowhere, but is still heavily protected by the Department of Homeland Security simply because it’s an international border. You could call it one of the safest places in the country. Monticello is a town that lost no one in the attacks, but represents the effect 9/11 has had on people. Many of the residents refuse to fly, and have a strong dislike of Muslims. All this is because of the 9/11 attacks. The town has received a beam from Ground Zero, which has been erected as a memorial to those who died. And yet after 9/11, life moves on, and no one has forgotten the events of that day.

    I believe that this article makes a valid point: life still goes on. Many people lost loved ones or friends in the attacks, but that’s no reason to just stay in fear and do nothing, people need to keep moving and make something positive out of it. Although the attacks remain horrific events, Americans need to learn from them and take action. The government has beefed up security at airports and border stations, all to prevent another attack like 9/11. And it has been effective, as we haven’t seen another major attack since then.

    As a result of 9/11, the security measures taken by the US have changed drastically. There are security checks at every airport, and the items allowed on board planes have been reduced to the point that pretty much nothing with a blade or with liquids can be brought on board. The US Department of Homeland Security was created as a direct response to the attacks. From this, everyone traveling into the US from international flights is stopped and checked for valid ID and are checked for any potentially dangerous items that they may bring back. Just this summer, my family and I were held up at Customs since we were bringing in bamboo, which needed to be screened for any disease agents or other like things. As a result we missed our flight and had to wait for the next one.

    The 9/11 attacks brought the dangers of terrorism right up to our faces, and we realized that we needed to do something about it. As for foreign relations, many of us are united in calling for the withdrawal of troops from the Middle East. We believe that having armed forces in those countries simply causes more tension than security, as many of the people in those countries are actually afraid of us. Because of these things, I believe that America’s unity has increased during these past years.

  42. The article I read was

    September 11, 2001 was a historic day for the United States of America. The terrorist attacks were tragic and killed 2,973 people according to the article I read. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like today, September 11, 2011, for those people who were there in New York City when the attacks on the World Trade Center happened. Though so many people were killed by this act of terrorism, it brought America together in a way nothing really had before. People everywhere were going to stores and buying anything red, white, and blue, flags, shirts, you name it. It didn’t matter if people were strangers; they would give each other a shoulder to lean on. It also made me sick to think that people could really hate each other that much that they would get rid of their own lives and basically start a war. It amazes me how brave so many people were on that day. There were regular office workers who helped each other get out of fiery offices and into the stairwell, there were firefighters who went right into the flames to get as many people out as possible, and of course there were the passengers on Flight 93 who regained control of the plane from the hijackers to crash it into a deserted field in Pennsylvania. Today people gathered at Ground Zero to remember those we lost that day. I think today, the 10 year anniversary of the attacks, brought the country closer yet again. Some changes have of course been made to airport security systems and they’ve gotten even more thorough since the last time I went on a plane. I remember hearing last winter that they started scanning everyone individually and everything is just much more thorough than it was ten years ago. The USA is also much more careful with all foreign affairs. I don’t really thinks it’s affected me from a social standpoint because I was only 4 years old when 9/11 happened so I haven’t really known anything else. I think America’s unity toward terrorism and foreign relations has weakened nowadays from what it was because I think everybody was super together right after the attacks happened but gradually everyone has gone back to their relationships with strangers and other people that they had before 9/11.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.


    9/11 Threats posted on white house Facebook page. I find it almost insane that anyone would actually threaten that they were going to attack America again. Given that the first time was such a tragic incident, it's almost unthinkable that someone could make fun of it. They also mentioned that they tightened security and are using alternate sourced to track possible threats. Although this was to be expected, it is still nice to see. After all, when the planes hit, the mental effect was extreme, and having better security might help avoid that happening again. I feel like America has really gotten tougher and more unified against terrorists in this case.

