Monday, October 17, 2011

Current Event # 6: OCCUPY WALL STREET Protests Reaches One Month Status

Current Event #6: OCCUPY WALL STREET Protests Reaches One Month Status
Due: Friday, October 21, 2011

Occupy Wall Street is a people powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. #OWS is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, and the role of Wall Street in creating an economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in generations.The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, Greece, Italy and the UK, and aims to expose how the richest 1% of people who are writing the rules of the global economy are imposing an agenda of neoliberalism and economic inequality that is foreclosing our future.

The movement's success is due in part to the use of online technologies and international social networking. The rapid spread of the protests is a grassroots response to the overwhelming inequalities perpetuated by the global financial system and transnational banks. More actions are expected in the coming weeks, and the Occupation of Liberty Square in Manhattan will continue indefinitely.

Posted Oct. 16, 2011, 1:08 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

CBS News and the Chapel Hill News and Observer featured the following articles
on their websites explaining the significance of the movement and how it has spawned thousands to actively participate across the globe . Take a look at these articles along with a few of the posted video clips below to begin formulating your opinions. Feel free to expand your knowledge of the Occupy Wall Street Movement by researching other forms of  media found in various outlets. Some have noted and deemed this new movement as a new wave of linkage to the civil rights movement in light of the recent Washington, DC monument dedication memorial to Dr. MLK, Jr.

Featured Video Clips:

Be sure to include the following in your blog post:
-Your name/class period
-Include the title of any article/author and paste the URL for any article you use in your response for me to review

Paragraph #1:
-List and summarize your opinions regarding the Occupy Wall Street Movement worldwide.
-Do you view this movement as being beneficial for our country or a threat to our society?
-Should there be a defined set of goals or should the movement continue as is?

Paragraph #2:
-Will this movement prove to be successful like other movements of the past? Explain why or why not.
-Discuss and make reflections on your stated opinions of the articles and video coverage you've read.
-Give supporting facts and include any personal experiences associated with the movement.


  1. Current Event: Occupy Wall Street Movement
    David Batson P: 2 10/17/11

    I think that the occupy wall street movement is good in that it represents an overall good ideal, is nonviolent so far and is trying to take power away from huge corporations attempting to write the laws themselves. The movement is also bad because minors will want to participate and will find a way to get in to these movements and this will cause many problems because they will not just get themselves in trouble but also their parents. This movement is overall beneficial to our society except for anarchists that are attending the movements because even the government that we have now is better than anarchy. The movement should make a defined set of goals so that something doesn’t get too out of hand while fighting for good ideals but also allowing ideals that have the potential to wipe out everything to use the movement for their own sinister ways.

    I believe it will not, because the government will not stop their ways without a fight, which has already started because people are getting arrested for expressing freedom of speech and freedom to criticize the government and have their opinions heard. I believe that the protestors will not stop until their demands are met as well, so someone will eventually have to give in. This movement also is illegal in some places due to violence against innocent people and just overall violent behavior from the protestors. So far over 250 people have been arrested by the charge of not following police orders. Protests have drawn over 1500 people in some places showing devotion to stick in there as long as necessary to have their ideals heard. These protests, as long as they remain peaceful, I agree with completely.

  2. I think that the 'Occupy Wall Street' protests are the frivolous epitome of our citizens' collective failure. The protests serve no purpose whatsoever, have no clear objective, and seem to arise in any town, regardless of whether the area is known as a hotbed of industry and corruption or not. The protests are merely an expression of populist angst, and not an informed decision of civil disobedience like a protest should be. These protests, or riots, are not in themselves a threat to our society but the culmination of underlying problems.

    The protests will undoubtedly succeed, in that they will not fail to accomplish their goals. That is to say, nothing will happen. With no stated goal, how can you fail? For that matter, how can you succeed? This is ridiculous. Anyone who wants to effect change should make an informed decision come election day instead of ransacking a place of business, however dubious that may be.

  3. Huibo Qi

    The Occupy Wall Street Movement represents our freedom in America and the ability to express our opinions. It can be beneficial for our country but it also has some downfalls. Movements like these make us reconsider our thoughts and morals and open up our minds to the outside world. America does have some economic problems and from what I gathered from the articles, it seems that the OWS Movement is against the government’s power and the decline of jobs. Truthfully, I admire the risks these people take to be heard, but it’s creating an economical collapse. I think these people need to form a goal to follow, but according to some members, that is not the point. If the movement continues as it is, the movement may as well fall apart. If you don’t know your goal, then what is the purpose?

    The OWS Movement may prove to be successful. Despite the numerous arrests around the globe, activists are energized by this and are working harder than ever, pleased with their efforts and influence. From both articles, the purpose is unclear but the overall picture is that the movement has a positive effect on the people. I would love to see how this would shape our lives but I am also apprehensive on the future.

  4. Abu S
    Period 1

    Occupy Wall Street represents primarily America's resident's right of free speech. This is a great opportunity for people all around the world to get back at big corporations for attempting to write economic rules themselves. This protest will go down in history for being one of the most widespread protests in American history. I think that these people who are protesting plan to keep the whole event non-violent, which is a good goal to follow. Recently the police have arrested several protesters, but this seems to just make the people protest harder and more than before. Although this event is getting a lot of media attention and it is well known through social networks, it is not very organized. These people need to think of certain goals, which they then need to follow to get their point across. Just protesting will not get very far, they need to know who they are protesting to and when is the right time.
    I think this movement will prove successful as long as they keep it non-violent. Most non-violent protests have lead to great outcomes, for example: Gandhi led massive protests all across India non-violently, and the outcomes were great. According to both of the articles, the people feel empowered by protesting, and they don't plan to stop until their needs are met. It also seems as if they are unstoppable, in the sense of falling down and getting back up; of course metaphorically. I personally have never taken part in a protest, and frankly I am somewhat afraid. I feel as if there are too many people there, and there is always a group of people so involved, it becomes overbearingly obnoxious. Of course this is just a thought, as I said before I have never actually attended a protest. I hope that this protest has a positive effect in the end, and stays non-violent.

  5. Vatsal Parikh
    2nd period
    Title: Occupy Wall Street reaches 1-month birthday

    All of these movements show how we have freedom and we can basically do whatever we want when it comes to expressing our opinion as long as we don't harm others. However, I don't think that these protests are going to be very beneficial for our country because they do not serve any purpose and are just arousing a lot of attention to nothing. I think that the only good that will come of this is that it is starting to wake people up more into realizing that we need to start taking actions to improve the economy. I think that this movement should just continue as it is because it is non-violent and not much harm is coming of it. Once people get tired of it, they will just stop doing it and everything will be fine.
    I don't think this movement will be successful because it is not moving towards anything in particular so there is not much for it to accomplish. I think that it is good that Americans are exercising their freedom of speech and are making an effort to stand up for what they believe in. I so far have not been very affected by these movements, though I am sure that I will become effected soon.

  6. Daniel Fernandez
    1st period

    I think that the Occupy Wall Street is a movement that people do for there rights and freedom of speech and that they will keep on doing this till they get what they want. I think that this movement is good for our country because they will probably win not now but later, everything that we now as to be today is because someone fought for it just like Martin Luther King who fought for what he believed. I think that this movement is doing well and is beginning to grow more and more and I think it should stay this way fro now.
    I think that if they do well and keep doing what they are doing now, they will be successful because right now they are doing very well growing every day. I myself think that they will be successful and that they will complete there goals and I think it will be cool if I could get out there and be part of the movement myself so that I can say I was once part of history.

  7. Brandon Ta
    1st Period
    I think that the occupy wall street movement is good and bad for our country. I feel that it's great that the people of our country are getting together are united, and can form organized protests if needed. But at the same time i feel as though these people are running around like headless chickens, they seem to have no idea about what they actually want and are just protesting for attention or whatever. Protests seem to just be popping up randomly in small cities regardless that their cities are hardly any important in the industry.
    I think that eventually, the first few times it will be successful but eventually the government will be tired of this and just ignore them. If people keep acting spoiled and protest about so many things it'll eventually lead to mass civil disobedience and riots will be common. No doubt these riots will go down in US history.

  8. Becca White
    2nd period

    I feel that Occupy Wall Street Movement is hurtful and effective for our country. It gives the people a chance for the congress to hear the voice of the people. But I do not think that the people have a target or a plan of they want. They don't really know what they want. I think that this could possibly be a successful movement because if congress hears what people have to say then they will at least put into consideration. I think that the government will stops these riots or movements but the only way they can do that is to do what they want. I feel like there is no way that the government can't stop them and then continue what they are doing to the economy.
    These riots are very violent. Which, I feel like is very unnecessary, because the protesters are just trying to get peace and just get out what they want to say. It really unfair on how the officers are treating them. Police officers are beating up protester and running them over. There is no way that is right.

  9. Heather Fowler
    2nd period

    I think the Occupy Wall Street Movements are a good example of the freedom of speech we have in America. Although it’s always good to voice your opinion and stand up for what you believe in; I think the movements are pointless as far as acting to improve and change any problems in our economy. I don’t see these protests being a threat to society because they are currently non-violent, but they don’t seem to be doing anything beneficial for our economy either. If the protesters really wanted to make a difference, it would be better if they took more action instead of standing in the street creating commotion.

    I honestly don’t see this movement being too much of a success. The crowding in the streets might cause problems for police officers and other city-goers, but it won’t change the way our economy works. The government has already begun to stop the protests by arresting people in the streets. I think they will continue to arrest protestors until the problem is resolved. Eventually, one side will have to give in.

  10. Bryan Zhang
    5th period
    The occupy Wall Street protest shows the United States in many ways. It shows how we have freedom, and how we can protest as much as we want to express ideas to other people’s minds. Though we have this freedom, its not used in the correct matter. Protesting will merely do us no good. All it’s doing is having other people in this country see the idea, which has no purpose to it. I think people will need to think more, and helping the idea of how it would help the economy. This movement should continue as it is because it will teach people that protesting is not the transcendent way to an efficacious outcome.
    I believe it will not because when people finally realize that protesting doesn’t work; they will become too remiss, which will result in a decline. Right now, people are being arrested for fighting and protesting. This is not good because more and more people are doing so. What it means is that their envisage wasn’t contrived correctly. Protestors wont stop professing things about the movement, which will result in more destruction throughout the economy. All protesting is doing is bringing things down, and negating everything.

  11. Caroline Liu
    5th period

    I think that the “Occupy Wall Street” protests are somewhat ridiculous but also disturbing. Most of the protesters are doing so peacefully but a few violent individuals make everything worse. The best example would be in New York where the original “Occupy Wall Street” movement started. I think that the most disturbing part about all of this is the police brutality that is happening. There have been videos leaked from the protests showing innocent people getting beat up, run over by automobiles, and pepper sprayed. These behaviors against the freedom of speech and the right to peacefully assemble are what anger me the most.
    I don’t think that this movement will be successful. The main reason is because these protesters are out there to represent their own individual problems. This means that the government has to fix every single one of its problems in order to please these protesters. We all know that that is nowhere near possible. Also, politicians, being who they are, are not going to just stop what they’re doing just because a couple of people are mad. Politicians play games. That’s a fact. I think, although it might take a while, these protesters will calm down, pack up, and leave.

  12. Keith Swartz
    1st Period
    Occupy Wall Street is an ever growing protest movement against the cheating, greedy, conniving, and unfair practices of the banking community. This movement is expanding across the county and internationally. Occupy Wall Street is a good way for middle/low class Americans to express their opinions and frustrations in a nonviolent fashion. Their present form of striking is going so well and still evolving that they should not limit themselves to a formal list of demands. We want change and that can take many forms and will need to be worked out over time.
    Occupy Wall Street will be successful for many reasons. The first of which is that they represent the 99% of Americans that are not super wealthy and face the economic difficulties of today's life. We can relate to having to make the tough choices at the grocery store and not being able to buy all the things that you want, not to be able to go on vacation, not being able to save money for your children's college education fund, or 401k for retirement. Families worrying about losing their jobs and potentially winding up on the street. People unable to find jobs even though they are well educated and qualified. People worried about having money to put gas in the car, food on the table, and clothes on their backs. things have to change because society cannot continue to exist under these circumstances. Many have compared this movement to the Tea Party. I don't really think that these people are like the Tea Party people because they are mostly Democrats and Independents and are fighting for the rights of most people and not just a small group. They could though be an effective voice for change like the influence that the Tea Party had in the last election and on Government. President Obama and Vice-President Biden, as well as many Democrats in Government are supportive of the Occupy Wall Street Movement and are listening to the message that they are trying to convey and trying to convince others in Government to do the same. The fact that the movement has spread to so many parts of the United States as well as other parts of the world including as far away as Australia, shows the strength and legitimacy of their message. Finally, at the Dr. Martin Luther King Monument dedication this weekend on the Mall in Washington, DC the movement was mentioned in so many of the speeches and compared to the nonviolence marches and protests supported and led by Dr. King. Those nonviolent protests were very ultimately very successful in achieving their goal of civil rights and this movement is really also about achieving civil rights.

  13. Grace Gollmar
    1st Period

    I think that the Occupy Wall Street movement has the potential to be a very effective populist movement, but the very ideas about the movement that people are lauding have the ability to bring it down in the long run. The individualism that is being shown in the different ideas that people are bringing forward could have both positive and negative effects: it encourages needed discussion on the economy and ways to fix it, but at the same time, discussion is not going to singlehandedly solve all of our nation’s economic woes. My fear about the movement is that it will become a megaphone for political ideologies, and this will stall the very reform that OWS is supposed to be about. I think that a defined set of goals would make people take the movement more seriously and perhaps give it more influence on the actual economy. However, I agree with Legba Carrefour, a participant in the Occupy D.C. protest, when she says that having an agenda causes protests like OWS to “cease to be movements and transform into political campaign rallies”.

    In my opinion, OWS will not cause any immediate changes in society or the economy. I doubt that a gathering of people with no specific goals will have much influence on politics, which tends to be very goal-oriented (with each party attributed to several distinct goals). While I admire the fact that the protests are peaceful on the part of most of the protesters themselves, I do take issue with the fact that police brutality has reportedly occurred at Occupy events. I think that it is doubtful that the OWS protesters pose any real threat, making the police’s response unnecessary, even theatrical, when compared to the relatively mild and nonspecific OWS protests. However, there is still potential for real change to occur in Washington, if the OWS movement shifts from vague ideals to clear ideas.