  45. Sophie Kahn

    5th Period

    Today, almost 3,000 people were honored and remembered for losing their lives during 9/11, ten years ago. I read the article (, which talked about now, a decade later from the tragedy. President Obama spoke at a memorial concert at the Kennedy Center, and quoted “finding strength in fear.” Many people who had lost loved ones declared that they would honor them today, let the sadness go, and embrace the happiness that they had known them. The article also talks about the outcome of 9/11, including the increased security measures, especially in airports. From a social standpoint, I feel like I can go on planes and go to places without worrying about terrorists breaking through security, and I feel very safe. I can’t imagine the fear everyone must have been going through ten years ago, when the four planes were hijacked. I think America’s unity towards terrorism has definitely strengthened over the past decade, and 9/11 was the beginning cause of that. Many adults have talked about how scary it was to be watching the two towers be attacked on TV, but they were amazed at how America came together to fight the cause. 9/11 will never be forgotten, and the fight against terrorism will also be maintained.

  46. Arturo Tornero


    Earlier this week I read an article ( about this significant day in world’s history. Two hijacked planes crashing into our world trade center buildings, another one collided with the pentagon, and thankfully one recovered by the brave passengers and flew into an open field in Pennsylvania. Three thousand innocent people died on that tragic day. American airport security increased which makes us less vulnerable to terrorism. Long lines in the airport are extremely aggravating, but we’ve come to accept them. Recently, my father arrived from Spain and with him brought back a nice corkscrew that belonged to our family ancestors. And the airport security guards confiscated it because of the pointy end??!! Well, it may seem infuriating but we now understand these measures because of necessity to our safety.
    Things could have gone better had we not attacked. But we were told that Iraq was harboring Al Qaeda and WMD. This caused us to invade Iraq because we thought their “weapons of mass destruction” threatened our security, when in fact they didn’t have any. We spent one trillion dollars just invading which made us economically weaker. This action caused hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis deaths as well as 40,000 Americans deaths. People mentioned very dangerous things like “we used 9/11 as an excuse for attacking Iraq.” But one can ask: Did this invasion make us safer? So was it right to do this, invade?

  47. Tamia E.
    2nd period

    The article i read this week was . This article described the tragic event 9/11 step by step. This tragic accident started when four passenger planes were hijacked by terrorists. Next the terrorists flew two planes into the two twin towers in NYC. Then a plane was flown into the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C. Lastly the last plane was crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Three thousand innocent people died on that tragic day.
    I think today, the 10 year anniversary of the attacks, brought the country closer yet again. 9/11 brought a lot of pain to my life just knowing that innocent people were killed. They didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to their loved ones. I couldn't imagine myself being in their shoes. I couldn't even see how someone would send terrorists on a task to take innocent people's lives. Although this innocent could cause racism it hasn't really effected my in the perspective. Im very glad it hasn't and i hope it doesn't effected anybody socially. One thing that has changed though is the security at airports. Lines are getting longer and they are really clamping down for everyones safety. This tragic event has brought America together to rebuild and that's the only good outcome of this dangerous event.

  48. Juliann Cho
    1st period
    9/11 - Remembering the Victims.

    Today marked the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. 9/11 was the very disturbing, event when a group of terrorists hijacked planes and crashed into the two World Trade Center buildings. 2,753 innocent people died on this day. Today, the country honored this day by gathering at New York’s ground zero, the site where the buildings collapsed, in remembrance of the victims who lost their lives.
    I think after 9/11, security has been a lot more strict and have been more aware. Since it is the tenth anniversary, they have heightened. There were some rumors going around that there were terrorist threats because of the anniversary. Since the security is alert, and more watchful, it makes me feel comfortable and safe. After September 11th, I feel like America changed a lot. For both the good and the bad. Many victims lost their lives and their families are forced to live with that for the rest of their lives. But America also strengthened. In ten years, America is back to normal again. Thanks to the firemen that risked their lives to save others. Even though lives were lost, they’re still in our hearts. 9/11 will never be forgotten.

  49. September 11, 2001 was a very tragic day for the United States of America but in a way it helped our country as well. I read more about this day at I cannot remember this day for myself, it has been a memory made for me by all the people around me. This article very descriptively described everything that happened before and also after September 11. I learned a lot about the reasoning of these attacks and the war against terrorism.
    Many safety measures have been put in place now to prevent something like this from ever happening again. For example, airport security has tightened up so much more than it was before. These events affected me because it showed me that something like this could happen at any moment and that I should live my life to the fullest every day. I feel that America's unity and attitude toward terrorism has increased slightly in the last 10 years, because we will never forget about what happened 10 years ago, and we are determined to win the battle. I think the killing of Osama Bin Laden recently shows that. Many, many loved ones were killed on this day ten years ago, and hopefully nothing like this will ever happen again.