  14. Elijah Moore
    2nd Period
    The Wall Street stock market crash was a very hard time in America during 2008 and is still a hard time even now. People were very shaken by the large amount of jobs being lost and the increasing unemployment rate. As a result many people started to protest all around the nation, especially at Wall Street and in front of the White House. These protest rallies have become so large that now it is being called the Occupy Wall Street Movement. A peaceful protest around the world in order to restore the status of employed in the United States.
    I believe that everyone has the right to protest the loss of his or her jobs. Many children cannot get the food and education they need because their parents do not have enough money to provide them with the child’s needs. I believe that the protesters are getting their point across and will not stop until they get jobs, but I don’t think that yelling at the government is going to help them that much. I think that the government is already doing what they can to restore the economic status of the U.S and the protestors must be patient in order to receive what they want.

  15. Mookho Paw
    2ed Period

    The Occupy Wall Street protest is has been ongoing and is spreading globally.
    On October 15th, there was an Occupy Wall Street protest in New York City time square. People are protesting social and economic inequality as well as corporate greed. It is estimated that 100,000 people went into time square and protested. About 70 people were arrested, 45 detained and 25 held for alleged trespassing. Honestly, I think that The Occupy Wall Street is a good thing. I think that it is a good thing because they are protesting for equality which i think is important. Although it is an non-violent movement, it is spreading fast around the world and there has been tensions between and the protesters and police and authorities. And Although this protest is meant to be peaceful, there had been 70 injuries from a protest in Italy. In Rome, cars were burnt, windows were smashed, and shops were attacked. There were also rallies in Madrid, Portugal and Greece. I think that this movement is going to become a threat to our country if it becomes violent which i think is why this movement should have more set and defined goals.
    I do not think that this movement will be very successful although thousands of people and hundreds of cities have already started protesting. I don’t think that it will be very successful because the government will not easily allow this ongoing protest without trying to stop them with a fight. And recently it has become very violent and people are getting hurt. This, i think is very wrong. The people in the United States have the rights to do this. I do not know much about the laws in other countries but I know that in the U.S, people have the freedom on speech from the first amendment. The Occupy Wall Street movement has not affected me very much but I do believe that they are doing is amazing and very brave. I like the fact that people have the counrage to stand up and speak up for what they believe in.

  16. Jeanie Stouffer
    Period 5th

    I think the Occupy Wall Street movement has both good and bad features. I think it is a good thing because people are expressing their opinions. I also think it is a bad thing because people are getting in the way of other people. People started Occupy Wall Street because they blame Wall Street for the great recession. Wall Street is home to many important banks and financial institutions and the people in the Occupy Wall Street movement blame their actions for causing problems in the economy. This is a threat to the bankers, not because people are being violent, but rather because people are being expressive. The United States is for people to express what they think, but it only should be one day.

    I think the movement should have goals, because protests are tiresome if nothing is accomplished. The movement should present a list of actions that could be done so as to improve the economy. A role model would be actions that the government did under the new deal that Franklin Roosevelt brought about.
    This movement will be successful because there are a lot of people involved. For any movement to be successful, there has to be enough people to raise awareness and force some type of action. I think students should have an Occupy movement. Most schools are broke, like the United States, and always need more money. In this situation, I think the students need a voice. With this issue, I think the citizens need to tell the government what they want to do with their money. It would be a lot easier and more people would be controlling the money.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Jonathan Jang / 1stPd

    I think that the occupy wall street movement is good in that it represents an overall good ideal, is nonviolent so far and is trying to take power away from huge corporations attempting to write the laws themselves. This movement is also bad because young people will want to participate and will find a way to get involved in this movement which will cause problems because they will not just get themselves in trouble but also their parents. This movement is an overall good and will help our society. America has some economic problems and from the information I gathered, it seems that the OWS Movement is against the government’s power and the decline of jobs. Although this event is getting a lot of media attention and it is well known through social networks, it is not very organized. People need to think of certain goals, which they then need to follow to get their point across. As we all know just protesting will not get very far, they are going to need to know who they are protesting to and when the time is right.

    I think this movement will prove successful as long as they keep it non-violent. Most non-violent protests have lead to great outcomes. For example: Gandhi led massive protests all across India non-violently, though it takes lots of time to accomplish, the outcomes were successful. The movement also is illegal in some places due to the violent behavior from the protesters and other reasons.

  19. Arturo Tornero
    1st period

    Do the Wall Street protesters have a legitimate gripe? Well, let’s take a look at the numbers. Unemployment percents have increased almost as drastically as the great depression, staying at its highest level (except for a brief ‘malfunction’ in the 1980s). Now, a little over than nine percent of Americans, or 14 million people in this country, are unemployed. Half of that nine percent (7 million) are having a rough time. Quick, two week jobless jolts is not what these unemployed are experiencing; instead, an extensive era of at least six months. Now we go ahead and look at the “owners”, laughing down at the protestors with a cold, pina-colada, and whose lives have never been better. Corporate profits/income after tax has dreadfully elevated, at about 1,450 billion dollars. And as a percent, these outcomes are still ‘frightening,’ vastly exceeding profits made in the 1950s but with the exception of that jolly period in 2007 where profits made were greater than now. CEO pay has skyrocketed 300 percent since 1990, and 350 times the average worker’s pay. Furthermore even worse; the federal minimum wage has dropped 9.3 percent, and pay as a percent of the economy has dropped about ten percent (leaving us at 44 percent).

    These all give fine reasons to perform this ‘Occupy Wall Street’ act, so I do think the activists have a genuine reason to complain. And hopefully this act will succeed; causing banks to stop stealing from the 99 percent, more jobs available for unemployed, and income tax to hopefully drop as well as CEO profits.

  20. William Bukowski

    5th period


    The occupy wall street seems to not have a definite purpose. They are protesting against rich people and what they have done, by standing in Wall Street. It is a good thing to protest, but I don’t see the point in standing in streets in protest.

    I don’t think these movements will have an effect on anything, except for maybe getting publicized. Once they start to somehow take action or do nothing at all with the banks is when we might see a change in todays society.

  21. Current Event
    Peter Williams
    Period 5

    I think that it is good someone is doing something about this but I don’t think this is the way to do it. People are just camping out and sending a message but the banks won’t care that much about it. If they actually want something to happen this isn’t what they should do. There should be set goals of something they want to specifically do and by when.
    I’m not really sure yet if this movement will work but right now I’m not thinking that it will. Some similar movements have worked though so it may. I don’t really have any personal experience with things like this except for what I see on the news.

  22. Everett Dang, 2nd period

    I believe that the Occupy Wall Street movement is about these people making the ideals of many Americans heard to the world. They are expressing an injustice to a wider scale and showing the world how they are being affected. With hundreds of thousands of people out working to show the world, I doubt anyone will just shrug this issue off. People will remember this as a very powerful way of getting one's voice heard on a very large scale. The movement should create set goals so there will actually be something they know to work at or else this riot will definitely end up going out of hand.