  50. EMERY HARWELL PERIOD 5 9/12/2011
    In opinion, the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September eleventh 2001 unified Americans. Though our nation as a whole tragicaly lost almost 3000 people, this event was able to be used as a rallying point for our security and also the global awr on terror. After these attacks the US folled by leading attacks on al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Though there were so many losses, this event was able to bring Americans closer together, to defend our great nation.

  51. Elisa F.
    5th pd
    The events that took place on 9-11 were tragic, with over 3000 deaths, it changed America forever. But in some ways, it also helped us. First of all it helped us with our nation’s security, in air ports we made advances in our security and it made our nation aware that we are able to handle situations and take action when they affected us.
    Even though I was only 4, I still kind of remember watching it on TV with my parents and my brother. They were all shocked but I really was not aware of what was going on. The way this affected me was that it gave me more respect for America and how we are able to handle these types of situations and how we were able to take action in fixing them.

  52. Emilee Taxman
    2nd Period

    My article was mostly not about the events of 9/11, but people’s reactions to what happened.
    I feel like this article was telling people that they should remember what happened but not let that stop them from moving on with their lives. I think that showing how people, then and now, cope with it will help others. This shows how people showed their grief, or just understood that they should be able to live regularly. This tells about people with strength, not always physical strength but true strength. People, big and small are honoring this terrible event and caring, even if they were only toddlers at the time. Through monuments and even just thoughts, people are able to remember.
    The main change that has come out of this event is highly increased airport security. There are also more metal detectors and police guards and public places. Though these changes have made it much harder to get through airports and other places, it makes me feel safer. I was only a little kid when these changes were implemented but I see the effects of them now. America has been much more cautious and much more paranoid since 9/11. We have been unified in trying to track down the terrorists, and unified in killing Osama Bin Ladin. We are now thoroughly suspicious of any foreigners especially those from the Middle East. Our relations with the countries that the terrorists are from have dwindled because of pure suspicion.

  53. Abu S
    1st Period
    Although many people lost their lives in the terrible events that took place on September 11, 2001, we grew during that time. Those tragic events brought American citizens closer together, and helped us realize how united we truly are. We did not use hindsight bias to blame the security, instead we pulled through and helped out neighbor; which is the most important part of all.
    I was 5 at the time. I remember watching cartoons when my parents called me into their room to see the news. This was odd, because I didn't usually watch the news. I saw the towers collapse, and I was shocked. I learned during this event by appreciating what we have and the efforts of our civil and armed forces.

  54. Sandeep Gill
    1st period
    Although 9/11 was a horrific experience for all Americans and many people lost their lives, we have moved forward. Airport security has improved substantially. Full body scanners have been placed in airports to ensure safety. America's view on terrorism has changed over the past ten years due to the attacks. 9/11/2001 brought Americans together, we help each other in times of need. We have also come closer as a whole country.
    America will never quite move on from this experience but we have moved forward and still remembering the day when those planes attacked the world trade center and the pentagon, and killed many innocent lives.

  55. Ye Htet

    2nd Period

    The events that happened on 9/11 have changed the lives of many people not just from the United States but the whole world. After these cruel events everything changes from security to how people treat each other. I read “On eve of 9/11 anniversary, a nation reflects” It was an article stating that many citizens of the United States remember the 9/11 casualties and the lives lost at the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the crash site near Shanksville. Article also includes about the speeches that President Obama and former President Bush gave at the Arlington National Cemetery and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The speeches poured confidence and courage to many people and readied them for more hardships that might come up. After reading this I was an enlightened a bit because I mean I envy the people who experienced 9/11 not in a bad way like I wanted to see many people die but the spirits of these people are strong. I didn’t arrive to the United States yet when 9/11 occurred so I wouldn’t know what it feels like but I can see pride that many people have after reading this article. It’s great to see that people are still willing to fight and endure terrorism, it’s inspirational I guess. The many changes after 9/11 would have been mostly centered on airports. There is tighter security in airports now because that is the only way to prevent terrorists from planning their attacks from the inside. I don’t remember what I had to go through at the airports when arriving to the U.S but I feel like security was tight because I came here like 1-2 years after 9/11. I feel like America has both strengthened and weakened in foreign relations. We’re doing good fighting off terrorism and interacting with other countries about terrorism but what weakened is how we judge people. Most people from the Middle East would be accused of being a terrorist when they accidently do something wrong like have a smoke in the bathroom of a plane. Religion is also big issue, when people hear that someone is Muslim they would discriminate them or fear them. The good thing is that, that weakness is dissolving because many people today treat each other the same no matter of the religion or race. They might have a small fear towards them but many people know that you can’t accuse or discriminate people just because of their background.

  56. Taylor Headen
    Period 1

    On what started out as a clear Tuesday on the 9th of September in 2001 turn out to be a disaster. Four hijacked planes took a turn for the worst. Two planes crashed into the twin tower, one crashed in to the pentagon, and the last crashed in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 lives taken from people on the planes, in the buildings, the heroes trying to save lives, and the people trapped in smoke. This was the day there was an attack on America. 10 years later things have changed. Some changes that have occurred were the security in airports, when you have to take off your shoes, and all the things out your pocket. This is a change caused by 9/11. Things haven’t only changed from a safety standpoint, but to a social stand point too. Since then I have been very carful of my surroundings and who I talk to, and when/where I talk to them. Also from another social standpoint I think that Americans attitude toward foreigners has changed too. For example when they wanted to build a mosque on ground zero, the people of America was angry, and speaking out. I would also be one of the people out there.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Brandon Ta
    1st Period
    In the 10 years after the tragedy of 9/11, America has changed a lot since then. America is stepping up in security, making sure nothing like this will ever happen again. Security in airports have been improved a ton in so many ways it's hard to name them all. But more importantly it has brought Americans closer, knowing that more 2000 other families have lost 1 or more relatives and that they aren't going through this alone, but with thousands of others in the country. I remember i was a day camp when this happened, as soon as we found out my mom came and picked me up and took me home. She said if something were to happen she would protect me, i felt happy that someone would care for me like that but at the same time i felt sad that no one was there for the people who died in 9/11. We are all united by this tragic event in one way or another. America continues to move on, though we will never forget what happened on 9/11.

  59. Juliana Dunn, 5th
    9/11, 2001, is a day that has changed history forever. From the security in airports to relationships with other countries, America will never be the same. Because the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were through high-jacked aircrafts, the airports all around the world have boosted their security levels to make sure no one with any terrorism history gets through. They also have x-ray machines to make sure no one with a weapon can get to their flight or next gate. These raised security levels have directed my family directly, because we travel out of the country every summer. Even though it is inconvenient to have to take off my shoes every time I have to go through security, it is comforting to know that these countries are keeping us safe and that I will not be part of the next nine-eleven. Because of 9/11, our country is a lot stronger than it used to be. Now everyone sees on event from the same view, and seeing something the same way as other citizens has made America stronger. We are also a lot more patriotic, and everyone always makes a great effort to support our troops around 9/11. This must reassure them about what they are fighting for. But, unfortunately, nine eleven has also caused abuse for our Arabic-American citizens. Because the terrorists involved in the attack on the world trade centers were Arabic, many Americans have jumped to the conclusion that all Arabic people are terrorists. Hopefully, this prejudice will not exist for much longer. Even despite this, America’s bond with other countries has grown tighter, because the attack was on the World Trade Centers. So, we have shown the terrorists how strong we are and that we cannot be so easily defeated.

  60. Nation looks ahead with hope after remembering 9/11 victims

    This article talked about a ceremony for 9/11 with the president. It described the stories of many tortured victims of the attacks and talks about how the ceremony went down. I found it mildly touching. Even though our fight with AL-Qaeda is long from over It brought a sense of unity and security.
    Now we have to get patted down at the airport. They check our bags. We must pass through a medical detector. This helps prevent future attacks. As tedious as it may be it keeps us safe.
    From a social standpoint this has greatly effected how I think about what’s going on in the world. I use to not care that much but now I read CNN. I realize how much things can really affect us. I learned to take an interest in my country and feel proud to be an American.
    I feel America’s unity and attitude toward terrorism has strengthened over the years. This event was a huge wake up call that brought us together. There wasn’t anyone who wasn’t supportive and understanding that was affected by this attack. People started being nicer. We start a plot of prevent and get rid of terrorism.