    As of now I am absolutely positive this movement will be successful. Considering the hundreds of thousands of people in this movement and the spread it has gotten all across the world, there is no doubt in my mind that it will work, as long as they can establish any organization at all. Of course I do not really have much personal experiences with rioting, but I believe as these people continue this movement, they are making their voices heard all across the globe.

  23. Ariella Hirsch

    I think that the Occupy Wall Street is a good thing because people are expressing their opinions. The people protesting want change, and are not doing anything ethically or morally wrong. I think that as long as it stays non-violent the protests are fine. I think that the protests could go either way right now, either threatening our society, or are going to be beneficial to society. I think that it would be hard to have a defined set of goals agreed on by everybody in such a widespread protest. However, defined goals may keep the protests from going in the wrong direction.

    Right now it is hard to tell whether or not Occupy Wall Street will be successful. Since it has already been going on for a month and is becoming more widespread I think it has to potential to achieve goals. However, I think that protests can go badly very quickly. For example, if violence appears in protests I think fewer people will support it and it will end, or be unsuccessful. I think that having a defined set of goals may help Occupy Wall Street be successful, but it is unlikely that everyone would agree on the goals. People disagreeing on the goals is another way that it would be unsuccessful.

  24. Carolyn Deutsch
    2nd period
    The Occupy Wall Street movement is rapidly growning, what first started out here in the US has moved out to other countries. I think that they have a good idea and they are protesting to take some of the power away from the large companies who are trying to make the laws themselves. I think that it is good that they are trying to keep these protests non violent, but in some cases they have become violent such as in Greece protesters burning cars and smashing windows.
    I think that these protests could be successful if they keep them non violent and more organized with the right ideas in mind they could get their point across and the government would hear the voice of the people then they could help to satisfy them and theses protests could turn out to be a good thing.

  25. Blaire Sobolewski first period Occupy Wall Street reaches 1-month Birthday
    I personally think the movement should continue as it is because not only are there still many people participating in it, but some even come out that its comforting without any demands. Also these protests have been spread all over the united states, and there are protests in other countries too. The only reason i think that there should be a defined set of goals would be to help decrease the amount of arrests and possibly make a bigger point. I think this movement will overall be beneficial to our country because
    I think this movement will prove to be somewhat successful because there are so many people participating in it. There are also many who can't participate so instead they support it and help out by sending things like blankets, sleeping bags, cans of food, medical and hygienic supplies. I do not have any personal experiences associated with this movement, but I support and agree with the movement, and all of the people participating in it all over the world.

  26. Sophie Kahn Period Five
    I believe that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is a good idea, and it’s an excellent way for us to use our rights for free speech without violence. Many people aren’t being fairly treated, and they are certainly right to protest this. I think that there should be classes (rich, poor, etc.), but not having the huge difference between them as there is now. The current statistic reads that ten percent of the population controls about ninety percent of the wealth, while ninety percent have to struggle for the remaining ten percent of the wealth.
    While I think it’s a good idea for everyone to protest, I think they should be more organized than this. Continuing on without knowing what everyone is protesting against specifically may cause some issues. They may be able to gather more people this way, but the only way to fix a problem is to have a solution. Once they figure out their goal, they will have a higher chance of succeeding, and helping our country for the better.

  27. Emilee Taxman
    2nd Period
    I strongly support the movement. I believe that in these hard times when everyone is looking for who to blame, they have found the right people to blame. Money is rolling in for banks and corporations at the expense of the common man. One fact that really struck me is that 1% of Americans have 60% of America’s wealth. If this could make a difference in our country it would be beneficial to millions! I think that these people should stay without one defined cause. With one cause it would be more like a demand but this way they are just rallying around banks. They are showing what a broad problem it is and how many different people want different changes. I think that worldwide, they should stay peaceful, but so should the police officers.
    I think that while nothing major has happened yet, they have gathered attention and are building strength. This could grow into something very big that could actually make a difference. There are lots of dedicated and passionate people in this movement which will keep it going. This is something witch everyone can relate to, debt and trouble in the recession. I think any opinions that this is bad, clearly aren’t representing the American people well. The mayor of New York is against this, but he is rich so a bad example of the common man.

  28. Hugh Kelley, 5th

    #1: I think it is important for people to state what they believe in, so I agree with all of the protesters to keep protesting. I think it is beneficial to our country because it really brings the citizens of the United States together to relate to one problem. I think that there shouldn’t be any goals. The occupying of Wall street should just keep going with the flow to see what happens.

    #2: So far this movement is proving to be successful because all of the higher figures like the government are getting annoyed by all the protesters, eventually after the government gets completely fed up they will give the citizens what they want. I think that it is really loyal for people to stand out there all day and sleep all night in tents just for their word to be heard. I would like to go up to New York just to get a small experience of it.

  29. Juliann C.
    1st period

    I think the Occupy Wall Street protest is a great idea, and it’s good that this protest is going around worldwide. The advocates are supporting this protest for a good reason. There’s so many young supporters that are protesting as well, that it can be dangerous and harmful for their futures. So many people are getting arrested for protesting. I support the reason why they’re protesting and I do think that the movement is beneficial.
    I believe that this movement is definitely getting the media attention that it deserves. The fact that this movement is striking all over the world is amazing. You can definitely tell that these people are fighting back hard. Even though these people might get arrested, they protest even harder. You can tell that they’re not going to back down any time soon. I think that even though they’re working hard, in the end nothing will change.

  30. Louisa Fine/ first period

    I respect protesting, this is a privelege of living in the United States. I beleive that this Occupy Wall Street will not be very beneficial for our country, yet it is not a threat to our society either. It is not clear what is being protested but it seems to be against corporations not the government. Occupy Wallstreet is said to be keeping its message broad to include many viewpoints. This does bring more people into it but I do not think it accomplishes anything. At this point this movement could amount to nothing because it has an unclear focus. Protesting can be powerful but in this case I don’t think it will change the minds of the people or whatever is being protested.

    Occupy Wall Street has not yet changed anything it has only gained recognition. The articles focus upon the where and when of the protest, not its content. Some of them spoke about the unemployed coming to protest. Many people have lost jobs and this is upsetting, but if you are willing to work then you can come up with a job. The problem is that many of these people feel that the jobs available are beneath them. Sometimes you have to take a job that might seem undesirable just to support yourself and your family. One job may be a stepping stone to another. The protestors also feel that business is bad. Not all corporations are bad, and infact capitalism is what makes our country the most desirable place to live in the world. America is known as a land of opportunity but to succeed you must have a work ethic.

  31. Ria Das
    2nd period
    October 20, 2011

    I think it is ridiculous that the only way people's voices are being heard is by rioting, but if that is what is necessary, then that is what we should do. The only thing I believe is wrong are the violent people. When protesting is nonviolent, then no one is getting hurt and also people are getting the message that you will not be violent, but will stay as long as it is necessary for your voice to be heard. I think this protesting is both beneficial and also a threat to our society. It is beneficial because people who usually don't get their voices heard are now getting that and also this is a threat because people are getting hurt because of some of the violence the mobs are causing. There should be an overall set of goals, as in people should know what they are protesting for and also how long they will stay to see that they get it. Although I do not think the people should be completely organized, because everyone needs to say what they are there for.

    I believe that if the people who are protesting are committed to what they are doing and they stay out there and protest, then this movement will be successful. The videos were kind of disturbing because it showed people getting hit by motorcycles and getting sprayed in the eye with pepper spray. Although they showed that people all over the world are sick of being taken advantage by major corporations and banks. I have personally never rioted anywhere, but I hope that this movement succeeds and people do get their voices heard.

  32. Jamil Walker

    The Wall Street Stock market was a very hard time in America during 2008 and is still a hard time even now. People were and still are upset how jobs are being lost. This is why people are protesting around the world and mostly at the White House in Washington D.C. I think that the protesting is actually good because, people are telling the nation that people need jobs and people need to stop getting laid off. The Wall Street market is getting so big that they call it the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The only thing that is probably the bad thing about it is that in some places like Greece people are burning cars and busting windows open. People don’t want it to get out of hand so people need to be really be careful. With people all around the globe protesting I think they will start setting goals and start making things work.
    When seeing a lot of people protesting I think the situation will go great and people will start caring about losing jobs etc. With getting a lot of people involved all around the world the idea will work. This is a positive act and hope it will go alright without having problems.

  33. Jacob Guskiewicz
    Period 2
    The Occupying Wall Street started in New York City over a month ago and is still occurring and has spread. Now there are protesters in a lot of cities around the United States and globally. The protesting has spread to countries like Germany and Italy. I think that this is a serious issue to many people. And it shows since it has spread worldwide. The problem is that 1 percent of the people own 40 percent of the wealth in our society. Also in the article I read it said that people feel like they were betrayed by their government, and that’s basically how most of the countries feel about the recession problem. I think this movement is not messing with our society. I do understand how the protesters view this. I think that the people who are disagreeing with this problem should fight till they win. There are no specific goals there are just a wide range of complaints. There are good and bad things about this. Good because people have different views and are a part of the movement for different reasons. Bad because without goals it is hard to accomplish anything.
    I think this movement will need a lot of time to be successful, but I can see it happening in the future. Like the civil right act this will take a while. The most recent protesting has not come close to The Civil Rights Movement. I hope it does move on and become successful. I think that the protesters are right about the problem with the Wall Street market.

  34. Elisa Frazier
    period 5

    I think the OWS has like the right idea because there just against what everyone hates and if everyone is happy then there is really no conflict. And because of all the riots going on against wall street and there economic crisis people need that stability. I think that protesting is beneficial because it showing the people that are the cause of this crisis that, " hey we don't like this, you need to change this."

    And not just in America but all over the world people are taking there thoughts to action sometimes spreading destruction in riots or just going up to the people who are the cause of this. I think that the more people get involved in trying to stop this crisis, the better the outcome will be.

  35. Daniel Ferreira 5th Period
    I believe that the citizens of this country have a right to be mad about what is going on in our economy. I believe that the Occupy Wall Street Protests are helpful, because it shows that we need to change the way thing are done here. However, I believe that many people involved in the protests don’t have a specific reason or goal as to why. I believe there should be a defined set of goals, so people know what they are protesting about. Either way, it is a great example of being able to speak out to the government and hopefully influence them to bring about change.
    I believe that this movement will be successful. There are already many people across the nation and the world protesting about their economic systems. I think that it is already a success. I read about how people in Chapel Hill started a movement here and camped overnight. About 110 people were there for the protest. There were many people that lost their jobs and are trying to get one as we speak. It is growing bigger every day. I believe that eventually their point will get across.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Tim Li
    2nd Period

    I believe that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is pretty ridiculous. A bunch of people protesting without a clear purpose undoubtedly only serve to make matters worse. If there is no goal, how can the government improve things to satisfy them? While these protests show the world how corrupt our society has become, with the economic unbalance and police officers violating their freedom of speech, they are doing nothing more than clogging up streets that other people use to get to work. The protests are not much of a threat to our society, but they aren’t doing much good either. Unless the protestors gather under a clear objective, nothing will get accomplished.

    I don’t think that OWS will be successful, mainly because of its lack of purpose. Successful protests in the past such as the Indian independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were all well organized and had a clear purpose, while the OWS Movement has neither. If things keep up like they are, eventually the protestors will give up and go home. There is nothing to be gained from protesting like this. The government and corporations are not able to know which problems they need to fix and thus will probably only further infuriate the people by attempting change. The only solution for the problem is for the protestors to either leave and keep the status quo, or develop a clear, direct objective that the government can then attempt to fix.

  38. Occupy Wall Street
    By: Juliana Dunn, 5th

    I believe that although people are protesting for something that has to be addressed, it has been taken too far by many people in many places. I understand that people are fighting for what they believe is right, but they could do so more peacefully and with less violence. The violence in New York is escalating, and the protests in Italy are practically life threatening. I think that the courage people have to stay outside for a month is inspiring, but they would get their point across more effectively by acting more reasonably.
    I am not really sure how this movement will turn out. In the beginning it seemed very organized, like everyone had a plan, but now it just seems like a bunch of people who just wanted to complain joined the mix. This form of protest is just ignorant and will not get anyone anywhere or get them anything. And judging by how violent the police are getting towards protesters, a larger issue could spring from this, and I think that is the last think our country needs right now. My family has friends living in Rome, and their safety is threatened because of the extremity of these protests. I think that if anyone is going to protest, they should do so as peacefully as Ghandi did and urged people to.


    I think Occupy Wall Street is generally a good thing. It means that people actually care about the goings-on of our country and what our constitution is based on; people gathering, caring and exercising our rights to have a voice in our government. I think one of the major problems with the movement is that it’s not as specific as it could be, there’s no set list of goals. But in the end, I don’t think a set list of goals is what the movement is about, I think it’s about change for our country and compelling the government to listen and understand that the people of the United States aren’t happy with the corruption of the government and how that has lead to a failing economy and other corrupt systems that our country could usually take pride in.

    When I first heard about Occupy Wall Street, I was really excited. It meant that the people of the United States actually did care about what was happening in our country as well as what would happen in the future. My good family friend, Tim Tyson--who is a best selling author—took me and some college students to Occupy Wall Street in Liberty Square. It was a great experience. I learned a lot about how people respond to the corruption of our country as well what they felt about it. I do think there were some people there that didn’t exactly understand their reasoning for being there, but there was also many people there that went with a purpose. They knew that their country was in need, and they were fighting for it. That’s why I think this actually is a positive movement for our country.

  40. Melissa Turner
    Period 2
    Occupy Chapel Hill Protesters camp overnight

    I think the Occupy Wall Street movement is a good idea. I think that it shouldn't become extreme, but is definitely a good way for voices to be heard. In my opinion, I think the protesters should definitely stand up for what they believe in, but should have a plan on how to fix Wall Street once they "occupy" it. If they don't have a plan, then they are basically protesting for no reason. I believe the Occupy Chapel Hill movement is good, but from the article I read, it sounds like no one is really taking them serious. I think that because it said in the article that police and post office employees are OK with them protesting in their area, which to me seems like they just think the protesters are just there.
    I think this movement will become successful like other movements in history. I think that once protesters have a logical plan on how to take over Wall Street, then the movement will work. The Civil Rights Movement had a plan on how to get equal rights, and by having that they got what they wanted, which I think will help protesters a lot. In this article, It stated that mostly young people are protesting. I think that is a really good reason to have protesters listened to, because they now know it's not just the older people that care, it's people of all ages that care and their are more than just one class of people that believe something has to be done about Wall Street.