  61. Raziyah Farrington
    Period 1
    Honors World History
    The 9/11 attack on the twin towers was an horrific event. It was a terrorist attack on the United States. 19 hijackers took over our planes. Approximately 3000 people died In the aftermath, US president George W. Bush created an unexpected “war on terror” that seemed to crackdown on Islamist militants as well as the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Approximately 3000 people died. Osama Bin Laden was behind the whole thing. There were many changes that occurred upon this event. The airport system has majorly tighten up. They check your supplies more in detailed then before the terrorist attack. I could agree that people appreciate the military then before. The attack was very much not expected. I think if were to have another “attack”, it would be way more expected the 10 years ago.

  62. Sadie Frank
    1st Period

    My article discusses the 9/11 memorial that just opened at Ground Zero and the future plans for rebuilding the area. I think it's really very inspiring that, ten years later, there is still a lot of thought going into honoring the people who died in 9/11. The families who were quoted in the article seemed to find some kind of closure in seeing the names of their family members immortalized in the 9/11 memorial. I think it's very healthy to move on from 9/11, but also to keep remembering all who lost their lives.

    I think that the most obvious modifications to security because of 9/11 have happened to the security in airports. People can be heard complaining all the time because of the stringent security that has been imposed in airports, but I think it's a good thing. I believe we should take any measure we possibly can to prevent something like 9/11 happening again. Personally, I haven't been hugely affected by this security - I can't remember any flights that I've been on when I haven't had to remove my shoes and go through metal detectors, so it's not really a big deal for me.

    I think lots of people view 9/11 as something that brought our country together, and I believe that that's possible, but, again, I don't have very many memories of how life was before 9/11, or of the time surrounding 9/11. I definitely know, from being taught, that our attitude towards terrorism since 9/11 has become more agressive, which is definitely a good thing.

  63. Sorry mr waters my must not have posted it messed up.
    Hugh Kelley
    The attacks on nine eleven was the worst terrorism attack in history. My article I chose is about the memorial remembering all the innocent people working in the building and in the plane. God bless them Also all those brave men and women who lost their lives trying to save others. The memorial is in the exact spot of where the Twin Towers used to be. I would like to visit there someday. Safety in airports has become a lot stricter to never let an event like nine eleven happen again. They personally affect me because now instead of just metal detectors I have to go through those full body scanners. Our attitude towards terrorism has greatly improved so that incedints like nine-eleven will never happen again. The US really came together after 9/11.

  64. Lianna Malawski
    1st period
    Honors World History

    The article that I was reading was very interesting to me. It explains what happened the day of September 9th, 2001, also the 10 year anniversary that happened this year. Where the Twin Towers were built they were replaced with two very large Memorial Fountains, with the engravings of people’s names who died on that day. There are also many tree’s planted around the memorial, a symbol showing life does go on.

    After looking at many 9|11 photos, and watching some videos you really feel for the people that went through it all. This event drastically changed how America is today. Security has gotten a lot more technical, and airports have been doing more checks on people to make sure they are not carrying anything suspicious on board the plane.
    9|11 changed many peoples’ lives and now some are afraid to even leave their house on 9|11 because there might be another attack. If we were to have an attack this year the U.S will probably be much more prepared then they were ten years ago.

  65. Kevin Chen, 1st Period

    The article I read describes how different people with different experiences on 9/11 changed over these 10 years. Some people had the story of being family members of victims of the attacks. Some were Muslims who dealt with being stereotyped. Ports into the country today have extremely heightened security in order to catch terrorists before they strike. They have made TSA regulations tighter, adding more hassle to a trip to the airport, but also possibly preventing another devastating attack. I think after 9/11, Americans unified and were able to stand together with the one dream of getting rid of the radical terrorists that brought fear to this country.