  41. Mia Spencer/Period 5
    Occupy Wall Street Reaches One Month Birthday/

    I support people who are protesting because instead o just staying home, they are out in the world trying to make a difference. Many people say they believe in something and want to change it but don’t actually do anything about it. For now I think the protests are a great idea. They are successful and a relatively peaceful way for people to get something they want. I think the protests are currently beneficial to our country as they are getting from people from all over involved in trying to get the government to help out middle class people. The protests even got people around the world involved with their government. The protests, however, could hurt society if they take a wrong turn. They might make people turn against each other and could even start fights. I think there should be at least a few vague goals set. They shouldn’t be completely set in stone because then people can’t really protest with their own personal problems but they protest, like the article said, with what they are told to protest for. However, without goals, the protests might suddenly one day come to a halt because people don’t know exactly where they’re going.
    I hope this movement will prove to be successful. It already has been a little successful and hopefully it will continue like that. I think one of the reasons it will continue to be successful is because people are protesting for their personal reasons. People are not protesting because the person down the block told them to. They are protesting because they want to help out and make a difference. I hope the protesting keeps up the way it has and keeps progressing. I still completely support it but the minute it goes downhill I will not support it at all. I don’t want this country messed up or torn apart because of this. I know someone’s aunt who protested for teachers in Wisconsin and eventually the teachers got what they wanted so I know protesting can be very beneficial.

  42. Jeremy Werden
    In the article I read, I learned more about the occupy Wall Street movement, and how it’s supposed to affect our country. The movement consists of thousands of people in over 100 cities. New York City is the center of the movement, and things there are getting a little out of hand. The park in which people are protesting on is privately owned, and was thinking about kicking everyone to be cleaned. I personally do not think that would have been a bad thing.

    People have been arrested, protesting for the cause. And the cops are starting to be posed as the bad guys. The movement is supposed to be about the rich corporations having too much power, the rich getting richer while the poor get poorer, and the rising of people without jobs and houses. It seems to me though people are protesting for the sole point of protesting. I hope people stop being pains, and go home.

  43. Parker Larson
    Period 2

    The Wall Street protests… Not really much to say about a disorganized group of stoners. As the occupy Wall Street Protests continue with no clear goal other than the obscure overthrowing of the “system”, Americans have been sitting confused by their TV’s. The movement just shows how unintentionally some youthful liberals have become rebellious hippies and potheads. Here is an example:
    Alandt , 53, out-of-work and participating in Phoenix's Occupy Wall Street. He is angry that medical marijuana was still considered illegal despite Arizona’s approval of it. "Bro, I have been lied to so many times that I don't know who to believe."
    Some topics you may see on posters around NYC:
    -Occupy Wall Street
    -Eat the rich
    -Mourn Bin Laden’s death
    -Kill the pigs
    -Legalize marijuana
    -Destroy capitalism
    -Re-distribute the wealth
    -With no money we are all rich

    Hmmm… All this talk of redistributing the wealth is making me think of Cuba. Didn’t that just turn out swell for them; wouldn’t it be great if America were just like Cuba? I find these rallies nearing towards a promotion of socialism and communism. I’m all right with non-violent protests, but the second they step out of line, the moment when they try anything, we shouldn’t think twice about some tear gas and riot police coming out. Mainly these people protest because they don’t have jobs and are used to the government hand feeding them. Well, in America it’s called working to make money.

  44. Sandeep Gill
    1st period

    I think that the protests on Wall St and other parts of the country, is a good way to voice there opinion on the U.S. and global economy. I think that these protesters can voice there opinions in other ways. Television is the best way to voice their opinion with peace, instead of blocking people from getting to their jobs.

    I think this occupation will prove successful as long as they keep it non-violent. Other non-violent acts have been proven successful in the past, take Gandhi for example. His nonviolent act help India gain its independence. This movement will also be proven successful because their are many people not, just on Wall St., but around the world protesting.

  45. JJ Finkel
    Period 2

    I feel as though the Occupy Wall Street movement is not beneficial. The protesters had a valid point, but what else could our country have done? The big banks needed to be bailed out, or our whole economy would collapse. I understand what protesters are trying to say, but we as a country must move on in order to achieve a more stable economy. The world-wide protests are even worse! Europeans have taken a peaceful protest/occupation in America and turned it into violent riots in places like Italy. How could the governments of Europe take the protesters' point seriously if they cannot even conduct an occupation without becoming violent? This occupation/protest has proven its point and must stop now and is no longer beneficial regardless of points that protesters want to make. It is just one more thing that the governments of the world have to deal with. We must put what has happened with the economy in America, and around the world behind us, and move forward.

    I feel that this movement will not be as successful as movements in the past. People are demanding that the governments compromise and do what people want, when the people who demanding this are not willing to compromise. Also, there is not a lot of room for compromise. There is very little that can be done to fix the economic problem that we are in. The government and its people must work together to compromise! I personally do not have an personal experiences that relate to the movement. However, after watching the video clips and reading articles, I can see how passionate people are about this movement, but they must learn to compromise with the government in order to get anything done.

  46. Morgan Mann
    5th period

    I believe the protests are a little risky, though necessary in certain terms. Our middle class isn't treated as fairly as some businesses and it is understandable for people to become upset with a nation economy like ours. Though at the same time it is important for large corporations to inherit a decent amount of money, knowing there are many employees in a large business that would suffer with money struggles. Right now, according to all the arrests taking place, I don't believe this movement is doing much good. Eventually, the government may become annoyed and make changes, though as of right now, in my opinion people should come up with a different solution. In their eyes, this seems like the only option right now though.

    $300, 000 has been donated into banks through this movement, showing some progress. A concern from a coat check attendant has been addressed that these kinds of movements will most likely in time turn into a political campaign rally, and states that most people are probably coming out now for personal reasons rather than reasons those around them have stated. I have no experiences with the reasons for this movement, though people are very serious about what they believe in for this. This has been going on for a month, and necessities have been donated for protesters, including goggles to protect them from pepper spray. Referring to the civil rights leader, President Barack Obama stated: "would want us to challenge the excesses of Wall Street without demonizing those who work there." In my opinion, all of this will be solved and it will be because of some form of impact from this movement.

  47. Dilay Uras
    1st-pd hon.

    I think the Occupy Wall Street movement is a good idea; because it is a good way to have the government listen to you. I say to the protests that they can do whatever they need to do to be heard, as long as it is not violent, or anything around those lines. They also have many resources to help them along the way.

    This can also be a bad thing, because this all can lead to violence and disturbance in the country. If this goes on forever people (within the protest mob) will be asserted fro their behavior.

    But than again if the protest do something like this they will get used to it, and will always demand things from the government. If that happens than there is no telling as to how "bright" the future would look for the rest of us.