  66. I read the page on CNN called 9/11 memorial opens. when I read this article it reminded me of all the people that lost loved ones or died in the attack. It showed that ten years on we are still as united as before, if not more so. Our foreign relation have strengthened with counties who were involved in the war on terror, but it has degraded with countries not included in that. i thought that the article i read was interesting and i agree with it. The article I read was almost all facts about how many diffrent countries commemorated the attack. I thought is was a well written article, and i found it very helpful.
    Sam Herbert


    This article was about how the design of the 9/11 memorial, they had an international contest, in which people from 63 nations entered. This was a good idea, but it would have been better if it was just national, because then there is more patriotism in the designs. The design was an excellent one, it had two reflecting pools were the Towers stood and the names of the victims of both the 9/11 attacks, and the attacks from February in 1993, surrounding the pools. The reflecting pools fall into a void that symbolizing the loss of the Towers to our country. The memorial was opened today on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

    1. Airport security have made major changes in their security, and now include full body scanners.

    2. These have only change my travel in planes, and it is better to be safe than sorry, so it is good to have these security measures.

    3. America’s unity and attitude toward terrorism has been strengthen no the we remember the tenth anniversary of 9/11. 9-11 created new people, who became more determined and had a strong feeling of patriotism that still exists today.

    William Bukowski

    5th period

  68. Ariella Hirsch
    I believe that before 9/11 airport security wasn't prepared for the fact that someone might try to hijack or do something else dangerous on a plane. There was security but there hadn't been attacks on US flights in a very long time, so people weren't concerned or prepared to react if one occured. I think that airport security has improved a lot since 9/11. Anyone who has been on a flight since then can tell, you have to pay a fee, go through extra security measures, and arrive at the airport earlier so there is time for all of this to happen before you board a flight. I think that security will never be fool-proof but will continue to improve. I don't have any problems with what they make you do for security because it is to protect us, but I think that it would be nice if there was an simpler way for everything to take place. I think all Americans want to fight terrorism. However, I think some believe we aren't taking the right approach and that divides us as we try to conquer terrorism and make the world safer. I think that if we work together to fight terrorism we can improve, but there will always be people who are extreme in their beliefs that others are wrong or bad and need to be punished.

  69. 9/11 was one of the most tragic things that has ever happend to america. Somthing that has changed with america after these attacks was security. In almost any public place there will be a lot more security. In an airport you can wait for up to an hour because of security reason. My dad and I travel a lot on airplanes. We use to be able to zip through all the check points. Now it can take forever. This event has also unified us. On those couple of terrible days Fallowing 9/11, we as country came together and got through it together.

  70. Keith Swartz 1st period

    September 11, 2001 was a very sad day for America. This attack was not an attack only attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon but also an attack on the American way of life. The fourth plane hijacked in the attack was believed to be heading for the White House, but no one knows for sure. Almost three thousand people died in these attacks and no survivors from any of the passenger from the planes. The 9/11 attacks have been the worst attacks on American soil since Pearl Harbor. As a result, our government has really amped up security, so hopefully, these kind of tragedies will never happen again.

  71. Peter Williams
    Period 5
    I think the 9/11 attacks are still having and effect on us today. It has really changed how we do security and plane flights. I don’t think anyone in America will forget this tragedy. I read this article .
    This article is just about the basics of the attacks, like how they happened and exactly when the planes hit and things like that. The people that did the attacks were members of the Islam extremist group Al Queada. 9/11 was the deadliest attack on America.

  72. Ian McKeown
    Period 5


    this article talks about the 9/11 memorial. It also talks about how not everyone who deserved to be honored was. In the article it does explain that there were many heroes who were honored, and deserved to be. It explains that there were nearly 1,040 people who have died because of the inhalation on that fateful day. The U.S. Government has been denying these allegations, and denying these heroes the healthcare they deserve. This outrages me in more ways than I can count, but what truly makes me mad is that these American heroes who risked their lives to save ours, have died with no merit, honor, valor, or recognition for there actions.

    Question Answers:

    1. Since 9/11 the security everywhere has gone up and left us with difficulties and challenges, but also a sense of security and peace of mind.
    2. These attacks have affected me socially because everyone I know and am related to, have reacted differently since the horrible attack.
    3. I believe that Americas attitude toward terrorism has remained at the same high level it started at on these fateful days because not one moment did we stop hunting down terrorists and stop attacks, but it never became more sever, because our standpoint on terror was already so severe to begin with.