  48. Tommy Billman
    1st pd

    I think that the Occupy Wallstreet is a good movement because it is non-violent and it is proving a point. I think that this movement will be successful and that it is a good thing. They are trying to show that we are in a crisis because the wealth is extremely undistributed for the most part you are rolling in cash or struggling to get by. I think that the movement is already expanding and growing and that different branches of the movement will have slightly different goals and that is a good thing.
    My aunt lives in New York and she has been telling us how well organized it is. I think this in part goes towards the social networks and how easy it is to start a movement nowadays all across the world movements have been starting and the majority have been very organized and worked out well and I don't see why this would be any different.

  49. Kevin Chen
    1st Pd.

    I think the Occupy Wall Street Movement is a good idea in concept, but I think the demands of the people have gone too far. I think originally the movement was fair, but now as they add on to their list of demands, it is getting risky and out of hand. I think there should be some kind of list of demands, or else it would be too vague for anything to happen.

    I thought Occupy Wall Street would be a good idea at first, but as I found out more about it, the less likely it seems anything will happen. The demands are getting too radical, and it seems like they want a complete governmental change. The changes would prove harmful to our society and the way we live. For example, they want to redistribute our wealth. I think that it would be crazy to take money from the rich and give to the poor, it just seems like communism. I think that the protesters need to make their demands more reasonable, or the actualy changes that need to happen will never happen.

  50. Alex Haggis
    1st Period

    Occupy wall street is one of the larger protests that has spread nationally in our country's history. I certainly support the huge numbers of people massing at their respective government and financial centers to tell their officials that they are fed up with the current economic situation. Although I suppose my opinion is a little biased, but I believe that corporations have slowly made our government their inferior, and that means that not even laws stop them; if they ever did because of their exploitation of loop holes. Finally people are saying "no!" to corporate oppression, and this is a good thing. It is good that the movement is spreading across the country and beginning to have an impact. Their goals should be simple: no more corporate bailouts, and denouncing all the politicians with vested personal interest in the well-being of corrupt corporations. There is a common misconception that corporations actually care about the well-being of their employees and customers. This could not be farther from the truth. The only thing corporations care about is their profits, their stock. That's why CEO's make close to 100 times more than their employees. BP wouldn't care about the oil spill if it wasn't for the fact that it loses them business.

    In other words, anything that opposes the oppression and exploitation bestowed by corporations is a good thing in my mind. I am unsure however if it will succeed. It should make a big impact, but the change may not be large and spontaneous. Wall street will be affected, but these peaceful protests haven't often worked in the past, and when they did it took a long time to have them work.

  51. 1st period

    I completely support the movement occupy wall street. It's about time someone spoke out against banks and corporations. I also don't understand what the whole "no clear message" thing is about. It takes a three wear old to put two and two together and see what the occupy wall street protesters are saying. They're obviously mad about things like: the richest people in America don't get taxed, we bailed out a bunch of corporations and they used that money to hand out bonuses, Congress is incapable of passing anything,etc. I also think the occupations in other cities around the world is great.

    I have no idea if the protests will succeed, but I do know that this movement is not going away. Even if they made the protesters clear out of the parks the movement has to much momentum now, and they can only gain more. There were also 70 arrests in new york and a lot more in other cities. Whats up with that. It's their constitutional right to be there and they weren't breaking the law in anyway unless camping is a crime. This isn't the first time either. a few weeks back a cop pepper sprayed like six women for no reason. What was that for. Anyway I think we're going to be hearing a lot from occupy wall street in the near future

  52. Kristin Thompson
    October 21, 2011
    1st period\

    I think that the Occupy Wall Street movement is a good thing I think it represents our freedom in America and the ability to express our opinions. Many people are protesting for the condition of the economy and the practices that have favored things like bail-outs of the banks while people have lost houses and jobs. I also think that instead of these people protesting everyday they could be out looking for a job. If they want a job they should consider working a Burger King. Although this event is getting a lot of media attention it is not very organized, many people are getting arrested everyday. I think that there should be set rules for this because it is not getting anywhere.

    I think that this could be successful. Despite all the arrest everyday. Many people are working hard everyday to try to change this problem. Many people say that this is a non-violent Situation but it still does not change the fact that people are getting arrested.

  53. Raziyah Farrington
    Period 1\

    I think Occupy Wall Street is a great thing to do. It is a great way to express your opinions. It is also a non-violent way of talking. It is a risky way of buissness, but there fighting for what they want which is a great achievement. It is very understandable how many people are feeling. Our money systems are uneven. It is unfair and just not right to some classes. I definatly support the protest. The economy and jobs are just not all that even.
    Although I agree with this protest, I kind of think it will not succed. Now in this time period people are standing off about what they want. It could be successeful but more people would have to protest about the situation.

  54. 1st period

    Occupy Wallstreet demonstrates Americans freedom of expression. These protest involve thousands of people protesting for their own personal reasoning. Although an ultimate goal of these protests is undetermined, they will open they eyes of government officials to the struggles citizens of America face due to our lack of economic stability. Some question the effectiveness of the rallies because protesters are failing to produce a purpose. People are in need of jobs and struggling to survive off of their low incomes. No job postion is permanet anymore due to the constant cut backs.

    I support the Occupy campaign because it's not focusing on one issue within our society it's about all of them. People are tired of the endless promises of change they're ready to witness it. No change will effect our future unless we start pushing our government now.

  55. Taylor Headen
    Period 1

    This article is about the Occupy Wall Street movement which I think can be beneficial. This movement for the freedom of speech and the fight for economic freedom. This is a very powerful movement that can help a lot of people that is out of jobs. I think that the people should continue to fight for what is right, and set goals to make it even better. However, this can be a treat at the make time. Because fight is beginning to break out ad people are getting arrested.

    I think that this movement will be successful if people keep fighting. Although the government will try and shut them down, I believe that the people are stronger than the government. So eventually the government will have to give in. and give the people what they want. What would make them even more successful is if they make goals, and if they are really determined.

  56. Taylor Headen
    Period 1

    This article is about the Occupy Wall Street movement which I think can be beneficial. This movement for the freedom of speech and the fight for economic freedom. This is a very powerful movement that can help a lot of people that is out of jobs. I think that the people should continue to fight for what is right, and set goals to make it even better. However, this can be a treat at the make time. Because fight is beginning to break out ad people are getting arrested.

    I think that this movement will be successful if people keep fighting. Although the government will try and shut them down, I believe that the people are stronger than the government. So eventually the government will have to give in. and give the people what they want. What would make them even more successful is if they make goals, and if they are really determined.

  57. Nate Bolon
    2nd Period
    I think that the wall street movement is bad, because it has no clear goal and is just a bunch of people being inefficient and causing problems. honestly, a movement without a goal is just a bunch of people standing around looking angry. while some may argue that if this movement had a goal it would turn into a political campaign, that is better than people just impeding progress and forcing police to arrest them.

    There is no way that this movement will be successful because there is no goal. How can it be successful if all people are accomplishing are making people andgry and getting peoplee arrested? I think a movement like this wuold be slightly more productive if it happened to have a goal.


    Period Five

    When the Occupy Wall Street movement began, I really did not think anything of it. However, throughout the past many weeks, it has escalated from a bunch of hippies on Wall Street, to great masses of people all over the world. Upon further research, I realized that some of the things people are protesting are good, such as distributed wealth and the whole 99 versus 1 percent thing. These are fantastic things to be so energetic about changing, but if these protesters actually want to get anything done, they are going to have to be a bit more proactive. Like many people were saying, they are not very organized and continuing as such will only hurt their protest.

    There are good sides to this protest, but at Occupy Chapel Hill on Sunday in front of the post office, I saw a sign that said "Smash Capitalism". Seems sorta communist, but what do I know.

  59. Kefu Zhu
    5th period

    Occupy wall street should, in the end, be beneficial to this country. If they manage to get a set of defined goals and demands, this might be able to pull this country out of the depression it's in right now. As it stands right now, though, it's a massive group of crazy people against "the man" with no apparent goal.

    This movement most likely will not be successful like other movements. With no one apparent goal, they come off looking like a mob of hippies fighting against something they don't like, but don't know exactly what it is. As Parker said, "a disorganized group of stoners... With no goal other than the obscure overthrowing of the 'system'".

  60. Matt dayton
    Period 1
    I feel that this is a great thing that the American people are doing. They are tired of the rich getting richer and the poor staying poor. The top 1 % of our country’s wealthiest people control 90% of our nation’s wealth. Right now the rich are only getting richer. They are buying stocks at dirt cheap prices. When our nation gets out of the recession, the stock’s value will go up therefore making more money for the rich. While the rich are getting rich the poor people are losing their jobs, homes, and the life they once knew.

    I believe that this movement will be a successful movement and will be an event in US history. There are so many people in poverty; if they raised up against the governments flaws then they would probably get their way. That is what the country is doing in this movement. I feel the Unites States society is really pulling together as one. This movement could be very powerful.

  61. Julia Haines
    1st pd.

    I think that the occupy Wall Street movement should have a main message. Even though some of the articles argue that without a message people are free to support whatever they want, then it is just a mumble jumble of unhappy people, not a movement. Without a message, the entire movement doesn’t seem to have a point. I fully support people if they want to stand up for what they believe in, and change America through protests. But if people are crowding the streets for no specific reason, what are we supposed to do to make them happy? Even if the government wanted to listen to the people and change, how would they change? It’s like a crying baby, you want to make the baby stop crying but you’re not sure what it wants, or what to do about it. Because they don’t have a main reason, I think that the protests are hurting America. If this continues, people that could be finding a job, getting educated for one, or actually doing their job will have been marching in the streets, which without a main reason is not productive.

    I do not think that this movement will be successful unless they get a main purpose so that people can be like, oh ya, that’s the movement for equal taxes instead of oh, that’s a movement for… you know…against stuff. Most of the articles I have read just interview people and the people state what their individual reason for protesting is. These articles also admit that there is no central reason for occuying Wall Street, instead its people gathering and just “representing themselves.”

  62. Ye Htet
    2nd period
    I think the Occupy Wall Street movement is good. People are protesting because of a corrupt companies that get bribes. That isn't good at all I mean who wants to live in a country with a corrupt government? The protestors are protesting because the want the rights they're supposed to have. Companies have cheated them out. I thik this movement is beneficial because this will actually bring out a huge problem that the U.S is facing and it needs to be solved. I feel like there should be a goal even thought each people have different goals. I feel like they might not get anywhere if they don't make a goal.
    The movement is going to be successful maybe if they have a certain goal and if people are persistent. Lisa Deaton the person in the article said she rallied up over 2,500 people to protest but then she admitted people can't have huge rotests every week. I think the movement is going good but it will not do anything if they don't make a goal and focus on it. If they don't have one then they're just going to have to keep coming back because they won't get anywhere and I don't think they're insane to protest every week. Right now it's like people whining about problems they have but they're not really doing anything big to stop it.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Waad Husein
    2nd Period

    I feel that the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement has its advantages. The American people have been waiting and waiting for change, and now they've decided to say something about it. It's not fair and it's also unjust if the wealthiest 1% rules the nation and disregards the other 99% of the people; majority over minority. The people have decided to take matters into their own hands and fight for economical equality. I believe that in order for things to become better in this nation, we have to take a stand ourselves. This movement will benefit our country. It will hopefully enlighten and educate the minds of those running the nation and show them that the majority of the people are struggling. Although I believe that having a certain structure to achieve goals would be beneficial, the movement should continue as it is. I don't really think you can have protests and rallies and expect everything to follow a certain structure, as things like this are just expressing what your opinions/what you feel is right.

    This movement definitely has potential to be successful. It’s already spread so fast, and ideas are spreading fast too. It seems that the nation must roar in order to be heard, and I think that the nation will continue to roar. The nation won’t stop defending the truth and because of that, this will be a successful movement.

  65. Tania Nealis-Cotton
    1st Period

    I think that the "Occupy Wall Street" campaign is in some way pointless. I feel like that even though that the economy is low, people can't blame the government for not being employed. Yes, if the government shut down their business or moved it across seas then that's understandable but still at the same time their are many local jobs floating around. I think that people see jobs and don't go for them because its not "of their standards" or its not their preference but when the needy can't be choosy.
    The "Occupy Wall Street" movement is becoming very strong and rapidly spreading across the nation. So maybe if many other states/cities take part in it, it could send the government a message. But on the other hand, it could just be blown off and seen as an irrelevant movement to the government. Americans are usually very strong in what they do and believe, so this campaign should be a very interesting one to wait out.

  66. Jack Jansen
    2nd Period

    I think that occupy Wall Street protests are a good thing. I believe this because I think it is good that people are standing up to the greed of Wall Street and bankers across the country. I think that this is beneficial for our country.
    I think that this movement will prove to be successful. I think so because of how well organized and supported this movement is. I hope that the supporters eventually get their way against Wall Street.

  67. Andrew Simms


    The occupy wall street act is happening due to unfair taxes. The rich 1% of our country who controls all of the taxes is putting more taxes on the middle and lower class. The rich people though are putting less taxes on themselves. I think the occupy wall street act is very beneficial to our country because The richer people need to pay more taxes than the lower class because they have money to spend. I think there should not be a set number of goals because what they are doing now is working.
    Yes this movement will prove to be successful because they do not have a set number of goals. I do not have any past experiences with the occupy wall street because my family has not acted upon it but we do not like the current taxes anyways.

  68. Olivia Donahue

    I believe that the Occupy Wall Street protest is justified and understandable. I think its fantastic that finally people are publicly recognizing the unjust and ridiculous actions by not only Wall St, but the whole financial district. Its important that the millionaires and billionaires who don't pay fair taxes realize how unfair it is, and how angry it makes the other 99%.

    Although their aim is in the right direction, I think that the Occupy Wall St. protestors have to be more organized with their thoughts, and what they want to see accomplished as an outcome of their rallying. Instead of being very vague and talking about the apparent unfairness, they should propose something to Washington, or to any part of the government that would make them have faith in our government again. Its fantastic to see people together talking about the hypocrisy or our financial regulations; but now its time to get something out of it.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Brian Thornton
    Period 2
    I think that the occupy Wall Street movement is pointless because no matter how hard people try and occupy things the people that control the taxes aren’t going to change their mind. The rich is going to stay rich and their taxes are going to be lower for them so they can stay rich.
    I think that it is unfair and the middle class taxes should be lowered and the rich taxes should be raised because the rich make more money than the lower class. The people that control taxes are rich and they’re going to keep their taxes lower so they can stay rich.