  73. I think that 9/11 was a catastrophic event in American history, one which affected us for the worse in more ways than one. In the years immediately following, no one would’ve said no to anything pushed forward in the name of national security, or, perhaps more appropriately, National Security. Morally, as well as politically, every single politician was obliged to go along with the invasion of Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, &c. Former President Bush’s need for America to be seen as on the right side of very moral argument took hold, as well, and his weak leadership under crisis was decidedly not what was demanded of a wartime President. To quote his memoir, “...I waited nearly three years for a perfect strategy.” A real leader wouldn’t have waited, he would’ve acted. He would’ve burst into the Pentagon and slammed his fist on the table, and demanded a new strategy, not waited for a happy chance.

    Also, regardless of whether the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the killing of Osama bin Laden was in themselves good or bad acts on the part of the country, the two mountains in our political landscape cannot seem to agree on what to do. In the end, 9/11 has not united, but divided the country, it has polarized our politics, it is (through the cost of the wars and the subsequent national deficit) directly responsible for the Tea Party and the enormous national debt, it has ruined the country. In the end, though they may have done it post mortem, the terrorists won.

  74. Dilay Uras 5th-pd


    9/11 had impacted everyone across the U.S The security went past it's limits after the tradegy had occured. About 3,000 people were killed due to this "moment". Al Queada is responsible for all this trouble. My sister once aske " How is the Al Queada going to replace all those 3,000 people?" I didn't know the answer, and up to this day I still do not know. Many people can relate to this awful moment. My mother was the assitante vice president of the World Trade Center. She had a meeting that day. An hour after she left, the the bulidings were destroyed. My mother's boss (the vice and the president), friends employes, co-wokers were all killed. Every time the 9/11 draws closer, or when it is here, people ask my family what we think of the 9/11. They are asking this question, beacuse we are Muslim, too. We tell that we are happy that the Al Quadea went down. That's because that group brought a bad name to the Muslims.
    This event has effected our U.S's budget, and the homeland security department. We spend over a billion dollars making sure that another 9/1 will never occure again. America went thourgh so much, just because of a group of terrorist couldn't control their anger.

  75. Taylor Stepney
    2nd period
    This article is mostly about how people reflected and felted about 9/11. Basically they were saying always remember it but don't let it stop you from living your life. They brung a flag up that hill to show their respects and to let people know there will always be an historical memory.
    The changes the united states have made were more security and the airports have a lot more customs to got through now. These changes make my life a little more protected. Since we have all this hatred across the seas, they have to come in through air or boat and i think our airlines and national guard is very capable of protecting mines and other peoples lives. The unity and attitude between foreign relations have most definitely increased. I think this because the more we unite with them the more hatred they have against us. But then again since we have kill Osama bin laden. We are decreasing once again.

  76. Katherine Westover Period 1
    I think what happened on 9/11 very tragic. It is disturbing to know people will needlessly kill others just to make a point. I think the article was informative. I never thought about other countries’ reactions to 9/11. It is saddening to know that some places celebrated the killing of all the people. Just because you disagree with an idea doesn’t mean you have the right to kill people who believe in it. It is nice to know that people will fight to protect others that they have never met like United Airlines flight 93. It gives me hope that countries might not always hate each other and that we might all get along someday. It also makes me feel safer knowing that Americans will help each other out.
    One thing that changes to help US safety is airport security. It is now a lot harder to get through than it was when 9/11 happened. TSA has become a lot stricter about what is and what is not allowed on an airplane. It has become a lot harder to get into America from foreign countries as well. I believe that America’s attitude towards towards terrorism has not diminished at all. People are still very paranoid that something like 9/11 might happen again. I think that America has become a lot more accepting to foreign countries though. The changes that happened after 9/11 have made me more distrustful towards people from other countries. I have a small fear that they might try to kill me or my family as a terrorist attack. I am not as friendly to others as I would be if 9/11 never happened.

  77. Nine Eleven
    Burhan Bustillos 2nd

    Nineteen Al Qaeda terrorists hijacked USA airplanes crashed two planes into both world trade center buildings. Then attempted crashing another plane but brave American heroes saved the plane and crashed it into an open field. This event killed almost 3,000 people and injured much more.It harmed a lot of the country physically and emotionally.
    They have made a lot more safety measures every airport checks you lougage. The security guards are more paranoid. It has changed because it takes much longer to get on plane which gets me annoyed. I think since the attack we have united as a country more then ever, trying to get through this event. I think this because we have upgraded are security even though it is annoying you feel a bit safer being in the airport and going on a plane.
